Provision for applying of White Card in Online : ECHS

Tele : 25684645
Telefax: 011-25684946
Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
Integrated Headquarters of
MoD (Army), Thimayya Marg,
Near Gopinath Circle,
Delhi Cantt- 110 010
15 May 2019
IHQ of MoD (Air Force)
IHQ of MoD (Navy)
HO West Comd (A/ECHS)
HQ South Comd (A/ ECHS)
HQ East Comd (A/ ECHS)
HQ Central Comd (A/ECHS)
HO North Comd (A/ECHS)
HQ South West Comd (A/ECHS)
All Regional Centres
1. Ref: –
(a) B/49711-NewSmartCard/AG/ECHS dated 10 Aug 2018.
(b) B/49701-PR/AG/ECHS/2018 dated 26 Sep 2018.
2. Disabled Dependents who are covered under Persons with Disability (PWD) Act 2016 are being provided with ECHS membership and a ‘White ECHS Smart Card’ is issued as per eligibility.
3. There have been cases where the dependents of ESM are suffering from disabilities of critical nature but are not covered under the PWD Act 2016. These cases are considered as Special cases and sanction for the same is being granted from the Ministry of Defence (MoD) based on merit of individual cases. In such cases, the ESM is required to apply for special sanction to Central Organisation ECHS who after considering on the genuineness and the facts of the case, take up the case with the MoD. Thereafter, if the case is found genuine at MoD, a special sanction is granted by the MoD.
4. Thereafter, the ESM will be required to apply for the White Card in the online application, where he is required to select disability as ‘Special Sanction Case’ and is required to upload the sanction letter issued by MoD. After the verification of the online application by the concerned Record Office of the ESM, the online application for Special Sanction Case of the disabled dependent will be approved by Central Org ECHS (Dir[Ops & Coord]). The White Card for the dependent will be printed only after successful verification of the Record Office and Dir (Ops & Coord), CO, ECHS. The validity of the white card will be approved by Dir (Ops & Coord), CO ECHS as approved in the special sanction by GOI. :
5. The ESM/Primary beneficiary will be able to download online Temporary Slip after the verification is completed. The Temporary Slip will only get activated once it is Countersigned by the OIC of the Parent Polyclinic. This activated Temporary Slip will have to be surrendered by the ESM/Primary beneficiary at the time of collection of 64 Kb ECHS white card.
6. The provisions for applying for special sanction cases in online application will be done in due course of time. In the interim, all sach cases where Special Sanction has already been issued by the MoD, the ESM will be issued with Offline Temporary Slip from the respective ECHS Regional Centre from where individual has already applied for 64 Kb ECHS Card. The Temporary Slip will be issued only after verification of the Sanction letter of MoD. The Offline Temporary Slip will be marked with RED INK on top as SPECIAL SANCTION CASE FOR WHITE CARD for easy identification at ECHS Polyclinics.
7. The above information be disseminated to all Stn HQs and ECHS Polyclinics.
(Rakesh Kakar)
Col (Retd)
Jt Dir (Stats & Automation) :


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