Bharat Pensioners Samaj goes Digital

In order to resolve the difficulties faced during lockdown period and complete paralysis of Postal services in Delhi NCR . BPS digitalized and placed online all its accounts on the website  and also integrated it with Payment Portal ‘Payu’ Now BPS Affiliates & members can, not only view their account details i.e. validity etc with BPS but can also take it out and save for their record.
Just log on to website www. by typing in the address bar of your Chrome Browser. Then on Home page press login button in the menu bar  of website .Enter your BPS subscription No as “user name” and enter same number in small letters without space as “password” press “login” button  at the bottom of login dialog box. After login press “More” Button in the menu bar on Home page then click on “accounts statement” Your account, validity, receipt No etc will be before you. In case you wish to takeout details for your record then Click “Export table  to excel file” and save your details. Similarly ,if you wish to make payment of renewal subscription or donation etc Click on “Payment Button” in menu bar on Home page fill up the Form which opens selecting desired option from dropdown list and click “Payment”Button at the bottom. On the next page which opens fill y details of your card etc to make payment to BPS. New members/ Affiliates can join by clicking on “ABOUT”  button and then Click on  “Become a member “.fill up the Form that opens and make payment .After processing by BPS HQ office you will be provided your membership no, receipt and affiliation certificate etc.


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