Creation of Gati Shakti Directorate- Composition, Functions, Delegation of power: Railway Board Office Order |

Creation of Gati Shakti Directorate- Composition, Functions, Delegation of power: Railway Board Office Order No. 37 of 2022

भारत सरकार Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways
रेलवे बोर्ड (Railway Board)

Office Order No. 37 of 2022

Sub: Creation of Gati Shakti Directorate- Composition, Functions, Delegation of power etc.

It has been decided to create a new Directorate namely ‘Gati Shakti Directorate’ by clubbing Plan Heads (PH)- 11, 14, 15, 16, 33, 35 & 81 presently dealt with by Works, Signal, RE Directorate into one Directorate as named above to bring synergy and to improve efficiency of the system so as to create additional rail infrastructure and thereby enhance railway market share in country’s cargo loading and reduce logistic cost.

2. The new Gati Shakti Directorate would be headed by AM/PED designated as AMJPED(GS). The composition and brief duty list of the Gati Shakti Directorate is enclosed at Annexure-1.

2.1 Gati Shakti Directorate will work with the existing strength of Works, RE and Signal Directorate and of Project Branch included in Gati Shakti Directorate. Further strengthening of Gati Shakti Directorate would be undertaken in due course as per need.

2.2 As regards, Financial Powers it would be in line with the extant instructions issued vide Office Order No. 01 of 2017 and the same procedure as enclosed at Annexure-II would be followed for Appraisal and Approval of Public Funded Umbrella Projects dealt with by Gati Shakti Directorate.

3. All proposals emanating from Gati Shakti Directorate will be concurred by its own Associate Finance. For technical approval of the project under PH-33 & 35, the proposal will be routed through concerned AMs.

3.1 The Survey proposals/DPRs/Survey Reports after examination and concurrence of associate finance will be put up to Board through Board memorandum/Note and same will be presented to the Board, if required. The Board may approve or modify as the case may be. Thereafter, proposal, if required, will be processed to Hon’ble MR. as per the extant provisions.

4. The newly created Gati Shakti Directorate will report to Member Infrastructure, Railway Board. However, APAR of concerned EDs will be initiated by AM/PED (Gati Shakti), reviewed by concerned Board Member and accepted by CRB & CEO. Additional Member/RE will continue to report to Member Infrastructure regarding all policy matter and technical approvals of RE projects. ED/Electrical will report to AM/RE on these matters.

5. For implementation purpose, all the officers working in Gati Shakti Dte. will also work concurrently in their existing Directorate for other works listed in their subject list till the new system stabilize. The existing Directorate will mainly be involved in policy formulation in their subject matter, sanction and monitoring of works other than Gati Shakti works, Parliament related works, RTI etc.

6. The above issues with the approval of Minister of Railways.

Dated: 26/05/2022

(B. Majumdar)
Joint Secretary/Railway Board


Composition and Broad Duty List of Gati Shakti Directorate

1. The Directorate would be headed by AM/PED (GS) and assisted by the other officers.

S.NoOfficersBrief Duty List


AM/Principal Executive Director(PED)Overall coordination including arranging meeting of the Expanded Board for Railways (EBR), Interface with all ministries including NITI Aayog, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation etc.
IIED/GS(Civil 1) (IRSE) with 2 DirectorsAppraisal and Sanctioning of Projects, Detailed estimates/Revised estimates, Sanction and examination of surveys, DPRs.
Plan Head 11 -New Line
Plan Head 14- Gauge Conversion
Plan Head 15- Doubling
Plan Head 16- Traffic Facility
IIIED/GS (Civil 2) (IRSE) with 3 DirectorsProgress & Monitoring of sanctioned Projects
Plan Head 11 -New Line
Plan Head 14- Gauge Conversion
Plan Head 15- Doubling
Plan Head 16- Traffic Facility
Plan Head 81- Sanction and Progress, Monitoring of MTP Projects, State JVs
IVED/GS(Traffic) (IRTS) with one DirectorScrutiny of survey reports, DPRs of New Line, GC, Doubling, Traffic Facilities from Traffic requirement and overall Planning perspective, recommending investment proposals (Planning). Prioritizing the works as per operational requirements.
vED/GS(Electrical) (IRSEE) with one DirectorPlan Head 35- RE Works
VIED/GS(S&T) (IRSSE) with one DirectorPlan Head 33- S&T
VIIED/GS(Finance) (IRAS) with 2 DirectorsAssociate Finance
VIIIEconomic Adviser (IES) (Part-time)For all projects
IXDy. CSC/GS (RPF JAG/ SG Officer)

Security related matters for all projects

2. Broad functions of Gati Shakti Directorate would be as under:

  1. Planning and prioritization of projects related to Gati Shakti Dte.
  2. Sanctioning of Survey – Preliminary Engineering Technical Survey(PETS), Final Local Survey (FLS)
  3. Examination of Survey reports and Detailed Project Report (DPRs)
  4. Appraisal and Sanctioning of New individual works/Umbrella Works by Competent Authority depending upon the cost of project.
  5. Arranging meeting of the Expanded Board for Railways (EBR) and taking necessary actions thereafter Interface with NITI Aayog and Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation.
  6. Preparation of the Cabinet Note for approval of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) for projects.
  7. Sanction of detailed estimate, revised estimate including material modification.
  8. Audit of various projects if there are delays, and bringing out reasons for taking corrective actions.
  9. Monitoring of the projects through Project Management Unit (PMU)
  10. Co-ordination with State and Central Government for Forest Clearance, Wildlife Clearance, Land Acquisition, Power Supply.
  11. Attending review meetings regarding sanction/progress of railway projects being held by PMO, Cabinet Secretariat and the concerned Ministries wherever required.
  12. Dealing with all related Parliamentary matters, RTI and Standing Committees.
  13. Policy matters related to project management, Gati Shakti initiative.

3. Some of the activities like preparation of reports, presentations liaisoning, co-ordination with various stakeholders etc. would be undertaken through outsourced staff by hiring young professionals through service contracts for Gati Shakti Directorate to assist the officers in their day to day working.


Financial Powers for Appraisal and Approval of Public Funded Umbrella Projects dealt with by Gati Shakti Directorate.

Cost of the ProjectIn Principle Approval (IPA)Appraised byApproved by
Up to Rs. 100 croreMember FinanceMember FinanceChairman & CEO, Railway Board
More than Rs. 100 Crore and upto Rs. 500 CroreMember FinanceBoardMinister of

Railways after examination and recommendation

by Board

More than Rs. 500 Crore and upto Rs. 1000 CroreMember FinanceNiti Ayog, Expanded Board for Railways chaired by CRB & CEO, Railway BoardMinistry of Railways
More than Rs. 1000 CroreMember FinanceNiti Ayog, Expanded Board for Railways chaired by CRB & CEO, Railway BoardCabinet Committee on Economic Affairs

It will be mandatory to prepare DPRs for all new projects costing above Rs. 50 Crore before they are processed for sanction of the competent authority.


Source: Railway Board


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