Fate of pro poor schemes

During the last over 4 and a half years  govt have launched Several pro poor  Schemes like :
1.Kisan Samman Nidhi : Assured income support over 12 crore Farmers with cultivable land upton5 acres (i.e. Almost 86% of Farmers) will annually get in their bank accounts    Rs 6000/- through installment of Rs 2000/ each
2.Sharam Yogi Maan Dhan :About 10 crore labourer in informal sector ( Unorganized sector) covering street vendors, Raksha pullers, construction workers, Agriculture Labour, beedi workers, hand-loom, leather  and numerous similar occupations with monthly income up-to Rs 15000/ will get in their bank accounts assured Pension of Rs 3000/ per month after the age of 60yrs.If they join at the age of 29 years they will have to contribute Rs 100/per month & for those joining at the age of 18 yrs will have to contribute Rs55/ per month. The Scheme caps the raft of social security measures including  health coverage under AAyushaman Bharat with 5lac health coverage 10 crore families and life and disability coverage under jeewan  Jyoti Bema yojana 2 lac insurance cover  on payment of Rs 330 per year premium for those in 18-50 age group , Sureksha Bema yojana bundled with Jandhan A/cs for age group 18-70 giving 2 lac cover for accidental death/full disability and 1 lac for partial dis ability at a premium of Ra 12 per year, financial inclusion through Jandhan,42% raise in minimum wage for all labourers. In addition Employees State insurance scheme coverage raised to Rs 21000 per month from existing 15000/, Minimum Ceiling of Bonus given to labourer raised to 7000/from existing Rs3500/
 But alas! Implementation at ground level is not free of hassles due to Corrupt & negative mind set of implementation authorities and petty politicians.


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