Seeking similar information through repeated RTI Applications - Clarification by CVC on CIC's decision: Railway Board Order |

Seeking similar information through repeated RTI Applications – Clarification by CVC on CIC’s decision: Railway Board Order


No. 2022/V-4/RT/1/1

New Delhi, Date: 14.02.2022

All Zonal Railways/PUs

The CVOs
All PSUs

Metro/Kolkata, DG RDSO/LKO


Sub.: Clarification in respect of CVC’s Circular No.03/03/2017 dated 10.03.2017-regarding.

Please find enclosed herewith a copy of CVC’s Circular No.01/02/2022 vide No.CVC/RTI/MISC/15/006 dated 04.02.2022 on the subject mentioned above. The Contents of the letter are self explanatory.

In view of the above, it is requested that CVC’s advice in this regard may be brought to the notice of CPlO/Appellate Authority in their respective Zones/Divisions to furnish information to the RTI applicants as per the existing provisions of RTI Act, 2005.

DA:As above

(Vivek Varshney)
Director Vigilance (Mech.)
Railway Board

Seeking similar information through repeated RTI Applications – Clarification by CVC on CIC’s decision


Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O, Complex,
Block A, INA, New Delhi- 10023
No. CVC/RTI/MISC/16/006
Dated. 04.02.2022

Circular No. 01/02/2022

Sub.: Clarification in respect of CVC Circular No. 03/03/2017 dated 10.03.2017 (Letter No. CVC/RTVMISC/16/006) with regard to Order No. CIC/AD/A/201 3/0013 268A dated 25.06.2014 in the matter of Mr, Ramesh Chandra Jain Vs. Delhi Transport Corporation regarding misuse of RTT Act.

Attention is invited to Central Vigilance Commission’s Circular No. 03/03/2017 dated 10.03.2017 relating to “Seeking similar information through repeated RTI Applications – Central Information Commission’s decision – regarding”,

2. It is clarified that the aforementioned circular was only to inform the organisations about CIC’s Order No, CICIATVAIZ013200 {326SA dated 25.06.2014 in the matter of Mr. Ramesh Chandra Jain Vs. Delhi Transport Corporation which contained a number of observations regarding misuse of provisions of RTI Act.

3. The CPIOs/FAAs of the organisations are required lo take a considered decision of their own, based on the provisions of RTI Act 2005.

4. All the CVOs are therefore advised that they may bring to the notice of all the CPIOs/Appellate Authorities of their organisations to furnish information to the RTI applicants as per the existing provisions OF RTI Act, 2005.

(Bani Brata Roy)

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