Identification/verification of additional documents produced by Defence Forces pensioners in absence of Aadhaar number as indicated in Notification No. S.O. 747(E) dated 03.03.2017 issued by Deptt. Of DESW, Dt. 10th Jan, 2018

Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pension), Draupadi
Ghat, Allahabad-211014

Circular No. 197
No. AT/Tech/30-XIX
Dated: 10.01.2018

Sub: Identification/verification of additional documents produced by Defence Forces pensioners in absence of Aadhaar number as indicated in Notification No. S.O. 747(E) dated 03.03.2017 issued by Deptt. Of ESW .

Consequent upon introduction of Aadhaar Act, 2016, an individual eligible to receive the pension benefits is required to furnish proof of possession of Aadhaar number or undergo Aadhaar authentication.

However, Ministry of Defence, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare Notification No. 14(2)/2014/D (P/P)(Part-I)(copy enclosed) published in Gazette of India in 03.03.2017 vide No. S.O. 747(e), provides that, till the Aadhaar is assigned to the beneficiary of pension benefits, benefits shall be given to such individuals subject to the production of certain identification documents as indicated in Notification No. S.O. 747(E).

In view of above, all the Pension Disbursing Authorities are advised to check the identification documents, as mentioned in above Notification No. S.O. 747(E), produced by defence pensioners, till Aadhaar is assigned to the pension beneficiaries. Especially as per clause b(i) and (ii) of notification No. S.O. 747(E).

(Shubash Kumar)

(Department of Ex- Servicemen Welfare)
New Delhi, the 3rd March, 2017

S.O. 747(E).—Whereas, the use of Aadhaar as identity document for delivery of services or benefits or subsidies simplifies the Government delivery processes, brings in transparency and efficiency, and enables beneficiaries to get their entitlements directly in a convenient and seamless manner and Aadhaar obviates the need for producing multiple documents to prove one’s identity;

And, whereas, the payment of pension is given to retired Defence Forces pensioners/ Family Pensioners (hereinafter referred to as beneficiaries) by the Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare, Ministry of Defence in the Government of India under the Pension Regulations for Army, 1961, the Pension Regulations for Air Force, 1961, and the Pension Regulations for Navy 1964 and the pension is disbursed to beneficiaries through Pension Disbursement Agencies;

And, whereas, the aforesaid benefit of pension involves recurring expenditure from the Consolidated Fund of India;

Now, therefore, in pursuance of the provisions of the section 7 of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 (18 of 2016) (hereinafter referred to the said Act), the Central Government hereby notifies the following, namely: -- 1. (1) An individual eligible to receive the pension benefits is hereby required to furnish proof of possession of Aadhaar number or undergo Aadhaar authentication.

(2) Any eligible beneficiary entitled to receive pension benefits, who does not possess the Aadhaar Number or, not yet enrolled for Aadhaar, but desirous of availing pension benefits is hereby required to make application for Aadhaar enrolment by 30th June, 2017, provided he or she is entitled to obtain Aadhaar as per section 3 of the said Act and such individuals shall visit any Aadhaar enrolment centre (list available at UIDAI website to get enrolled for Aadhaar.

(3) As per regulation 12 of the Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Regulations, 2016, the Ministry of Defence through Pension Disbursement Agencies or other means which requires an individual to furnish Aadhaar is required to offer Aadhaar enrolment facilities for the beneficiaries who are not yet enrolled for Aadhaar and in case there is no Aadhaar enrolment centre located in the respective Block or Taluka or Tehsil, the Ministry of Defence through Pension Disbursement Agencies or other means is required to provide Aadhaar enrolment facilities at convenient locations in coordination with the existing Registrars of Unique Identification Authority of India or by becoming Unique Identification Authority of India registrar:

Provided that, till the Aadhaar is assigned to the beneficiary of pension benefits, benefits shall be given to such individuals subject to the production of the following identification documents, namely:

(a) Ex-servicemen Card issued by the concerned authorities; and

(b) (i) If he or she has enrolled, his or her Aadhaar Enrolment ID slip; or
(ii) a copy of his or her request made for Aadhaar enrolment, as specified in sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 2 below; and

any of the following documents, namely :-

(i) Voter ID card issued by the Election Commission of India; or
(ii) Permanent Account Number Card issued by Income Tax Department; or
(iii) Passport; or
(iv) Driving License issued by Licensing authority under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988); or
(v) Certificate of Identity having photo issued by a Gazetted officer or Tehsildar on an official letter head; or
(vi) Address card having Name and Photo issued by Department of Posts; or
(vii) Kisan Photo Passbook; or
(viii) any other document as specified by the Ministry of Defence:

Provided further that the above documents shall be checked by an officer specifically designated by the Ministry of Defence for that purpose.

2. In order to provide convenient and hassle free pension benefits to the beneficiaries, the Ministry of Defence through Pension Disbursement Agencies or other means shall make all the required arrangements including following; namely:-

(1) Wide publicity through media and individual notices shall be given to beneficiaries of pension benefits to make them aware of the requirement of Aadhaar under the scheme and they may be advised to get themselves enrolled at the nearest Aadhaar enrolment centres available in their areas by 30th June, 2017 in case they are not already enrolled and the list of locally available enrolment centres shall be made available to them. (2) In case, beneficiaries of pension benefits are not able to enrol due to non-availability of enrolment centres in the near vicinity such as in the block or tehsil or taluka, the Ministry through Pension Disbursement Agencies or other means is required to create Aadhaar enrolment facilities at convenient locations and the beneficiaries of pension benefits may register their request for Aadhaar enrolment by giving their name, address, mobile number with Ex- Servicemen Card and other details specified in the proviso to clause (b) sub- paragraph (3) of paragraph 1 with their Pension Disbursement Agencies or other means or through the web portal provided for the purpose.

3. This notification shall come into effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette in all States and Union Territories except the States of Assam, Meghalaya and Jammu and Kashmir. Provided that this notification shall not be applicable for following categories of Pensioners or Family Pensioners, namely:—

(i) NRI who resides in other or foreign country,

(ii) Overseas settled Indian who is citizen of other or foreign country,

(iii) Nepal Domiciled, Burmese and similar categories of defence pensioners.

[F. No. 14(2)/2014/D(P/P)(Part-I)]
RAVI KANT, Jt. Secy.


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