Revision of pension/family pension of pre-2016 retired Running Staff reg

Letter No. D-43/34/2017-F(E)III dt : 27.09.18 from GOI, Ministry of Rlys (Rly Bd) to General Secy, AIRF, New Delhi-55

Sub : Revision of pension/family pension of pre-2016 retired Running Staff reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to AIRF’S letter No. AIRF/44(1004) dated 12.06.2018 and AIRF/55(169) dated 28.06.2018 on the above subject and to state that instructions vide letter dated 24.01.2018 were issued in consultation with Pay Commission Directorate of this Ministry, for revision of pension/family pension of running staff retired prior to 01.01.2016 in terms of the first formulation as accepted by the Goverment. On recepit of the representation from various quarters for reconsideration of the instructions dated 24.01.2018, the matter was sent to Pay Commission Directorate for examination, as the notional fixation of pay was advised vide the said letter dated 24.01.2018, as per the illustrations furnished by PC Directorate.
However,based on various representations received, the matter was deliberated upon with Pay Commission Directorate. Accordingly, a reference has been made to the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare (DOP&PW). the nodal Department of the Government on Pensionary matters vide O.M dated 23.05.2018. This matter is still under consideration in consultation with DOP&PW.

Secy, Rly Bd


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