Sri.S.Ramasundaram from Kadapa has donated a sum of Rs.1000/- for our building fund. Sri.P.V. Samuel from Kottayam has donated a sum of Rs.1000/- towards our building fund. Sri.P.Soma Sekharan, Executive committee member, NFRP has donated a sum of Rs.1000/- towards our building fund. NFRP is moved by the spirit of solidarity shown towards our Federation by these subscribers and is extremely thankful to them.
Dear Readers and affiliated Associations, Thanks to your contributions, the building fund has just touched Rs.4.00 lakhs. Even though the estimated cost of a new building is between Rs 25 lakhs and Rs.30 lakhs, we have identified a building which may cost slightly lesser. We request you to Please come forward with liberal donations, so that this opportunity can be to have our own building will materialise. Every drop from you will finally become an ocean and make our dream come true.  Our Bank: Union Bank of India, Hemambika Nagar Branch, Palakkad; A/c No. 478902010204839; IFSC code: UBIN0547891. We thank all those who have contributed to the fund so far.
An open letter for the kind attention of Dr Jitendra Singh, Hon’ble Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions;
SCOVA is the forum to ventilate the grievances of Pensioners before Minister of State in charge of the Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare. National Federation of Railway pensioners wishes to bring to the kind notice of your good self that major federations of Pensioners’ Associations are ignored by the DOP&PW while reconstituting SCOVA. Associations with poor representation are inducted in the SCOVA in the name of identified Pension Association. They are sanctioned grant by the Government. Tax payers’ money is spent to conduct SCOVA meeting. According to our information no major issue concerning the pensioners was solved in the meeting. Thus, the intention of formation of SCOVA to redress the grievance of Pensioners is defeated. It is time to constitute SCOVA with handpicked major representatives of pensioners and give it the status of JCM, thus making ensuring that the decisions taken by this body are implemented by concerned departments.
Railway Pensioners are having following grievances on the pension drawing banks. We request Hon’ble Minister to look into these grievances and arrange to take action as deemed fit:
1) According to the instructions issued by the Government, the pension paying banks are responsible to recover the Income tax from the pension amount. While deducting the Income tax, the Bank is not taking into account the deduction and relief admissible to the Pensioners. Form 16 is not issued in time to the pensioners to file tax return within the due date.
2) Some pensioners are having fixed deposit in the banks from the settlement amount received from the Railways at the time of retirement. This federation brings to your notice that income tax at the rate of 10% is being recovered by the banks in the name of TDS. Up to 5 lakhs, the deduction can be made at the rate of5% of the income in addition to cess. While furnishing the income tax return, the pensioners are to seek refund from the income tax Department. Of course, the Income tax Department is arranging refund with interest.
3) In the month of November every year, the pensioners have to furnish life certificate to the bank for the continued drawal of pension. The Government had issued orders clearly indicating that pensioners can furnish digital life certificate. But the orders are not followed by the banks. When the pensioners approach the banks for the purpose of furnishing digital certificate during this year, they were given forms with three pages to furnish details. The banks should be advised to accept digital life certificates without any supplementary queries. Similarly, when the pensioner wishes to present himself in person, digital life certificate should not be insisted since some pensioners have difficulty in getting their finger print matched.
4) Reserve bank has issued instructions that disbursal of pension should be spread over the last four working days of the month except the month of March. It has been brought to our notice that some do not follow this schedule.
Even though SCOVA is the common forum for all Central Government Pensioners, the problems faced by Defence Pensioners, Railway Pensioners and Central Government pensioners are different from each other. Very often, the problems of some departments have to be carried forward for next meeting for want of time. We request that the feasibility of conducting separate meetings for Railways, Defence and other Central Government pensioners may be considered to provide greater scope for redressal of grievances.
Government of India;  Ministry of Finance,     Department of Expenditure
No. 1/1/2019-E-II (B)North Block, New Delhi Dated the 27th February, 2019.
Subject: Grant of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees - Revised Rates effective from 1.1.2019.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry's Office Memorandum No. 1/2/2018-E-ll (B) dated 7th September, 2018 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the President is pleased to decide that the Dearness Allowance payable to Central Government employees shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 9% to 12% of the basic pay with effect from 1st January, 2019.
2. The term 'basic pay' in the revised pay structure means the pay drawn in the prescribed Level in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC recommendations accepted by the Government, but does not include any other type of pay like special pay, etc.
3. The Dearness Allowance will continue to be a distinct element of remuneration and will not be treated as pay within the ambit of FR 9(21).
4. The payment on account of Dearness Allowance involving fractions of 50 paise and above may be rounded to the next higher rupee and the fractions of less than 50 paise may be ignored.
5. The payment of arrears of Dearness Allowance (from January to March) shall not be made before the date of disbursement of salary of March, 2019.
6. These orders shall also apply to the civilian employees paid from the Defence Services Estimates and the expenditure will be chargeable to the relevant head of the Defence Services Estimates. In respect of Armed Forces personnel and Railway employees, separate orders will be issued by the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Railways, respectively.
7. In so far as the employees working in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders are issued with the concurrence of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.Sd/-(Nirmala Dev) Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

S.No. PC-VII/ 127   RBE No. 23/2019
No. PC-V/2016/MACPS/1 New Delhi, dt. 12-02-2019
The General Managers All Indian Railways and PUs.
Sub: Fixation of pay of the employees who got promoted to the post of higher Pay level after being granted the benefit of pay fixation on grant of financial upgradation under MACPS.
The issue regarding regulation of pay fixation when the promotion to a higher pay level takes place in the 7th CPC period after the employee has already availed the benefit of pay fixation on grant of Financial Upgradation under MACPS has been under consideration for quite some time. It has been decided in consultation with DoP&T that the pay fixation benefit on grant of MACP after 7thCPC may be regulated in the following manner:-
(i) Benefit of pay fixation available at the time of regular promotion shall also be allowed at the time of financial upgradation under the Scheme (as prescribed in Para 13 of RS(Revised Pay) Rules, 2016).
(ii) There shall, however, be no further fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion if it is in the same pay level as granted under MACPS.
(iii) However, at the time of actual promotion if it happens to be in a post carrying higher pay level than what is available under MACPS, then he shall be placed in the level to which he is promoted-at a cell in the promoted level equal to the figure being drawn by him on account of MACP. If no such cell is available in the level to which promoted, he shall be placed at the next higher cell in that level. The employee may have an option to get this fixation done either on the date of promotion or w.e.f. the date of next increment as per the option to be exercised by him.
2. This has the approval of the Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.
3. Hindi version is Dutta)Dy. Director, Pay Commission-V Railway Board
2016/F(E)III/1(1)18,  New Delhi, dated: 25.01.2019.
The GMs/Principal Financial Advisors, All Zonal Railways/Production Units,
Sub: Settlement Forms to be filled by the retiring Railway servant.
Attention of the Zonal Railway/Production units is invited to Board’s letter of even number dated 12.11.2018 on the above subject vide which a set of settlement forms to be filled in by the retiring railway employees was circulated. The said set of settlement forms has been modified to include the option for Cashless Treatment Scheme in Emergency (CTSE) as well.
2. Accordingly, in partial supersession of the letter dated 12.11.2018, a modified set of settlement forms is enclosed herewith for compliance and guidance. Other instructions contained in the letter dated 12.11.2018 will remain the same.
3. Please Acknowledge receipt. (G. Priya Sudarsani) Director, Finance(Estt.) Rly Bd.
D.A.: As above.
Attention of the Zonal Railway/Production units is invited to Board’s letter of even number dated 12.11.2018 on the above subject vide which a set of settlement forms to be filled in by the retiring railway employees was circulated. The said set of settlement forms has been modified to include the option for Cashless Treatment Scheme in Emergency (CTSE) as well.
No. F(E .(E)II1/2008/PN1/12 New Delhi, Dated :04.02.2019RBE No. 17/2019
The GMs/Principal Financial Advisors, All Zonal Railways/Production Units,
Subject:- Revision of pension w.e.f. 01.01.2006 of Pre-2006 pensioners who retired from the 5th
cpc scale of Rs/- 6500-10500/- regarding.
A copy of Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare (DOP&PW's) O.M No. 38/33/12-P&PW(A) dated 4th January, 2019 on the above subject is enclosed for information and compliance. These instructions shall apply mutatis mutandis on the Railways also. CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, correspond to Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 9008. The Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure’s O.Ms No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 30.08.2008 and 43.11.2009, mentioned in the DOP&PW's O.M. dated 04.01.2019, have been adopted on Railways vide this office's latter No. PC-VI/2008//RSRP/1 dated 11 09.2008 and PC-VI/2009/I/RSRP/8 dated 22.12.2009 respectively.
2. The Railway Board's instructions corresponding to the DOP&PW's instructions referred to in their aforesaid O.M. dated 04" January, 2019 are given under:-
DOP&PW’s instructions | Railway Board’s corresponding instructions.
O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 01.09.2008 | Letter No.F(E)II/2008/PN1/12 date 08.09.2008
O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 28.01.2013 | Letter No.F(E)III/2008/PN1/12 dated 11.02.2013
O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 30.07.2015 | Letter No.F(E)INI/2008/PN1/12 dated 31.07.2015
G. Priya Sudarsani)Director, Finance (Estt.),Railway Board.
No. 2016/AC-11/21/8/Pt III New Delhi, dated: 13.02.2019RBA No. 9/2019
PFAs and PCPOs, All Indian Railways & PUs
Sub: Minutes of meeting of Board (FC & MS) with PFAs and PCPOs of CR, ER, NR and WR held
 on 08.02.2019 in Board's office to discuss issues related on NPS and Pension
Minutes of the meeting held on 08.02.2019 in Railway Board by Board (FC & MS) with PFAs and PCPOs of CR, ER, NR and WR is enclosed for information and necessary action.
DA: As above.(Anjali Goyal) Pr. Executive Director/Accounts Railway Board.
Minutes of meeting of Board (FC & MS) with PFAs and PCPOs of CR, ER, NR and WR held
on 08.02.2019 in Board's office
A meeting was held in Board's office chaired by Board (FC & MS) on 08.02.2019 with the PFAs and PCPOs of CR, ER, NR and WR to discuss the issues related to National Pension System (NPS) and Pension. The list of participants is at Annexure I. Minutes of the meeting are as under.
1.0 Opening Address:
1.2 FC mentioned that the main two areas of staff grievances are National Pension System and Revision of Pension.
1.2 FC invited attention to the Gazette notification issued on 31.01.2019 after Cabinet decision regarding compensation for non-deposit or delayed deposit of contributions.
1.3 He emphasized the importance of regular deduction of subscription against each PRAN of eligible employees and timely upload of details on NPS-CRA website and transfer of funds to the Trustee Bank as per stipulated time line.
1.4 He also stressed the need to review the MIS available on the Dashboard by Nodal Personnel and Accounts officials, periodically, and take corrective measures on lapses/delays observed therein.
1.5 He emphasized that Railways are the custodian of employee's funds and thus Railways are duty bound to ensure that there are no lapse on their part.
1.6 FC stated that another area of concern is delay in revision of Pension, mainly due to non­ availability of Service Records of a no. of pensioners.
1.7 He mentioned that while most of the Railways have made commend able achievement, some are lagging behind badly.
1.8 MS mentioned that the Railways are relying on the ARPAN data but much of the data is not available in ARPAN.
1.9 He emphasized need to review the gap between Pension Scrolls i.e the no. of pensioners to whom revised pension is being made and the no. of Pension revised - PPO issued.
1.10 MS also highlighted complaints non-inclusion of names in PPOs like that of widowed daughter/unmarried daughter/disabled children etc. in the revised PPOs. This aspect should be looked upon.
1.11 As regarding NPS, MS stated that there are many cases regarding non-issue of PRAN during the initial period of NPS. PRAN should be generated within the specified time and 100% subscription deducted from the employees should be accounted for.
1.12 There has been demand for withdrawal of NPS as the employees are not aware of the advantages of the scheme. Their doubts need to be allayed.
1.13 The PFAs and PCPOs should try to understand the problems and put in efforts to bring out solutions to these problems.
2.0 Agenda Items:
2.1 National Pension System (NPS)
WR and ER informed that the delay in subscribers’ registration was mainly of Bungalow peons, substitutes and Apprentices. For permanent employees, the number is very less.
CR informed that there were many cases where the subscribers were absconding after joining Railways. PED/A informed that such cases should be flagged and brought to notice of NSDL. It was reiterated to make it mandatory for new entrants to submit PAN, Bank Account details and PRAN registration form duly filled along with joining report. CR brought out that delay in many cases pertain to RPF as they have their own establishment. FC & MS desired that instructions on subject should be disseminated to CSC/RPF by PCPOs and PFAs.
All old cases should be cleared within next two months by deputing Welfare Inspectors wherever felt necessary.
Railways also suggested to explore the feasibility of online submission of PRAN Registration forms, which was agreed to. PED/A mentioned that PRAN generation is being delayed due to rejection of registration forms also. Personnel and Accounts should ensure completeness of forms w.r.t. employment details, mandatory details and required documentation etc. so that the rejection of the CRSF1 form is minimized. Information about rejection is made available on NPS website accessible to both Personnel and Accounts, immediately.
Position of NPS fund deducted from subscribers without PRAN is available to respective PAOs (Personnel/Accounts in IPAS). This implies that the NPS fund is retained by Railways in suspense and will lead to loss of interest to subscribers. Immediate action required is required in this regard.
NSDL has deactivated the non-active Non-IRA PRANs in the system. However, there are cases where there are active Non-IRA PRANs.
PRANs that have not received a single credit since PRAN generation need to investigate these cases to rule out any irregularity.
Substantial data gaps also exist in No. of Registered Subscribers and those receiving Credits. The contributions should be remitted on date of payment of salary itself and non-credit cases must be only those cases where salary is not drawn for any reason.
Nomination and Mobile no. should be collected from every subscribe to prevent issues at a later stage.
Review of the data also shows a no. of PAOs have not submitted funds. Railways mentioned that this is due to merger of Accounting Units. PED/A mentioned that PAOs with NIL subscribers should be deactivated in consultation with NSDL.
Railways should ensure that the Transaction ID of the SCFs uploaded on N PSCRA website are matched at the time of fund transfer to Trustee Bank so that there are no rejections. The Railways need to review and ensure strict compliance of the instructions.
Railways should also streamline the system to ensure crediting of NPS fund to correct subscriber. There are a number of instances where funds are credited to PRAN 1instead of PRAN 2, Excess/wrong Transfer to a PRAN etc.
Personnel and Accounts Dept should also ensure timely resolution of grievances in the Central Grievance Management System.
A no. of withdrawal cases (Death Superannuation, exit) are pending for verification/ authorisation by Personnel and authorised by Accounts. Railways may review and ensure timely action
In a few cases, funds remitted by Trustee Bank to subscribers (on account of withdrawal request) or to Railways (non-NPS withdrawal or excess transfer etc) are returned back to Trustee Bank for want of correct/incorrect Bank Account no. , invalid IFSC code, Bank account closed etc. Railways need to ensure that correct bank details are provided while processing case.
There are withdrawal requests pending for purchase of annuity as the subscriber has not chosen the Pension plan in these cases. Employees that have exited should be asked to make the option.
There are cases of pending pension/family pension under NPS in Railways. These issues are being raised by Union/Federations and also by the beneficiaries in various forums. Railways may take necessary action in the matter immediately and that no delay on part of Railways.
Complaints are also received regarding non-revision of NPS pension as per recommendation of 7th CPC. Railways need to expedite and take necessary action.
2.2 Pension Revision
There are 1,14,069 cases in IR where revised PPOs are not initiated. Railways informed that these are hard core cases where data is not available. These need to be pursued and revised PPOs be issued at the earliest. The option of getting a copy of PPOs from Banks should be explored to fast track revision of pension cases due to non-availability of records with Railways
Similarly, PPOs of those drawing pension through Post offices and Treasuries need to be speeded up.
Railways may interact with Banks and keep Accounts Dte. informed of the meeting so that the issue can be taken up with highest level of Banks centrally.
e-PPOs need to be adopted for error free, delay free transmission and also for MIS reports. Issues, if any, need to be brought to the notice of Accounts Dte in Board office for taking up with CRIS and Banks.
Spot check by Welfare inspectors are also needed apart from Accounts Dte.
Dedicated cells should be formed in Personnel Department for Pension and NPS matters to coordinate with counterpart teams in Accounts. PED/A requested MS to nominate an Executive Director in Railway Board also for coordination with Railways on NPS and Pension matters.MS agreed for the same. DG/Personnel shall issue necessary orders in the matter.
3.1 Conclusion
PED/A summarized the decision taken in the meeting for necessary action as under:
Online registration for generation of PRAN shall be explored.
PRAN registration form should be sent with appointment letter and obtained at the time of joining PRAN generation be ensured within one month of joining so that there are no cases where deductions are made and money is lying in suspense.
DDOs/PAOs need to access the dashboard and analyse the MIS reports about NPS performance.
As regards revision of pension, Railways need to get in touch with CPPC of bank and get the details/PPOs for processing revision in a time bound manner.
All Railways shall ensure that e-PPOs are issued on banks covered in the scheme. In case of any problem, the same may be brought to the notice of Board (Accounts Dte) so that the same can be taken up with Banks/CRIS. Now that CRIS has an upgraded its system, no bank should have problem in accepting the ePPO file.
PFAs shall ensure check of the pension debits to see that pension is being paid as per revised PPOs.
Railways may form dedicated cell for pension and NPS in Personnel Department. Further, there should be a designated ED in charge of all pension related in Estt Directorate also matters as a counterpart to Accounts Dte.
4.0 Vote of thanks.
Meeting ended with vote of thanks to the chair.
CPAO/IT &Tech/Master data/14 (Vol-III)/2018-19/226   28.02.2019
Minutes of the Meeting
Kindly find enclosed the Minutes of the Meeting held on 24.01.2019 at 11:00 AM at Conference Hall of Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO) with all Heads of CPPCs/ Government Business Divisions of State Bank of India to review the implementation of 7thCPC pension revision and to discuss other issues under the Chairmanship of Chief Controller (Pensions) for information and further necessary action.
Sr. Accounts Officer (IT & Tech)
Minutes of the meeting held on 24.01.2019 with all the Heads of CPPCs/ Government Business Divisions of State Bank of India (SBI) to discuss various issues.
A Meeting was held on 24.01.2019 under the Chairmanship of Chief Controller (Pensions) with the representatives of Heads of CPPCs/ Government Business Divisions of State Bank of India (SBI) to discuss the timely payment of revised pension and arrears under 7th CPC and other pension related issues. At the outset, Asstt. Controller of Accounts (ACA) welcomed all the participants and emphasized on the need of timely payment of revised pension and arrears in the accounts of the pensioners by the banks. After that agenda items of the meeting were discussed in detail and following decisions were taken.
List of participants is attached at Annexure.
Agenda Item No. 1- Implementation of 7th CPC Pension Revision and its reporting by Banks
It has been observed from the reports as on 21st Jan, 2019 that there are delays in crediting the revised pensions as well as arrears of pensions/family pensions by the banks. As per the reports, there are many cases which are pending for more than 31 days. Bank wise details of the pending cases was handed over to all the representatives of the concerned banks. But most of the banks reported that in some cases they had already revised and credited pension to the pensioner /family pensioner accounts. It was decided that all the CPPCs would reconcile the status of revised pension cases provided to them by 1st March. 2019.
Agenda Item No. 2 - IT related issue w.r.t. e-Revision and fresh Pension cases
Acknowledgement of SSA
SBI is requested to ensure forwarding the acknowledgement of SSA electronically to CPAO at the earliest so that the difference between SSA forwarded by the CPAO and SSA received by the Bank could be nullified. Bank was also provided the format for Acknowledgement.
(Action: SBI/ NIC CPAO)
Development of e-PPO Booklet
Earlier, CPAO shared the format of electronic PPO booklet for making necessary changes in the pension processing software of banks for consuming the electronic PPO booklet with banks. All banks were instructed to make necessary changes in their software in the meeting held on 31st Jan, 2018 and 27th June, 2018. Copy of format of e-PPO with sample e-PPO,files have been e-mailed to all the Banks. SBI is requested to take necessary action.
(Action : SBI CPPC)
Agenda Item No. 3- Compliance of Internal Audit observations on 7th CPC revisions.
It has been observed that clear and complete compliance reports are not being submitted by the CPPCs. The CPPCs were requested to give full details of the objection raised by Internal Audit Wing in their compliance reports so that the same could be verified and settled. Internal control in Bank to be improved and strengthened so that errors should not take place.
Agenda Item No. 4- Timely commencement of family pension, additional pension & restoration of commuted portion of pension by banks
It has been observed that family pension, additional pension and commuted portion are not timely commenced/restored. Since these issues are regularly discussed in the various meetings i.e. SCOVA Meeting, High Level Meeting, Standing Committee Meeting, etc. All the CPPCs need to commence this timely to mitigate the grievances.
(Action: SBI CPPCs)
Agenda Item No. 5- Timely submission of Life Certificates-
CPAO is responsible for the disbursement of death/disability pension under NPS­ Additional Relief. First time identification of the pensioners is being done by the Bank branches based on the KYC details available with the Banks where the pensioners/ family pensioners have opened their pension accounts. CPAO starts the pension payment based on the first time identification report received from Banks. Also these banks branches are responsible for sending the life certificates of the pensioners/family pensioners to CPAO for the continuation of pension to NPS-AR pensioners, in the month of November as CPAO is the disbursing authority under NPS-AR cases. However, it is noticed that in many cases, despite submission of life certificates by the pensioners, bank branches have not forwarded the same to CPAO. Bank for advised to ensure that these reports /certificates are furnish to CPAO in time so that pensioners are not put under any financial hardship.
Keeping in view the hardship being faced by the family pensioner s, concerned SBI was advised to send the outstanding life certificates to CPAO without any further delay.
(Action: SBI CPPCs & NPS Section)
Agenda item No.6 - Return of Old PPO by the Banks.
Allotment of 12 digits PPO Number
It has been observed that the 12 digit PPO number has not been obtained by the banks in respect of 4951pensioners from the CPAO and still incorporating the old alpha numeric cod e in the payment scroll. Bank wise details are also provided to them. Banks were requested to obtain the 12 digit PPO number from CPAO so that pensioners could avail the facility provided by the CPAO viz lodging grievances, know their PPO status and also check their payment details due to non-allotment of 12 digit numeric PPO number.
Return of Inactive PPOs.
Pension Payment orders which are not in operation / inactive may be returned to CPAO for deletion from the CPAO database. It is noticed from the database of CPAO that the old PPO which are inactive are not being forwarded by the bank to the CPAO.
(Action: SBI CPPCs)
Agenda Item No. 7- Submission of e-scrolls and Master Data Reconciliation
Submission of e-scrolls
It has been observed that there is no improvement in submission of e-scrolls by CPPCs. The bank wise details were also provided to the banks. Banks should ensure that e-scrolls are updated on a daily basis to CPAO after matching it thoroughly with the pension payments made. The Banks should further ensure that the date of scroll should match with date of transaction appeared in the put through statement issued by RBI.
(Action: SBI CPPCs)
Master Data Reconciliation
It has been observed that there is inordinate delay in uploading of Master Data by the banks. For updating on Master Data at CPAO level, it is required that whenever any value in the pension of a pensioner/family pensioner is changed the same is reported by the bank through Format-F of e-Scroll. However, it is noticed that banks are not providing the changed information to the CPAO. All the banks were instructed for reconciliation of Master Data and submission of changed information in Format-F on "quarterly" basis instead of on "annual" basis. It was also decided to nominate one Nodal Officer by each CPPCs of all authorized banks and CPAO as well.
(Action: SBI CPPCs and NIC)
Agenda Item No. 8- Any other point with permission of the chair
a) Grievances: -
Under Grievances module of WRPS, up to 18th Jan, 2019; 6040 grievances have been disposed of through WRPS and 1098 grievances are pending with CPPCs of State Bank of India. Out of these pending grievances, 1 grievance IS pending for more than 90 days which is a cause of concern. Banks are requested to ensure that all the grievances are disposed of which are pending with them within one month and update the same on the WRPS portal so that pensioners are informed accordingly.
(Action: SBI CPPCs/(NIC) CPAO /Grievance Cell)
b) Officials from PCDA, Allahabad, Deptt. of Telecommunication (DOT) and Deptt of Post were also invited as per Meeting Notice vide CPAO/IT &Tech/Master data/14 (Vol­ JU)/2018-19/184 .Their. issues are follows: -
i) Defence Accounts: -
a) SBI was suggested to develop a mechanism for acknowledgement of e-PPOs.
b) It has been observed from the e-scrolls received in the O/o PCDA that some of the CPPCs are crediting pension and Family pension very late in the account of pensioner. CPPCs were requested to improve their performance and credit the pension/family pension on time.
c) All the CPPCs are requested in the meeting to provide PPO image to them to facilitate data purification.
d) It was also pointed out that SBI Hyderabad is receiving cases which pertain to SBI­ Amravati.
e) All the CPPCs of SBI were requested to attend the meeting as and when it is convened by the PCDA.
(Action : SBI CPPCs)
ii) Department of Telecommunication: -
a) Outstanding amount of excess / overpayment made by the banks to the pensioners are not recovered by the banks.
b) Pension Payment orders which are not in operation / inactive may be returned for deletion from the database.
c) Banks were advised to ensure that there should not be any delay in timely payment of Pension/ Family Pension.
d) SBI CPPCs were advised to reconcile the data and credit the payment of revision of pension to the pensioners as per 7th CPC.
(Action: SBI CPPCs)
iii) Ministry of Railways
a) It was pointed out in the meeting that the CPPCs are not submitting the E-scroll in time. Banks has been requested to reconcile the data at the earliest.
b) All the CPPCs are suggested to develop a mechanism for acknowledgement of e-PPOs.
(Action: SBI CPPCs)
Reconciliation of Suspense Balance: -Reconciliation of suspense account have been a major issue. Generally, payment scrolls are to be submitted on next day of payment to CPAO. But the payment scrolls are not submitted by the banks on time. Some banks reported that scrolls are shown successful but there are not recorded on CPAO's website. NIC, CPAO is to look into the matter to solve the issue. CPPCs are requested to clear the suspense balance at the earliest.
(Action: SBI CPPCs)
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair.
DISCLAIMER: For detailed provisions and regulations, please refer PFRDA (Exit and Withdrawal under National Pension System) Regulations 2015 and subsequent amendments under it.
Question & Answer
1. What is an exit?
An exit is defined as closure of individual pension account of the subscriber under National Pension System.
2. When can I exit from NPS?A subscriber can exit from NPS at any point but complete withdrawal is subject to certain conditions.
3. Whether pre-mature exit and voluntary retirement are same or not?
Yes, under NPS both are same.  Pre-mature exit is defined under NPS as exit before the superannuation/retirement age. Under NPS, Voluntary retirement is treated as pre-mature exit.
However, eligibility & terms of Voluntary retirement are defined/ governed by service rules and regulations of the respective organization.
4. What shall be my benefits, if I opt for pre-mature exit from NPS?
a).Pre-mature exit or Voluntary retirement-
Minimum Annuitisation- 80% of accumulated wealth.
Maximum Lump sum Withdrawal- 20% of accumulated wealth.
If the accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber is equal to or less than one lakh rupees or a
limit to be specified by the Authority, such subscriber shall have the option to withdraw the entire accumulated pension wealth without purchasing any annuity.
b). In Case of disability/incapacitation of subscriber
Minimum Annuitisation- 40% of accumulated wealth.
Maximum   Lump   sum   Withdrawal –  60%  of Accumulated wealth.
Authority has also notified regulations under PFRDA(exit and withdrawal under  NPS) (third
 amendment) 2018, for facilitating normal exit from NPS to the subscribers with disability and incapacitation during the accumulation  phase, if employer certifies that the subscriber has been discharged from the services of the concerned office on account of invalidation or disability.
5. What shall be my benefits, if I retire / superannuate from NPS?      
Retirement I Superannuation –Minimum Annuitisation-   40% of accumulated wealth.
Maximum Lump sum Withdrawal- 60% of accumulated wealth.The Subscriber may choose to purchase an annuity for an amount greater than 40 percent also.
If the accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber is equal to or less than two lakh rupees, or a limit to be specified by the Authority, such subscriber shall have the option to withdraw the entire accumulated pension wealth without purchasing any annuity.
6.  What are the provisions to settle the cases in the unfortunate death of the NPS subscriber during the service?
1. As per Office Memorandum No. 38/41/06/P&PW      (A) dated. 05.05.2009, the central
government subscribers covered under NPS are eligible for family pension in case of death/  disability during the service.
2. If the family member opts for family pension, as per regulations all the accumulated wealth shall be transferred to the bank account of the nodal office for further settlement as per government directives.
3. However –  our exit regulations say (not applicable as mentioned above)
i. In case of Death: Minimum Annuitisation- 80% of accumulated wealth.
Maximum   Lump   sum   Withdrawal-  20%   of accumulated wealth.
4. If the accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber is equal to or less than two lakh rupees, or a limit to be specified by the Authority, such nominees/legal heirs shall have the option to withdraw the entire accumulated pension wealth without purchasing any annuity.
7.  What are the provisions to settle the cases in the unfortunate death of the NPS subscriber during the service and no nomination has been provided in the account?
Where no valid nomination exists in accordance with these regulations, at the time of exit of such subscriber on account of death, the nomination, if any existing in the records of such subscriber with his or her employer for the purpose of receiving other admissible terminal benefits shall be treated as nomination exercised for the purposes of receiving benefits under the National Pension System. The employer shall send a confirmation of such nomination in its records, to the National Pension System Trust or the central record keeping agency, while forwarding the claim for processing.
8. Can I defer my lump sum in No. case of pre-mature exit from the system?  No
9. Can I defer my lump sum in case of retirement / superannuation? If yes, what are the provisions and requirements to avail this facility?           Yes.
The lump sum can be deferred till the age of 70 years which can be withdrawn at any time   superannuation and 70 years of age or every year till age of 70 years. The subscriber has to give in writing (intimation to the employer) in the specified form at least fifteen days before the attainment of   age of superannuation and same should be authorized by the associated Nodal office in the CRA system. If deferment is availed by the subscriber, subscriber has to bear the maintenance charges like CRA, PFM etc.
10. Can I defer my annuity at the time of retirement/superannuation? If yes, what are the provisions?
Yes. Annuity purchase can also be deferred for maximum period of 3 years. The subscriber has to give in writing (intimation to the employer) at least fifteen days before the attainment of age of superannuation and same should be authorized by the associated Nodal office in the CRA system.
If the death of the subscriber occurs before such due date of purchase of an annuity after the deferment, the annuity shall mandatorily be purchased by the spouse.
11. Can I defer both lump sum and annuity at the time of retirement/superannuation?   Yes.
12. Can I keep on contributing in my Tier-1 account even after retirement / superannuation?
Yes. The Subscriber shall have the option to do so by giving in writing and up to which age he would like to contribute to his individual pension account but no exceeding seventy years of age.
In such scenario, subscriber has to shift his/her PRAN to any POP or e-NPS.  Nodal office shall not assist in uploading of contribution after the date of superannuation. Subscriber has to operate account in his/her individual capacity only.
Such option shall be exercised at least fifteen days prior to the age of attaining sixty years or age or superannuation, as the case may be, and same should be authorized by the associated Nodal office in the CRA system.
Such subscriber who has not exercised the option within the period of fifteen days, so stipulated, but desires to continue with his individual pension account under National Pension System, beyond the age of sixty years or the age of superannuation, as the case may be, and to the extent so permitted, may do so by making an application in writing with reasons for such delay to the National Pension System Trust, within one hundred and eighty days of attaining such age or superannuation.
Where an application is received by the National Pension System Trust, from any subscriber, beyond the period of one hundred and eighty days, together with justification and sufficient cause, so shown by the subscriber, the National Pension System Trust, shall cause to forward such application along with its recommendation thereon, for consideration and approval of the Authority.
Subscriber has to bear the maintenance charges like PoP, CRA PFM etc.
13. If I continue my Tier-1 account even after retirement / superannuation, Can I avail the facility of deferment of lump sum and annuity during the extended period?
No, Upon exercise of the option of continuation after the superannuation, the other options of deferment of benefits (lump sum and annuity) shall not be available to superannuation, such a subscriber.
14. Can I terminate my extension any time before the attaining the age of 70 years or I have to continue the Tier -1 till the age of 70 years?
Even after exercise of such option, the subscriber may exit at any point of time from National Pension System, by submitting a withdrawal request as prescribed.
15. Who shall bear the transaction and other charges, if I avail the facility of continuation of Tier-1 account after the retirement / superannuation?
Subscriber has to bear all the applicable charges including maintenance charges like PoP, CRA, PFM etc., if he avails such facility.
16. Can I continue my Tier-2 account after the closure of Tier -1 account?        No.
Upon exit from Tier-1 account, the Tier-2 account gets closed automatically.
17. Can I continue my Tier-2 account, if decide to continue Tier-1 account even after the retirement / superannuation?
Yes. A subscriber can contribute to his Tier 2 account till the time he has an active Tier 1 account.
18. What is annuity?  An annuity is a product that pays out regular income.  It is a contract for deferred payment. The main objective of an annuity is to give regular income to the subscriber even after retirement working age.
19. In case of pre-mature exit, when will my annuity start, i.e. immediately or after the or age of 60 years?
Annuity starts immediately after the minimum age required for purchasing any annuity. (Depending upon choice of ASP and Annuity scheme. For e.g.  30, 35 38) from any of the empanelled annuity service providers. Subscriber need not wait till the age of 60 years.
20. What are the annuity options available to me under NPS?
The following are the most common variants that are available:
a. Default scheme:   Annuity for life of the subscriber and his or her spouse (if any) with provision for return of purchase price of the annuity-   After the demise of such subscriber, the annuity will be re-issued to the family members in the order specified hereunder:
b.   living dependent mother;
c.   living dependent father.
After the coverage of all the family members specified above, the purchase price shall be returned to the surviving children of the subscriber and in the absence of children, the legal heirs of the subscriber, as may be applicable.
If subscriber does not want to purchase default annuity scheme, he may choose any of the following schemes:
b.  Annuity for life with return of purchase price(amount given to annuity service provider) on death– Employee shall get annuity (monthly pension) till he/she is alive and payment ofannuity ceases on the death and the purchase price is returned to the nominee.
c. Annuity   guaranteed   for 5,10, 15 or 20 years and for life thereafter
 • On death during the guarantee period – Employee shall get annuity and after his/her death during the guaranteed period, annuity is paid to the nominee till the end of the Guaranteed period after which the same ceases and no return of purchase price to the nominee.
• On death after the guarantee period –Employee shall get payment of annuity till he/she is alive even after the guaranteed period and annuity ceases after his/her death and no return of purchase price to nominee.
d. Annuity for life – Employee shall get payment of annuity till he/she is alive &payment of annuity ceases on death and no return of purchase price to nominee.
e. Annuity for life increasing at simple rate of 3% p.a.  Employee shall get payment of annuity till he/she is alive & payment of annuity ceases on death and no return of purchase price to nominee.
f.    Annuity for life with a provision for 50% of the annuity to the spouse of the annuitant for life on death of the annuitant- Payment of annuity ceases on death of subscriber and 50% of the annuity is paid to the surviving named spouse during his/her life time. If the spouse predeceases the annuitant, payment of annuity will cease after the death of the annuitant. It can be with or without return of purchase price.
g. Annuity for life with a provision of 100% of the annuity payable to spouse during his/her lifetime on death of the annuitant. - Payment of annuity ceases after death of the annuitant and full annuity is payable to the surviving named spouse during his/her life time. If the spouse predeceases the annuitant, the annuity ceases after death of the annuitant. It can be with or without return of purchase price.
Subscriber can also add spouse in any of the variants (Other than default) above.
All ASPs may not provide all the variants. It may vary from ASP to ASP.
Pricing of annuity also varies ASP to ASP.
21. Whether I have to go by the default annuity or I have a choice to decide other annuity type also?
The subscriber can choose any other annuity, other than default annuity, available with the empanelled Annuity Service Providers (ASPs).
22. Where can I check the rates offered by the annuity service providers on various types of annuities? Details of annuity rates and other details may be checked on CRA website (link given below)
23. Can I change my annuity service provider or annuity type any time?
Once an annuity is purchased, the option of cancellation or reinvestment with another Annuity Service Provider or in other annuity scheme shall not be allowed unless the same is within the time limit specified by the Annuity Service Provider, for the free look period as provided in the terms of the annuity contract or specifically provided by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority.
24. What functions are performed by Annuity Service Providers (ASPs)?
Annuity Service Providers (ASPs) are empanelled by PFRDA to annuity to subscribers through their various schemes. Subscribers will have the option to invest their amount into one annuity scheme upon retirement/ resignation.  ASPs would be responsible for delivering a regular monthly   pension (annuity) to the subscriber for the rest of his/her life.
25. Is it mandatory to purchase annuity under NPS at the time of exit?
Yes, but there are some scenarios where the subscriber/nominees/legal heirs can withdraw the whole accumulated wealth.
26. Which companies are empanelled under PFRDA as Annuity Service Providers (ASPs)?
1. Life Insurance Corporation of India
2. SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
3. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
4. HDFC Standard Life Insurance Co Ltd
5. Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co. Ltd
*Subject to change from time to time.
27. Will get back the amount invested for annuity purchase?
Only in annuity types where there is a provision of return of purchase price.
28.  In case of retirement / superannuation, when should I submit my withdrawal request i.e. after the date of retirement or before the retirement?    CRA network sends a communication 6 months before the superannuation/ retirement date generating a Claim ID to the subscriber and nodal office. It is advisable that the subscriber should submit all the documents to the nodal office at least 1 month before the superannuation/retirement date.
29. Can I withdraw before attaining the age of retirement / superannuation?    
Yes, it is termed as Partial Withdrawal.
30. If yes, how much amount can be withdrawn?       
Up to 25% of the contribution made by the subscriber (without considering the appreciation/returns on the amount) as on date of application of withdrawal.
31. Can I withdraw any number No. of times during the service?         
A subscriber is allowed to withdraw only three times during the entire tenure of service.
32. What are the conditions under which partial withdrawal can happen?         
1. The subscriber shall have been in the National Pension System at least for a period of three years from the date of his or her joining;
2.  Withdrawal is allowed for some specific purposes only.
a.  For the higher education of children
b.   For the marriage of children
c.  For the purchase/construction of residential house or flat in his or her own name or in a joint name with his or her legally wedded spouse.  In case, the subscriber already owns either individually or in the joint name a residential house or flat, other than ancestral property, no withdrawal under these regulations shall be permitted.
d. Treatment for prescribed illnesses – suffered by subscriber, his legally wedded spouse, children including a legally adopted child and dependent parents.
Prescribed illnesses include: (i) Cancer;(ii) Kidney Failure (End Stage Renal Failure);
(iii) Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension; (iv) Multiple Sclerosis;(v) Major Organ Transplant;(vi) Coronary Artery Bypass Graft; (vii) Aorta Graft Surgery;(viii) Heart Valve Surgery; (ix) Stroke;(x) Myocardial Infarction;(xi) Coma; (xii) Total blindness; (xiii) Paralysis;(xiv) Accident of serious/ life threatening nature.(xv) Any other critical illness of a life-threatening nature as stipulated in the circulars, guidelines or notifications issued by the Authority from time to time.
e. To meet medical and incidental expenses arising out of the disability or incapacitation suffered by the subscriber.
f. Towards meeting the expenses by subscriber for skill development/re-skilling or for any other self-development activities, as may be permitted by the Authority by issuance of appropriate guidelines, in that behalf
g. Towards meeting the expenses by subscriber for establishment   of own venture or any start-ups, as may be permitted by the Authority by issuance of appropriate guidelines, in that behalf.
33. If I avail partial withdrawal facility, will I get the same benefit as applicable at the time of retirement/superannuation?            Yes.
34. Whether I am eligible for Gratuity? Yes, as per latest   OM No. 7/S/2012-P&PW (F)/B dt. 26.08.2016 issued by Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare, the Central Government employees covered under NPS are eligible for ‘Retirement Gratuity and Death Gratuity’.
35. What are tax benefits available under IT Act, 1961 for Tier 1 Account?
I.  On Contributions: -Employee’s own Contribution- Eligible for tax deduction under sec 80 CCD
(1) of Income Tax Act up to 10% of salary (Basic + DA) within the overall ceiling of Rs. 1.50 Lakhs under Sec. 80 C of the Income Tax Act. From F.Y. 2015-16, subscriber will be allowed tax deduction in addition to the deduction allowed under Sec. 80CCD(1) for contribution in his NPS account   subject to maximum of Rs.50,000/- under sec. 80CCD 1(B).
Employer’s contribution: Upto 10% of Basic & DA (no upper monetary ceiling) under 80CCD (2). This rebate is over and above 80 C. (This tax benefit is only Available for NPS subscribers).
II. Partial Withdrawal- Tax free.
III. Lump sum Withdrawal- In case of superannuation, lump sum withdrawal (40 % of the accumulated corpus) is tax free.
IV. Annuity- Amount utilized for purchase of annuity is not taxable in the hands of the subscriber.
36. What are tax benefits available under IT Act, 1961 for Tier 2 Account?
No tax benefit is available for Tier 2 account.
37. Whether employer can withhold the contributions under NPS? Yes; Employer can withhold   its co-contribution along with income accrued on it under Tier-I account of the subscriber and the investment income accruing thereon, for the purpose of recovery of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused, provided such loss is established, in any departmental or judicial proceedings, initiated against such subscriber by the employer concerned
2. Right of withholding shall have to be exercised prior to the date of superannuation of the subscriber, pursuant to a notice to be given to the National Pension System Trust or an entity to whom such authorization has been given, and seeking to withhold the said pension wealth of such subscriber. Upon such right of withholding being validly exercised-
i.  the pension wealth which are payable under the National Pension System shall not be paid to such subscriber until the conclusion of the departmental or judicial proceedings, as the case may be and subject to the final orders, passed in such proceedings.
ii. the amount withheld as specified in sub-clause (i) shall remain subscribed to the scheme in the mode and manner in which it was held prior to resorting to such action by the employer specified, and the final settlement of the withheld amount shall be made by the National Pension System Trust, or any intermediary or other entity, authorized for this purpose by the Authority, in normal course within ninety days of the receipt of an appropriate order from the concerned employer;
iii. the amount withheld becomes payable to the subscriber on the final settlement, as certified by the employer specified, which has sought withholding of such benefits, and shall be paid to the subscriber as soon as possible and in no case beyond ninety days of receipt of the final order by the National Pension System Trust or any other entity or person, authorized for the purpose by the Authority;
38. What happens if the nominee predeceases the subscriber?
If the nominee predeceases the subscriber, the nomination shall so far as it relates to the right conferred upon the said nominee, become void and of no effect;
39. Can I distribute amount/percentage of fund under nomination?
Yes, a subscriber may in his nomination distribute the amount that may stand to his credit in the fund amongst his nominees at his own discretion;
40. Can I make nomination in favour of a person not belonging to his family? If a subscriber has a family at the time of making a nomination, the nomination shall be in favour of one or more persons belonging to his family. Any nomination made by such subscriber in favour of a person not belonging to his family shall be invalid; the expression “family”,
i. in relation to a male subscriber, means his legally wedded wife, his children, whether married or unmarried, his dependent parents and his deceased son’s widow and children;
ii. in relation to a female subscriber, means her legally wedded husband, her children, whether married or unmarried, her dependent parents, her husband’s dependent parents and her deceased son’s widow and children;
Explanation II - In either of the above two cases, if the child of a subscriber [or as the case may be, the child of a deceased son of the subscriber] has been adopted by another person and if, under the personal law of the adopter, adoption is legally recognized, such a child shall be considered as excluded from the family of the subscriber.
41. Nomination made before such marriage shall be valid or not? A fresh nomination is required  to be made by the subscriber on his marriage and any nomination made before such marriage shall be deemed  to be invalid.  Source:  npstrust   Please refer the original circular for further clarification NFRP
By : Pranav S. Desai  Mobile no.9824006712 / e-mail-
Preamble: There are 3 Tax Related Items worth knowing -
(i)   Income Tax Rules for F.Y. 2018 – 19 (To file in July 2019)
(ii)  Income Tax Rules for F.Y. 2019 – 20 (Tentative / Not Final)
(iii)   Proposed Direct Tax Code (For F.Y. 2020 - 21 ………?)
Please note that I.T. Rules for F.Y. 2018 – 19 were described in 31.03.2018 Writeup, and were illustrated with a numerical example on 25.12.2018 already. [These write-ups can be eMailed upon request]. Still they are summarized below. As for F.Y. 2019 – 20, they were made ready on 08.02.2019 (with a correction sheet on 11.02.2019) – to be covered in VAANI shortly. But real Final Rules for F.Y. 2019 – 20 will be passed & signed by President of India in August 2019 (not now). Direct Tax Code expected 03.03.2019.
1.     Who  Has  To  File In July 2019 ? (ITR - 1 / ITR - 2) :
Detailed guidelines on New Income Tax Return (ITR) forms will be given in June 2019 or so. Here let’s review whether you have to file at all? (Please note : I am NOT familiar with ITR – 3 / 4.)
(i)   If you have to get a REFUND, obviously you must file.
(ii)     If you were born AFTER 31.03.1959 and your Gross Total Income is > 2.5 Lakh Rs. you have to File.
(iii)   If you were born BEFORE 01.04.1939 and your Gross Total Income is > 5.0 Lakh Rs. you have to File.
(iv)    If you were born BETWEEN the above 2 dates (inclusive) and your Gross Total Income is > 3.0 Lakh Rs. you have to File.
(v)  If you have any Foreign Asset / Income, you have to File
The 3 above figures (2.5, 3, 5 Lakhs) are THRESHOLDS (no tax below them).
What is meant by Gross Total Income? You can take off Standard Deduction (40000 Rs. from Salary / Pension; 15000 Rs. from Family Pension), any Professional Tax paid to State Govt., and Interest on Home Loan upto 2 Lakh Rs. (Section 24.1), disregard any Exempt Incomes (e.g. PF / PPF Interest, Mutual Funds’ & Shares’ Dividends, Retirement Benefits, U.N. Payments – but Honoraria are NOT exempt), then add up all your Incomes. In case of Capital Gains on Gold, House / Plot, Shares, Mutual Funds etc., all such Gains are also to be added EXCEPT that : on LTCG (Long Term Capital Gain – held > 1 year) on shares & EOMF (Equity Oriented Mutual Fund, Share % > 65) the first 1 Lakh is Exempt (Sec. 112 - A). Adding up all the incomes, with the above conditions, you arrive at GTI (Gross Total Income). Here other deductions like 80-C (for specified savings, children fees etc), 80-G (donations) etc. i.e. entire Sec. 80 deductions, are NOT YET to be taken off in computing GTI. Add also CLUBBED incomes (if any) of your spouse and daughters-in-law.
One category of persons MAY (not MUST, but MAY) File Returns: Even with GTI below Threshold as indicated above, though you are NOT required to File, you may still File (Zero Tax Return) because, often Banks while sanctioning Loan, want to see 3 years’ Tax Returns. This applies to Low Income persons, for example your maid – servant, gardener, cook et al. You can pay their CA Fee Rs. 600 and help them File. Give salary by cheques.
2.     What Do You Have To Collate?
You have to separately collate (a) Normal Rate Incomes and (b) Special Rate Incomes, and (c) All the Taxes Deducted at Sources - these are Form 16 (TDS from Pension or Salary) and Forms 16 – A (Quarterly TDS from Interest), and (d) Sec. 80 Deductions.
Normal Rate Incomes include 4 types: Pension or Salary, House Property Income, Income from Other Sources (e.g. Interest, Annuity, Family Pension, Honoraria, Gifts from non – specified relatives or non – relatives exceeding 50000 etc) and Short-Term Capital Gains (except on shares / EOMF’s). Note that from Interest of Banks / P.O., deduction is available (10000 / 50000 by 80 TTA / TTB for age < 60, > 60).
Special Rate Incomes include Short Term Capital Gains on Shares / EOMF’s (15% tax), Long Term Capital Gains on Shares / EOMF’ (10% tax on any excess gain over & above 1 Lakh exempt), Long Term Capital Gains on all other items (20% tax).
(a)     For Shares / EOMF’S, short / long junction is 1 year; for others, 3 years.
(b)     For Long Term Capital Gains on Shares / EOMF’s, cost of item bought before 31.01.2018 is original or 31.01.2018 (higher).
(c)     Short Term Capital Gains on all assets AND Long-Term Capital Gains on Shares / EOMF’s are simple nominal non-indexed profits. But Long-Term Capital Gains on all other Assets means Indexed (using ratio of Cost Inflation Indexes). To waive tax on such LTCG, deposit in 54-EC Bonds for 3 years OR buy House. (If sold House, use Cap. Gain to buy House; any other sold: Use Total Sum).
(d)     Among Sec. 80 deductions, 2 were raised from F.Y. 2018 – 19 : 80 – D (Health Insurance Premia + Max. 5000 Health Check Up Fee) raised from 30000 to 50000 ; 80 – DDB (Specific Ailment Care) raised to 1 Lakh.
These limits are for Senior Citizens (> 60). For <60 -="" 18="" 19="" 2017="" 2018="" 25000="" 40000="" 80="" :="" ay="" continue="" ddb="" f.y.="" for="" he="" i.e.="" in="" issue="" limits="" list="" march="" o:p="" old="" sec.="" tabular="" unchanged.="" was="">
3.How To Arrive At Total Income & Tax? Total Income means Net Taxable Income = All Incomes (GTI) Less Deductions (E.g. 1.5 Lakh 80-C). From the Net Taxable Income, first find tax on ‘Special Rate Incomes’ at 10%, 15% or 20% as indicated above. On the balance (i.e. NET NORMAL RATE INCOME after accounting Sec. 80 deduction), find slab-wise taxes and add them up.
(i)      On excess over 10 Lakhs, tax 30% on the excess
(ii)     On 5 – 10 Lakhs span, tax 20% on excess over 5 Lakh
(iii)   On threshold to 5 Lakhs span, tax 5% on excess over threshold (But :> 80 persons do NOT have this slab). Adding (i) + (ii) + (iii) you get the Normal Rate Tax.
Now add the Normal Rate Tax and all Special Rate Taxes.
Claim Relief 89.1 if bunched - up arrears pushed you unduly into higher tax slab. But this is easier said than done !
On balance tax, now add 4% cess. THAT IS YOUR TOTAL TAX LIABILITY. Add interests @ 1% pm if you are < 60 and shortfall existed in your Advance Taxes. If >60 : 207 (2) Sec. exempts you from Interest.
Now from your total liability (Tax + Cess + Interest) subtract TDS to arrive at SELF ASSESSMENT TAX – pay by 31.07.2019 in Challan ITNS – 280 ticking 21 & 300 Boxes. Quote the Bank BSR & Challan No. in ITR. FILE BY 31.07.2019, ELSE : FINE & PENAL INTEREST.
Special Case of Net Taxable Income upto 3.5 Lakh : You are eligible for ‘Rebate from Tax’ (Sec. 87A) = Tax upto max. 2500. Eg. Age < 60, Net Income 3.35 Lakhs, Tax = 4250 – 2500 = 1750 + 4% Cess 70 = 1820.
4.Should You Use Pre-Filled ITR Return? A big NO ! You will do a fault if you just ‘okay’ your pre-filled ITR which ITO is planning to send to everybody. There will be many lacunae in it ! Incidentally, Govt. claims Efficient Assessment (2 days). It will be ‘impersonal’ / incognito.
5.Exempt Income:Though you have not to pay tax on it, you have to declare in ITR.
Quarterly meeting of Railway Pensioners Samaj, Chennaiwasconducted on 23-2-2019, at ICF North Colony Welfare Centre, Villivakkam. Sri A .Vijayakumar, President, welcomed the gathering. Two minutes silence was observed in the memory of departed members and CRPF Jawans. Sri Shunmugham National President, IRTSA has graced the occasion as Chief Guest. He spoke of the plight of pensioners and gave an introduction to NPS and its future. He has also donated RS 1000/ for Samaj. Sri P. Jaya Raman ,Working President and Sri K .Srinivasan Genl Secretary honoured the Chief Guest. Sri M.Fathimadoss, Secretary spoke of progress in various matters Samaj is working towards. Sri K Srinivasan General Secretary dealt with the problems and present status of various issues the Samaj has taken up. Senior members Sri R Sethumadhavan, Sri D Murugesan and Treasurer Sri M Padmanabhan gave their viewsSri D .Kothandam has donated Rs 5000/ to Samaj. Sri S Ramalingam, Assistant. Secretary proposed the Vote of Thanks. Meeting ended with recital of National Anthem.
39th  Annual General Body Meeting of the Railway Pensioners'  Association,  Palakkad-2  was held at the Anugraha Kalyana Mandapam, Olavakode, Palakkad on 2-3-2019. Before commencing  the meeting, members assembled at the venue and Association's Flag was hoisted by Sri Syed Mohammed, President /RPA. Open session then commenced. Sri. P.Syed Mohamed, Presided over the meeting. After prayer by Smt. Sneha, Sri. A.Krishnankutty, Vice-President welcomed the invitees and gave a brief account of the various activities being undertaken by the RPA / Palakkad. Thereupon, Open Session was formally inaugurated by Sri. M P Lipin Raj, Sr. DPO / PGT by lighting the ceremonial lamp. In his inaugural address, Sri.  Lipin Raj, expressed happiness over the functioning of the Association in handling the grievances of pensioners and about the welfare activities undertaken by RPA.
Shri.P. Syed Mohamed, President, RPA in his address, briefed the history of pension and the struggle for achieving the same. He also stressed the need tomaintain parity in pension between the old and current pensioners who formed a homogeneous unit. Here quested all the members to unite as one to achieve our demands and keep up the status of the pensioners high. Sri. K.C.Krishnankutty,  President, NFRP / Palakkad who spoke next, explained the steps being taken by the NFRP and other Federations to secure the legitimate demands of the pensioners. He sought co-operation of all Pensioners Associations in this regard. Cash assistance by the Association for medical treatment for three pensioners was given by Sr. DPO / PGT. Thereafter  4 students of Class X and 8 students of Class 12 (Plus2) who stood first in the Xth and Plus 2 examinations of 6 Secondary /  Higher Secondary Schools situated in and around Olavakkode were given cash award of Rs. 1001/- each in recognition of their proficiency by Sr. DPO / PGT on behalf of RPA. Then, 18 pensioners who have attained 80 years of age, were honoured with Ponnadai and a plaque by Sri. T .Kumardas, IRTS, Chairman (Rtd), RCT, Sri. K. C. Krishnankutty,  President, NFRP and Sri. K. Bhaskaran, Dy. FA&CAO.,KRCL (Retd). The open session came to a close at 12.00 noon with Vote of Thanks, by Shri M. Prabhakaran,  General Secretary.
The post lunch session confined to members started at 02.00 p.m. SriP. Syed Mohammed, President, RPA presided.He focused on the steps being taken by the RPA to serve the interests of the pensioners  and family pensioners and sought the co-operation  of the members to move forward with more vigour. Sri M Prabhakaran, general Secretary welcomed the members of General Body.  New Executive Committee for the years 2019-2022 was elected. Sri. R.Venugopalan, functioned as the Returning Officer and declared as elected Sri. A. Krishnan kutty as President, Smt. Janette Gowe and Sri. K. Anandaraj as Vice-Presidents, Sri. M.  Prabhakaran as General Secretary and Sri. V Venkiteswaran as Treasurer of the new Executive Committee. The following members were nominated as Secretaries:
Sri. B.K.Vivekanandan, Secretary(Office), Sri. V. Mohanan, Secretary(Office), Sri. R. Ashok Kumar, Secretary(Office), Sri.P.Balan, Secretary (Rail Pensioner) (Office), Sri. M.Sivasankaran, Secretary (Welfare).
Sri M.Prabhakaran, General Secretary, RPA presented the Secretary's Annual Report for the period from 1.1.2018 to 31.12.2018 and explained the salient features therein. Sri K. Anand Raj, Treasurer, RPA presented the Accounts of the RPA, including those relating to 'Rail Pensioner' and Welfare Fund for the Y.E. 31.12.2018. S/Sri. V.K.Sreekumar, K.Thankappan, Antony Edathara, A.Devassy, Sukumaran, K.Ramachandran, P.K.Panchaman and P.Vijayakumar took part in the discussions. General Secretary's Report and the Financial Accounts were then passed unanimously. Sri. V.Mohanan, Office Secretary, RPA moved the Resolutions, 20 in number. He also moved a resolution for increasing the annual subscription for the tri-monthly Rail Pensioner magazine from Rs. 50/- to Rs. 60 with effect from the year 2020 .After discussion, all the Resolutions were passed unanimously. Smt. Janette Gowe, Vice-President, proposed vote of thanks and the meeting concluded at 05.00P.M with singing of 'National Anthem'.
Name, Subs No. & Station
Name, Subs No. & Station
S.A.Pandian, A 0563, TNKSI
Abraham Kandathil  A4088 TRVLA
N.S.Nanjundaiah, A2427, BNC
Rose Alex Antony  A4092   CNGRY
Mahaprasad, A2873, J.khand
M.T.Abraham  A4098 KTYM
K.K.K.Menon,A2904, PGT
K.C.Rajasekharan Panikkar A4099 KTYM
Santhosh Roy, A2906, WB
V.G.S.Panikkar A4110 TRVLA
K.V.Nagaraj, A2908, SA
G.Sanjeeva A4127 BAY
Ganshyam Prasad, A 3165, K.Khand
K.K.Venugopal A.4251 ALLP
L.Nagarajan, A3227, CBE
C.Balachandran A4252 TVM
M.Krishnadas, A3401, CBE
John Joseph A4257 ALLP
M.V.Bhaskaran Nair, A3479, TCR
N.Rajendraprasad A4260 KYYM
O.P.Mohan, A3483, CAN
V.M.Thomas A4261 KTYM
S.Jayaram, A3544, BNC
V.Padmanabhan A4265 ED
P.Tata Rao, A3546, Durg
A.M.Kumaran      A4270 CLT
N.P.Janardhanan, A3550, CAN
Basel Gabriel A4388 CLT
P.V.Rajendran, A3635, CAN
T.V.Somanathan 4389 HSSN
R.Vishnu, A3659, PTJ
K.R.Radhakrishnan A4391 KTYM
S.Vijayan, A3673, TVM
P.Thurpani     A4398 CLT
P.V.Dinesh, A3806, CAN
U.NarayananKutty  A4405 PGT
T.K.Dasan, A3832, PGT
K.Unnikrishnan A4409 PGT
R.Santha Devi, A3857, PGT
T.Balakrishnan, A4408 PGT
T.Mohammad, A3901,CLT
K.Chandrasekharan A4479 PTJ
K.K.Gopalan, A3903, CLT
P.V.Unnikrishnan 4492 KN
M.K.RemaMadhavan A3904, MLPRM
C.P.Athmaraman  A4493 CEN
T.Balaram, A3907, CLT
T.Jose  A4494 KTYM
K.N.Anandan, A3919, TCR
M.P.Alexander A4495 PGT
P.O.Variath     A3923,AFK
K.P.Kunhammed  A4496 CLT
T.M.Mathews, A 3927, ERN
D.Jojikutty A 4497 VYND
V.Venkatachalam, A3991, ED
O.Mohanan A4498 W.Hill
K.Ramachandran, A4026, CLT     
K.P.Aravidakshan A.4499 MLPRM
Shaik Basheed, A4044, BAY
V.K.K.Nair A4500 CLT
T.V.Prabhakaran, A4057,PGT

Ensure your overall health as you age with these healthy eating tips.
First, the bad news: As you age, your metabolism slows down, your senses weaken and you're more likely to develop chronic conditions. The good news: You can help ensure your overall well-being over time, by making smart, healthy eating choices. Here are 10 ways to improve your nutritional health as you age:
1. Consume more liquids - As you age, your sense of thirst becomes lessens. To combat this, MyPlate, a healthy eating initiative by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, suggests drinking plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated even if you don't exactly feel thirsty. Fat-free milk and 100-percent juice are other options to consider besides water.
2. Eat a variety of foods - Consuming a variety of foods will ensure you're getting all of the nutrients you need. According to the National Council on Aging, a healthy meal should consist of a lean protein, fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy.
3. Plan your meals - If you plan your meals throughout the week, you'll be less likely to stop following your healthy eating habits. Consider preparing a week's worth of dinners, then keeping them frozen until you need them.
4. Minimize your use of table salt - As you age, your sense of taste declines. More often than not, you'll want to season your dishes with salt to increase the flavor. Unfortunately, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration reports that consuming too much salt can lead to high blood pressure, which can ultimately lead to heart disease, stroke and kidney disease. Make sure you're consuming no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium every day.
5. Season with herbs and spices - Instead of seasoning your foods with salt, use fresh herbs and spices. Cayenne pepper, basil, sage, rosemary and turmeric are healthy choices that are packed with flavor.
6. Read nutrition labels - When shopping for packaged and canned foods, check the nutrition label before making the purchase. Even if it's advertised as a healthy choice, it could be loaded with added fat, sodium and sugar that you won't find unless you read the label carefully.
7. Follow recommended servings - In order to maintain a healthy weight, it's very important to follow the recommended serving sizes. Talk to your doctor if you want advice that caters to you personally.
8. Reduce sugar consumption - Refined sugars are loaded with empty calories that offer no nutritional value, according to Help guide. Slowly reduce the sugary treats in your diet and start eating whole foods that are naturally sweet, such as fruits, sweet peppers and yams.
9. Choose healthy fats - You shouldn't cut all fats from your diet. Instead, just eliminate the saturated and trans fats. Healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can help protect your body against disease and support mood and mental well-being. Olive oil, avocado, nuts and fish high in omega-3 fatty acids are excellent choices.
10. Consider supplements - Eating fruits and vegetables is the best way to get the nutrients you need, but sometimes, it's not enough. You may want to consider talking to your doctor about taking supplemental vitamins and minerals to ensure your overall health.
A young billionaire rushed into a hospital.  He asked the receptionist, "How is my mother?  When and why was she admitted?"
The doctor said, "Your mother suffered a mild stroke.  She was brought to the hospital in time by the elderly couple sitting there.The son thanked the elderly couple profusely. "I am sorry I don't recognise you", he said. The lady replied that they didn't know him either. The son was surprised.
"How do you know my mother?" he asked.  The gentleman replied, "she is a member of our WhatsApp group". The son looked dazed. The gentleman continued, "we have a group on WhatsApp -The 60 Plus Group”.
Everyone sixty and above is a member. It is the duty of the members to enroll those in their neighbourhood.Everyone has to send a "Good Morning" message every day. Similarly, in the afternoon and night.  The members can chat, exchange views, etc, also. If we do not receive the mandatory messages every day, the neighbouring members are alerted and they make it a point to visit the member.
This morning, we didn't get the message from your mother. That's why we are here. "It is not enough if you have provided your parents with all the facilities money can buy," he continued. "They need people to talk to. When was the last time you visited your mother?"
The son couldn't answer immediately. "See, that's why we have this group. Otherwise, we 60+ people would be talking to walls and windows", the couple said as they left.
Don't forget that while you are busy growing up, your parents are growing older.
Dedicated to all those, who think, “WhatsApp is nonsense”.
The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly. Buddha
Date of Publication 28thMarch, 2019
RNI Registration No KERENG 2012/47175 DATED 01.01.2013 Title RPND
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Posted at RMS/Palakkad – 678002
Name and station
ID No.
Amount in Rs.
S.Radhakrishnan, Hanamkonda
Building fund
S.Ramasundaram, Kadappa
Building fund
P.V.Samuel, KTYM
Building fund
P.Somasekaran, PGT
Building fund
Sri.Hari Krishna, Retired CYM, Waltair passed away on 14.2.2019. A condolence meeting was conducted by Railway pensioners’ Brotherhood, Association, Visakhapatnam to pay homage to the departed soul. NFRP extends our heart-felt condolences to the bereaved family and prays Lord Almighty to rest the departed soul in peace.
The  scariest  moment  is  always  just  before  you  start !


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