Intimation of recovery of excess/over payment made to pensioners.

Copy of letter issued by CPAo/IT&Tech/Clarification/13(vol-ttt) 2076-17/ $ J2501.2018 addressed to all Banks
Office Memorandum
Subiect:- Intimation of recovery of excess/over payment made to pensioners.
As per para 4.6.7 of the Accounting and Operating Procedure for Central Pension Processing Centre of Authorised Banks for Pension Disbursement to Central Government (Civil) Pensioners(February, 2012J wherein it has been provided that "the CPPC software will display on the computer screen, options and view of the details of calculation of pension and its breakup of the pension paid to the pensioner/ family pensioner. The Home Branch will act as intermediary with the CPPC and, besides providing accounts statement, provide to the pensioners the payment of TDS details, pension slip, the Due and Drawn Statement in respect of each arrear and the Annual Income Statement". These instructions have been reiterated vide this office OM No. CPAO/Tech/ Banks Performance/2015-76/60 dated-14.06.2015 followed by OM No. CPAO/ IT& Tech/ Banks Performance/20 !6-17 /220 dated-09.01.2017 and OM No. CPAO/ IT&Tech/ Clarification/ 13 [Vol-ltl)/2 076-77 /274 dated 31.03.2017 available on this office website
Inspite of repeated instructions, it is observed that banks are still not giving The details of pension to the pensioners. Therefore, all Heads of CPPCs and Government Business Departments are once again advised to issue instructions to their branches to ensure that all pensioners are provided break up of payments made to them without fail.
This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
(Asstt. Controller of Accounts)
Ph No.011‐26103074


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