Disability pension and compensation to ex servicemen and cadets

ANSWERED ON 01.01.2018
Disability pension and compensation to ex servicemen and cadets
1448 Shri Vivek Gupta
Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to state :-
(a) the details of the disability pension, accruing to the ex-servicemen, during 2014-17, rank-wise;
(b) whether Government has reduced the disability pension to ex-servicemen for any rank during 2014-17;
(c) if so, the details thereof and the rationale for the cuts in disability pension; and
(d) whether it is a fact that trainees of commissioned Group A (Class I) level posts are not given proper disability or family pension on death and only “monthly ex-gratia payment” is made since they are not considered as Government employees and if so, the steps taken by the Ministry to change this scenario?
(a) Disability Pension in cases of invalidment is granted to Armed Forces Personnel irrespective of qualifying service rendered which consists of service element and disability element. Armed Forces personnel who are retired / discharged with disability which is attributable to or aggravated by military service are also allowed disability element in addition to their service / retiring pension. With effect from 01.01.2006, the Disability Element is paid based on 30% of last emoluments drawn for 100% disability which is reduced pro-rata for lower percentages of disability.
Benefit of broad banding of percentage of disability was earlier allowed only for those invalided out from service. However, vide Ministry of Defence orders dated 4th and 5th September, 2017 the benefit of broad banding of percentage of disability has been extended to cases of retirement / discharge from service with disability of 20% or more.
(b) No, Sir.
(c) Does not arise.
(d) Cadets during the entire duration of training in service academies i.e. during training period of Indian Military Academy (IMA) and Officers Training Academy (OTA) are entitled to stipend. The period of training is not treated as Commissioned Service. Cadets are not entitled to Disability Pension.
The scheme for grant of monthly ex-gratia awards in cases of death / disablement of Cadets (Direct) due to causes attributable to or aggravated by Military Training was introduced vide Ministry of Defence letter dated 16.04.1996 which was applicable with effect from 01.01.1986. Rates of Ex-gratia awards have been revised by each Pay Commission. The rates notified vide Ministry of Defence letter dated 04.09.2017, are as follows:-
In case of disablement:
Monthly Ex-gratia amount – Rs.9,000/-pm.
Monthly Ex-gratia disability award – Rs.16,200/-pm for 100% disability, subject to pro-rata reduction for lower percentages of disability.
Constant Attendance Allowance – Rs.6,750/-pm, if applicable.
In case of death:-
Monthly Ex-gratia amount – Rs.9,000/-pm.
Ex-gratia lump sum compensation – Rs.12.5 lakhs.
Source : Rajya Sabha


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