PCDA Pension Allahabad

            Reference your latest corr PPO mentioned above in which the Pension of the Pensioner revised after a great struggle to Rs: 37000/- from Rs: 29300/- which was revised earlier vide your PPO No: 403200403225 -0199 dated  21-12-2018
            The case of revision of pension was submitted by CRO Delhi Cantt vide their letter No: CRO/34/249/NCS/09/2004(21/26) dated 18 Jan 2017. A revised PPO was issued on 14 Nov 2017 but the same was incorrect as pension fixed earlier was  reduced in the above ppo .Finally your office issued a New revised PPO bearing No quoted above on 21- 12- 2018in this PPO revised pension was fixedas Rs 29300/- according to his old pay scale i.e. 6500-15200.
            The case was brought to the notice of this Federation By one of the Officer of CRO and Mrs Sharma W/O the pensioner . The injustice was noticed and brought to the notice of CGDA with copy to PCDA for rectifying the mistake. We had an interview with the dealing officer of CGDA who promised to recommend the case for immediate revision of Pension. Thus, the PPO was revised by the PCDA on 30 May 2019, but the same was not uploaded in the System of PDA.The ACDA I/C Defence civilians’ pension was requested in person only then the PPO was got uploaded. In the System of Union Bank of India
            We requested the Bank to forward the detailed due drawn statement to the pensioner. On seeing the due drawn statement we came to know that a Sum of Rs: 7,22,869/- has already been recovered from the pension of thisPensioner . The recovery started from 1 Jan 2014 onward and the pensioner was paid very less pension as compared to the entitlement. The Pensioner got a severe heart attack due to this unwanted recovery. The PDA informed that the excess payment of pension was noticed by a Spot Audit Team in September 2013. Copy attached .
            The pension in the 5th CPC after fixing the pay on upgradation of scale due to 2nd ACP, and similarly the Pension as per 6th CPC was also not fixed keeping in view the facts of the case. The revision of pension took place severaltimes but wrong fixation was done every time. The latest revision of pension was also done due to the intervention of CGDA and this Federation in the case.
            The ACDA I/C Civilian Defence Pensioners is requested to kindly see this case minutely in person andsettle the issue on top priority. The Recovery of Rs 7,22,869/- has already been confirmed by the PDAThe copy of due drawn statement is attached for ready reference.
            A copy of statement of case along with all the relevant documents are attached herewith. I would further request you to allow this Federation to explain the case in person.
            With kind regards,
                                    Thanking you,
Truly yours


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