Credit of Pension, Pension Slips, Old PPO No., Start of Family Pension: Meeting between CPAO & SBI on 30.09.2021 |

Credit of Pension, Pension Slips, Old PPO No., Start of Family Pension: Meeting between CPAO & SBI on 30.09.2021

NEW DELHl-110066
PHONES :26174596, 26174456, 26174438

CPAO/ T&Tech/ Bank Performance/ 37 Vol-III(A)/ 2021-22/e07607/112


Minutes of the Meeting

Kindly find enclosed the Minutes of the VC Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Chief Controller (Pensions), on 30.09 .2021 at 11:00 A.M with all the Heads of CPPCs/ Government Business Divisions of State Bank of India, for information and further necessary action.

This issues with the approval of Chief Controller (Pensions).

(Neha Garg)
(Assistant Accounts Officer)


  1. Heads of CPPCs of State Bank of India (As per list).
  2. DGM, GBD, State Bank of India.

Copy for information to:-

  1. Sr.PS to CGA, Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan, E-Block, General Pool Office (GPO) complex, NA, New Delhi.
  2. PS to Addl.CGA,Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan, E-Block, General Pool Office (GPO) Complex, NA, New Delhi.
  3. PS to CC(P),CPAO
  4. Sr. TD (NIC),CPAO, New Delhi
  5. PA to CA, CPAO
  6. PA to ACA,CPAO
  7. Sr. AO, RBD,CPAO 

Minutes of the meeting held on 30.09.2021 with all the Heads of CPPCsGovernmentBusiness Divisions of State Bank of India ( SBI)

A Meeting was held on 30 .09.2021 at 11:00 A.M. under the Chairmanship of Chief Controller (Pensions) with the representatives of Heads of CPPCs/ Government Business Division of State Bank ofIndia (SBI) to discuss pension related issues. At the outset, the Chief Controller (Pensions) welcomed all the participants and emphasized on the need for timely payment of pension and arrears into the accounts of the pensioners/family pensioners. Subsequently, agenda items of the meeting were discussed in detail and following decisions were taken .

1. Non- submission of e-scrolls

It was observed that the e-scrolls are penQing since 2016 in some of the CPPCs of SBI. DGM GAD, SBI informed that the major pendency is at the level of CPPC- Bhopal, Chennai, and Kolkata and that action was being taken to rectify the situation and the scrolls would be made available soon.

DGM, GAD, SB! informed that technical issues are sometimes faced by CPPCs during uploading of e­ scroll data. Sr. TD (NIC) suggested that the procedure of scroll upload would be reiterated and will be made available at CPAO’s website and CPAO’s Youtube channel.

All the CPPCs were also requested to send their issues related to uploading of e-scroll at sraotech67[at]gmail[dot]com and kumar[dot]davinder[at]nic[dot]in for early resolution.

(Action: SBI and NIC,CPAO)

2. First credit of pension

All the CPPCs were directed to diligently follow CPAOs OM dated 12.07.2021 regarding first credit of pension on the basis of e-PPO into the account of the pensioners/family pensioners. It was informed that CPPC Delhi and CPPC Chandigarh have more pendency than other CPPCs. DGM, GAD, SBI assured that the issue will be resolved at the earliest. All the CPPCs were suggested to share the data on first credit in the following format-

S. No.PPO NumberDate of Receipt of ePPO Date of receipt of physical PPO Date of credit of first pensionReasons for delay, if any.

It was also pointed out by the NIC (CPAO) that they are not receiving acknowledgement as per format shared with the banks. Therefore, all the CPPCs were requested to diligently provide the acknow ledgement of receipt/status of ePPO.

CPPCs were also requested to share the cases with CPAO in which Undertaking Certificate is not received with the e-PPO. CPAO will accordingly take up the matter with the respective PAOs.

(Action: SBI)

3. Issuance of pension slips

DGM, GAD, SBI informed that pension slips were being sent to all pensioners whose email IDs and phone numbers were registered with SBI. It was further informed that SBI is providing the break up in pension slip via SMS, e-mail, internet banking, pension seva portal, etc. He also informed that SBI is developing a system whereby pensioners will receive an SMS at all stages of the pension process which is a welcome effort. SBI informed that such a system will be developed by the end of December, 2021.

All the CPPCs were requested to submit the compliance status and send the information in following format:

s. No.Total numbeof pensioners in whose favour pension was released in the month of July 2021Number of pension slips issued against the pensioners mentioned in column 2 (through any medium)

(Action: SBI )

4. Return of PPO, if pension has not been credited to the account of the pensioner for a period of years and above

All CPPCs were directed to follow the guidelines of the Scheme Booklet and return the PPOs, if pension had not been credited to the account of the pensioner for a period of 3 years and above .

Furthermore it was also decided that NIC (CPAO) will also prepare a list of such pensioners and provide it to SBJ .

(Action: SBI and NIC, CPAO)

5. Master Data Reconciliation

It was decided that all the SBI CPPCs will submit the master data to CPAO for reconciliation on a quarterly basis.

(Action: SBI )

6. Conversion of old PPO number to 12 digit PPO number

DGM, SBI, GAD informed that the CPPCs were in the process of carrying out the exercise. CPPCs were requested to expedite the process and send scanned copies of PPOs along with the requisite documents to CPA<t to obtain the 12 digit PPO No.

It was informed to SBI that some pension cases having PPO numbers in old format against which reimbursement was being taken by CPPCs do not pertain to CPAO. NIC (CPAO) also informed that the 12 digits have been allotted in some cases but CPPCs are still using the old PPO numbers in e-scrolls. CPPCs were requested to rectify such cases.

(Action: SBI)

7. Start of family pension if family pensioners account pertains to different banks.

It has been observed that in cases where the family pensioner has an account in a bank other than SBI, start of family pension is heavily delayed.

In view of the above, all the SBI CPPCs were requested to adhere to the scheme guidelines and expedite the process of transfer of necessary documents to the bank of family pensioners.

(Action: SBI )

8. Miscellaneous

a) All CPPCs of SBI are requested to share the Action Taken Report (ATR) to CPAO by 12th October, 2021 at :


(b) DGM, GAD, SBI is requested to ensure compliance to the minutes of the meeting by all the CPPCs

(c) If banks do not receive the response from CPAO in a timely manner, they can raise the matter with the CC(P) via e-mail.

(d) A review meeting will be tentatively held ‘on 18.10.2021 where the progress of the CPPCs will be analysed.

9. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair.

Source: Click here to view/download the PDF


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