Get the latest news on the Stock Market, Personal finance throughout the day. Don't Allow Allow The Financial Express Sign in Punjab Farmers Reap Twin Bounty: Higher Yield, Robust Procurement Punjab farmers reap twin bounty: Higher yield, robust procurement With prospects of record output and procurement expected to gather further momentum over the next few weeks, the government’s wheat stocks, which had fallen to the buffer level recently, may soon be replenished. Written by Sandip Das April 20, 2024 06:15 IST Follow Us To curb rise in prices, the government had aggressively sold a record 9.6 MT of wheat from its stock in the open market last fiscal. (PTI) Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections in the state, Punjab farmers – the most vocal and organised among India’s cultivators – are a happy lot. Two things are working in their favour at the moment: higher wheat yield, and robust procurement of the key rabi crop at attractive minimum support price (MSP). Unlike in many other st...