Compassionate Appointment of Wards/Spouse of ex-RPF/RPSF personnel and other personnel for posting in RPF/RPSF: Serial Circular No. 80/2022

Compassionate Appointment of Wards/Spouse of ex-RPF/RPSF personnel and other personnel for posting in RPF/RPSF

Serial Circular No. 80/2022

(Personnel Department)
17,N.S. Road, Kolkata, 700001


Kolkata, dated 17/20 June, 2022



Sub: Appointment of Wards/Spouse of ex-RPF/RPSF personnel and Wards/Spouse of other than RPF/RPSF personnel for posting in RPF/RPSF on compassionate grounds.

Ref: (1) JPOs circulated vide PCPO/ER’s office letter No.CPO/SC/SA/Pol/Pt.X dated 08.08.2012 and 28.07.2014
(ii) Jt. Director Estt(N)-II/RB’s letter No. 88-Sec(E) RC-3/43/Pol/Pt. dated 12.07.2011
(iit) Jt. Director Estt(N)-II/RB’s letter No. E(NG)II/2012/RC-1/Genl./12 dated 29.5.2012
(iv) Director Rly Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/1998/RC-1/64 dated 27.11.2018

In connection with the subject cited above this is to inform all concerned that the matter has further been considered in light of Railway Board’s extant instructions contained in letter under reference (ii), (ill) and (iv). The existing JPO mentioned at Reference (i) is superseded with the approval of the competent authorities (PCPO & PCSC/RPF). The following JPO comes into being with immediate effect:-

1. Security Department should process the cases for appointment on compassionate grounds of wards/ spouse of ex- RPF/RPSF personnel for suitable posts /vacancies in the Security Department itself including Ministerial wings of RPF/RPSF. In the case of male / female wards, efforts should be made to absorb them in the RPF/RPSF itself subject to their fitness for the particular post.

2. Only when it is not possible to finalize the case as per para-1 above, cases of wards/spouse of ex-RPF/RPSF personnel may be forwarded to the Personnel Department of respective Divisions/Units with the approval of PCSC/RPF for consideration of appointment on compassionate grounds in other departments in terms of Para-1.3 of Railway Board’s letter under reference (ii) above.

2.1. While forwarding such cases, the details of cases, documents and verification report should be properly forwarded to Sr. DPO with specific date of death/medical incapacitation/missing of the ex. RPF Personnel, along with Death certificate/ medical unfit certificate/missing report, office order if any, specific date of receiving application for CGA from the Wards/Spouse, family declaration as per Railway records, details of settlement payment made to the family, legal heir report in proper format (with supporting documents like affidavit from 1st class Magistrate), verification report of all educational qualification and other documents as submitted by the proposed candidate. Genuinity of the candidate for CGA should also be certified by the Security Department before forwarding the cases to Sr. DPO/WPO of Divisions/Units. Any CG appointment will be made by the Division/Unit subject to fulfillment of all criteria as per rules. In case any anomaly / discrepancy Is found, Sr.DPO/WPO may revert the case back to Security Department for further verification and clarification. The onus to provide documents / reports for CGA will lie with Security Department.

3. Similarly the wards/spouse of Railway personnel working in Departments other than RPF/RPSF shall also be considered for CGA in Security Department only if they are willing for appointment on compassionate ground in RPF/RPSF, whenever any vacancy exits. In such cases, the concerned candidate should be advised to mention in the initial application for appointment on compassionate ground that he/she is willing to be considered for appointment in Security department as Constable/Sub-inspector or other posts and this will be treated as ‘FIRST choice’. If such candidate is found unsuitable for appointment in Secunty Department, the same will be considered for appointment in other than Security Department.

4. In the case of appointment of wards/spouse of ex-RPF/RPSF Personnel as well as wards/spouse of other department who opt for appointment in Security Department on compassionate grounds, the concerned candidate will have to undergo Physical Measurement / Physical Efficiency test as per Railway Boards’ letter No 88-Sec(E) RC-3/43/Pol/Pt. dated 12.07.2011 and subsequent circular if any, which should be conducted by a Screening Committee, duly nominated by DRM, consisting of Sr.OSC/DSC from Security Department as nodal officer, one officer from Personnel Branch and one officer from any other department. The Sr. DSC/DSC as nodal officer shall be responsible as committee member to arrange infrastructure. ground. etc. to hold PET and suitability test etc. The Committee will judge/assess whether the candidate is fit in PET. suitability test etc. for appointment in RPF as per eligibility criteria mentioned in Railway Board’s letter 88-Sec(E) RC-3/43/Pol/Pt. dated 12.07.2011 or subsequent modified / revised instructions.

5. The educational qualification required for eligibility to the post of Constable is Secondary (10th pass) and for Sub-Inspector is Graduation. The prescribed age limit for Constable is 18 to 25 years and Sub-Inspector is 20 to 25 years with relaxation of upper age limit of 05 years for SC/ST candidates and 03 years for OBC candidates and other relevant rules modified from time to time.

6. A candidate has to qualify in all the events including Physical Efficiency/Measurement to be eligible before appearing in the written test for Constable/Sub-Inspector.

7. Candidates who are graduates and have qualified in the PET will take part in the written test for appointment as Sub-Inspector in RPF/RPSF which will be conducted by the existing committee of the concerned division nominated by DRM, in accordance with the procedure being followed for CGA in Group ‘C’ in grade pay Rs. 4200/-.8. The candidates who are not graduates and have qualified in the PET will take part in the written test for appointment as Constables in RPF/RPSF which will be conducted by the committee of Security Deptt. of the concerned division nominated by DRM in accordance with procedure being followed for CGA in Group ‘C’ category. The qualifying marks may be fixed as same as that of Grade Pay Rs.1900/- / 2000/-. All procedures in respect of cases mentioned in Para-7 and this Para, should be completed by the Security Department.

9. The candidates who fail in PET or Physical Efficiency / Measurement (except Para-7 & 8 above) shall appear in the suitability test for Group “C’ category to be conducted by the nominated Committee of the division along with other candidates of the division in accordance with procedure being followed for Group ‘C’ category. However, in such cases, instruction given vide Para 2 & 2.1 of this JPO should be followed strictly.

10. Cases for appointment on compassionate grounds of Wards/ spouse the office of Pr. Chief Security Commissioner/RPF, Koilaghat, Eastern Railway shall be processed by the Security Department of Sealdah division.

11. The names of candidates who qualify the suitability test (Physical measurement, Physical Efficiency Test and Written Test) should be forwarded by the Division or Units with the approval of DRM/CWM to Pr. Chief Security Commissioner/RPF for further process (for Medical Test, Training etc).

12. Appointment of wards/spouse of ex-RPF/RPSF personnel to the post of Sub-Inspector in Level-6 of the Pay Matrix (GP Rs. 4200/-) on compassionate grounds based on educational qualification and other eligibility criteria etc., will be considered by the Pr. Chief Security Commissioner/RPF in terms of RBE No.180/2018 issued by Director Estt.(N)-II/Railway Board vide his letter No.E(NG)II/ 998/RC-1/64 dated 27.11.2018 (RBE No. 180/2018) or relevant instructions in vogue at the material time.

13. All other procedures for appointment on compassionate ground in favour of wards/spouses of ex-RPF/RPSF personnel as prescribed by the Railway Board mentioned in the letter of Jt. Director Security (E) vide No.88-Sec(E) RC-3/43/Pol/Pt. dated 12.07.2011 will remain unchanged.

14. All other instructions/ RBE issued by Railway Board in connection with appointment on compassionate grounds from time to time shall be applicable.

15. Cases already decided need not be re-opened.

E. Railway/Kolkata

E. Railway/Kolkata


Source: Click to view/download PDF


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