Constitute 8th Central Pay Commission for timely revision of Pay & Pension: Bharat Pensioners’ Samaj has adopted the Resolution in 68th BPS AGM held at Delhi on 18.11.2023 highlighting pensioners concerns

 Constitute 8th Central Pay Commission for timely revision of Pay & Pension: Bharat Pensioners’ Samaj has adopted the Resolution in 68th BPS AGM held at Delhi on 18.11.2023 highlighting pensioners concerns

(ALL India Federation of Pensioners’ Associations)

No BPS/SG/AGM/Grievance/023/2

Dated: 18.12.2023


1. The Secy,
GOI M/O Personnel, AR,PG & Pensions

2. The Secy,
DOE-M/O Finance

3. The Secy,
DOPT M/O Personnel

Subject: Resolutions adopted by the 68th BPS AGM held at Delhi on 18.11.2023 highlighting pensioners concerns-Part II


Bharat Pensioners Samaj, the largest Federation, an umbrella organization of Pensioners Associations in the country with over 10 lac membership held its 68th AGM on 18.11.2023 in New Delhi. 450 delegates of 225 pensioners Associations from 21 States attended and highlighted the following issues The 68th AGM unanimously decided to urge the govt. through you for urgent redressal of the following grievances which are severely affecting the lives of pensioners in the evening of their lives.


The Central Government of India has not accepted the 7th CPC recommendation to do away with the need for further pay commissions. The 7 Central Pay Commission was constituted in Jan 2014. It is almost 10 years since then. The cost of living has gone very high during this period. The dearness relief does not adequately compensate for the price rise as was also accepted by then deputy chairman planning commission Sh. Montek Singh Ahluwalia in his statement to PTI on 27.02.2008. In between 2016 & 2023 Payment of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief w.e.f. 01.01.2020, 01.07.2020, and 01.01.2021 were subsumed which caused severe financial setback to the pensioners & the employees 80 percent of whom are lowly paid. The preamble to our constitution enunciates: – We the people of India having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a sovereign , Social, Secular Democratic Republic and to secure all its citizens. The Indian constitution aims to end poverty , ignorance , disease , inequality of opportunity as well as economic inequality (as part of Social/Economic Justice).

Fourth Central Pay Commission opined (Para 7.58) that an effort should be made to reduce the number of pay scales and the disparity between minimum and maximum pay.

With the Fourth CPC pay scales the ratio had become 1:8 in 1996 (before the 5th CPC). The 5th,6th & 7th CPC Violated the Preamble concerning Social, economic, justice & the socialistic concept. The 5th CPC raised the minimum maximum pay ratio to 1:10.7, the 6th CPC further raised itto 1:11.42 & the 7th CPC extended it to 1:12.5 which is much higher than Malaysia( 1:3), Sweden (1:4), the USA (1:4), Britain (1:6), France( 1:6.6) Indonesia (1:6.9) & Australia (1:7.7) ] thereby increased economic inequality instead of reducing.

The economic distress caused to pensioners due to Covid-19 Pandemic and subsuming of 3 instalments of Dearness Relief warrants immediate payment of interim relief. & constitution of 8th Central pay commission for timely revision of Pay & Pension.

In view of the facts narrated his 68th AGM of Bharat Pensioners Samaj demands immediate redressal of the grievance brought out.

Hoping for an early action

With regards

Truly yours,

Secy. Genl. Bharat Pensioners Samaj

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