Revision of conservancy Cess Charges of Indian Railways from 01.07.2021 to 30.06.2026 |


No. F(X)I/95/1/1

New Delhi, dated 07.09.2021

The General Managers,
All Indian Railways/ Production Units.

Sub.: Revision of conservancy Cess Charges – reg. Ref.: Board’s letter on even No. Dated 05.12.2016.

The rates of conservancy cess charges based on model rates of Western Railway were last notified vide Board ‘s letter of even number dated 05.12.2016 referred above and were valid upto 30.06.2021.

2. . It has now been decided that the conservancy cess charges may be recovered w.e.f. 01.07.2021 at the rates as shown in the Annexure to this letter till 30.06.2026 viz . for five years and thereafter it will be taken up for review.

3. This has the approval of the competent authority. The implementation of these instructions may plea se be communicated to this office at the earliest.

4. Receipt of this letter m ay please be acknowledged.

(Nirmala Usha Tirkey)
Joint Director, Finance (Exp.)-I
Railway Board Tele No. 11-23304321

(Annexure to Board’s letter No. F(X)I-95/1/1 dated 07.09.2021)


Description  of Category

Average no. of Labourers or workman employed PER DAYConservancy cess  charges  to be  recovered PER MONTH
IRailway        Contractors:  
 a. Engg. Works Contractors (Engg. Elect. Mech., Signal etc.}1 to 5Rs. 159
6 to 10Rs. 312/-
11 to 25Rs. 785/-
b. Genl. Goods handling Contractors including Contracts awarded by Stores deptt.26 to 50Rs. 1143/-
51 to 100Rs. 1534/-
101 to 200Rs. 1926/-
c. Coal handling ash pit cleaning contractors201 to 300Rs. 2318/-
d. Railway siding use by the contractors301 to 750Rs. 2076/-
791 to 1500Rs. 9382/-
e. Contractors supplying water to engines.1501 to 3000Rs. 10768/-
3000 & overRs. 21508/-
IICatering Contractors:
a. Refreshment RoomsRs. 465/-
b. RestaurantsRs, 465/-
c. Platform Refreshment Stall

(i) Major Station

(ii) Minor Station

Rs. 465/-
d. Stall including Tea Stall, Juice StallRs. 312/-
e. Tea/Coffee Vending MachineRs. 159/-
f. Vendors with Trays on headsRs. 159/-
g. Vendors with Trolleys on wheels. / Battery Operated Carts.Rs. 159/-
IIIShopkeepers, Tailors, Butchers, and Dhobis etc. in Colonies Serviced by Sanitary councils irrespective whether the shop is built wholly or partly by the Rly or on their own.Rs. 785/-
IVLeases or Licenses of Railway Land for Stocking / Storing etc.
a. Licensees who merely rent the land for storing materials but do not make their representatives or employees stay on licensed plot of all sizesRs. 465/-
b. Licensees in addition to storing materials on plots of land have temporary residential structures to be used by the representatives or employees as residential accommodation on licensed plots of all sizes.Rs. 1534/-
VRailways Book Stall keepers /automatic Teller Machine.Rs. 159/-
VIa. Railway InstituteRs. 104/-
b. Railway Consumers Co. Op SocietyRs. 104/-
VIIa. Railway Officer’s Club

b. Welfare organization(Balmandir, Bharat scouts etc.)

c. Mosques, Gurudwaras, Temples, Dharmashalas, Churches and other religious edifices.

d. Social Welfare Centre

e. Vocational Training Centre

f. Homeopathic dispensaries.

Rs. 104/-
VIIIRailway Quarters given to Outsiders:

a. Vendors, Municipalities, State Govt., Private Parties for residential purpose

b. Railway Building given State Govt./ Municipality for running school etc.

c. Railway building given to private parties for running school etc.

Double the charges fixed for recovery from Rly. Employees.


To be decided by DRM in consultation with Sr,DFM /DFM

IXLand licenced to Municipalities for Octroi Posts: (Land plot of all Sizes) Rs. 1534/-
XLand Licenced to State Road transport Corp. For parking Buses and booking offices (Land plot of all sizes) Rs. 1534/-
XILand licenced to Sugar factories for installation of Weigh Bridges (Land plot of all Sizes) Rs. 1534/-
XIILand Licensed to Oil Co. for petrol Deptt. Installation fest bulk Storage approach road etc. Where structures are erected or not. (Land plot of all sizes) Rs. 1534/-
XIIIPrivate SidingTo be recovered on the basis item IV (a &b) 
XIVAssisted siding
XVTelephone Booths.Rs. 104/-
XVIa. Land in the station yard under the grow more food scheme (Stn. Yard to be defined as land lying on either side of the track upto outermost facing points).

b. Land outsides stn yard.

No cess ChargesRs. 159/-
XVIIShoe shine Boys Rs. 27/-
XVIIIHair Cutting Saloon Rs. 465/-
XIXParking sites (ie cycle, scooter, car, motor Vehicles)To be recovered on the basis of item IV (a&b)
XXa. Rly Otrs occupied rent free by the Police deptt. Or officers & Lock up, Malkhanas, out posts, godown etc. This applies also to service bldg. Given to Police Dept. Rent free.

b. Govt. Deptt. Such as posts and Telegraphs etc. excluding Govt. Rly. Police (Order & Crime) to whom Rly. Accommodation for Residential purpose on rent is given.

c. Govt. Deptt. Such as Govt. Rly. Police and posts and Telegraph Office etc. to whom Rly. Accommodation for office purpose on rent is given.

d. Railway Quarters given to Govt. Rly Police order & Crime) for resident purposes.

To be recovered on the basis of item no. VIII (a).


Double the Charges fixed the charges fixed for recovery form Rly Employees.

XXIWeighing machine installed at Rly. Stn.Rs. 159/-
XXIIAny premises or Bldg/ Quarter given to recognize Trade UnionNo cess charges
XXIIIRailway Land given to Central Govt. Dept.To be recovered as per type of service item no. IV (a&b)

Sr. DEN /DENs should ensure that necessary sanitary facilities are provided by the Contractor for their labour in terms of clause 59(4) of the general conditions of contract, and where they fail to do so notice should be given to the Contractor I that the wage will be provided by the Railway at their cost & recovery should be made from their bills in the following manner.

a. If the Contractors labour are employed at stations and colonies where Railway sanitary facilities do exist recoveries should be made at the rates stipulated in this circular.

b. In respect of contractors labour working between stations is at isolated places where Railway sanitary facilities do not exist, recovery should not be made at the fixed rates stipulated in this circular but the Rly may provide these facilities at the cost of the contractor, after giving him due notice as stated above.

c. CMS / MSs DMOs should inspect such sanitary arrangement of contractors, independently and if not satisfactory, report officially in writing to the DEN and DRM concerned.

d. Supply contractors may be exempted from the purview of recovery of cess charges, since their labours enter in the Railway premises only to load or unload the materials.

e. No cess charges are recoverable from contractors engaged in construction work on new lines, away from open line . This will apply only until the line is opened for traffic partially or wholly. However, if Safaiwalas are engaged by Railways on construction work on new lines; necessary recoveries will have to be made from I contractors.

2. Where only indirect sanitary services are rendered, the conservancy cess charges should only be 20% of the above charges. The principle of recovery of cess charges on the basis of Direct / Indirect services will be applicable to categories Nos. III , IV , VII , IX, to XVI, XVIII and XIX and in all other categories i.e. I , II , V & VII the cess charges will be recoverable at the rate of direct Services only.

3. The definition of direct and indirect sanitary services is given below:-

Direct Services : are those where the conservancy staff undertakers to clean regularly the inside of the premises rented / licensed to the above mentioned parties.

Indirect Services: are those where no such direct services are provided. Levy service charges are only when services direct or indirect.

4. . No charges are recoverable wherever no services are provided. However, facts of such services rendered should be certified by the Chief Medical Supdt ., Medical Supdt./ Divisional Medical Officers concerned.


Source: Click here to view/download the PDF


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