Post retirement, a CJI NV Ramana will now get a domestic help, a chauffeur and a secretarial assistant for lifetime from the day he or she demits office, the notification issued on 26 August said. According to the new notification, the benefits of the amended rules will be extended to all living former CJIs and retired Supreme Court judges. They were earlier amended on 23 August.

The new amendments ensure a retired chief justice of India will also be entitled to a security cover round-the-clock at their residence in addition to a 24X7 personal security guard for a period of five years from the date of retirement.

While a retired Supreme Court judge will be entitled to 24X7 security cover at his or her residence in addition to a round-the-clock personal security guard for a period of three years from the date of retirement.

On the basis of threat perception, a retired CJI or a retired judge of the top court is already provided a "higher grade".

Now, the retired CJI will be entitled to a rent-free Type-VII accommodation in Delhi for a period of six months from the date of retirement. It was extended to retired CJIs

As per the new changes, a Supreme Court's retired judge will get a domestic help and a chauffeur for lifetime from the day of retirement. Adding more, both ex-CJI and retired judges will be entitled for ceremonial lounge facility at airports.

"A retired CJI or a retired Supreme Court judge will be entitled to a residential telephone "free of cost" and reimbursement of telephone call charges of residential telephone or mobile phone or broadband or mobile data or data card not exceeding 4,200 per month, plus taxes." the notification said.

"The post-retirement benefits under this rule shall be admissible to the retired Chief Justice (of India) or the retired Judge (of SC) if no such facilities are availed from any High Court or from any other government body where the retired Chief Justice or a retired Judge has taken up any assignment after retirement," the notification explained.

Elaborating more, the notification said that the expenditure on domestic help, chauffeur, secretarial assistant and telephone reimbursement will be borne largely by the Supreme Court or a high court establishment. 

On 23 August, the government had amended the Supreme Court judges rules to provide chief justices of India rent-free accommodation for six months after demitting office and round-the-clock security for one year upon superannuation to CJIs and retired Supreme Court judges. It provided chauffeur facility and secretarial assistant for one year after retirement of CJI and Supreme Court judges.

Out of the total sanctioned strength of the Supreme Court is 34 judges, on an average, three retire annually.

A retired CJI and top court judges were given monthly monetary benefits to hire guards, domestic helps and chauffeurs until recently, which will be discontinued. While a retired CJI was entitled for 70,000 per month for the purpose, retired Supreme Court judges were provided 39,000 per month. 

With PTI inputs.


19. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Fixed medical allowance shall be payable @Rs.3,000/- p.m. to the serving Judicial Officers with effect from 01.01.2016.

2. Fixed medical allowance shall be payable @Rs.4,000/- to the pensioners and family pensioners with effect from 01.01.2016. 

3. The spouse or other dependents of Judicial Officers drawing family pension shall also be eligible for medical facilities/ reimbursement at par with the pensioners of the judiciary.

 4(a) The necessity of reference from the Medical Officer of a Government hospital shall be dispensed with. Straightaway, the Judicial Officers including pensioners/family pensioners shall be entitled to have consultations/treatment in the Government notified/empanelled private hospitals/Pathological Labs and seek reimbursement by submitting the bills as per the usual procedure (which is now being followed).

 4(b) In regard to Judicial Officers governed by DGEHS or CGHS, the existing procedure which is quite simple and systematic, can be followed.

 4(c) The Principal District Judges or Registry of High Court [in respect of Principal District Judge] shall be empowered to address credit letters to the concerned hospitals where the Judicial Officer or Judicial Pensioner/Family Pensioner  has been or to be admitted as inpatient.

4(d) For the Pensioners and Family Pensioners, a Medical Card on the lines of what is being issued in Delhi as shown in Appendix III shall be issued by the Principal District Judge. 

4(e) The expenditure incurred towards inpatient treatment or for serious ailments requiring more or less continuous treatment shall be processed and sanctioned by the Principal District Judges or other authorized Officer of that rank or as the case may be by the Registry of the High Courts.

 4(f) In the case of emergency, the Judicial Officer, serving & retired as well as the family pensioner can take treatment in any nearest private hospital – not necessarily, Government notified hospitals and seek reimbursement as per the usual procedure. If necessary, Credit letter shall be issued for this purpose


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