Extention of Validity of CGHS Card till 31st July 2020 in view of Corona Virus Infection – CGHS Order
Extention of Validity of CGHS Card till 31st July 2020 in view of Corona Virus Infection – CGHS Order Z.15025/17/2020/DIR/CGHS/ Govt. of India Min. of Health & Family Welfare Directorate General of CGHS 545-A Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi. Dated the 29th May , 2020 OFFICE ORDER Subject: Extension of Validity of CGHS Card in view of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) Infection *** In view of the Corona Virus Disease(COVID-19) , all out efforts are made by the Government to contain its impact by instituting measures at community as well as at individual level. Guidelines for maintaining social distancing between individuals have already been issued by the Government. 2. In the spirit of above guidelines, the undersigned is directed to draw kind attention to the Office Order of even number dated 1.4.2020 and 27.04.2020 vide which the validity of CGHS Cards expiring on 31st March 2020 and thereafter has been extended in respect of CGHS pensioner beneficiaries contributing ...