Rly BD RBA/163/2017 Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 pensioner as per 7th CPC dt.16.11.17

RBA No. 163/2017
New Delhi,dated 16.11.2017
General Managers,
All Zonal Railways and Production Units
Sub: Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 pensioner as per 7th CPC
  1. Board’s letter No.2016/F(E)III/1(1)/7 dated 22.5.2017 (RBE No. 49/2017) & 11.07.2017 (RBE No. 66/2017).
  2. Board’s letters of even No.dated 9.6.2017, 19.7.2017 & 25.07.2017 (RBA No. 68/2017, 98/2017 & 103/2017)
  3. Board (FC) D.O. letter No. 2016/AC-11/21/8/PT-III dated 05.9.2017
  4. Board (MS) letter no. 2016/AC-II/21/8 dated 11.10.2017
Please refer instructions that have been issued regarding revision of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners in line with 7th CPC recommendations vide Railway Board’s letters under reference above. These instructions envisage ‘suo moto’ revision in pension for all pre-2016 retirees. Till date, nearly 4.4 lac pensioners’ PPO have been revised out of about 14 lakhs pensioners (nearly 31%). In order to expedite the pace of revision, FC (Rlys) had issued instructions (Ref 3 above) to revise PPO on a parallel track, other than APRAN. Some of the units have also started the work on a parallel track.
While reviewing the position of revision, it is noted that the progress is not satisfactory. Out of nearly 14 lakh pensioners of IR, only 10.53 lakhs have been brought online and 6.4 lacs cases have been initiated. Instructions were also issued to form teams of Personnel and Accounts Departments to expedite the work, but a large number of records are still lying with the Personnel Department for initial activity of pension revision and sending for verification and issue of PPOs. The pace of activity is uneven with more cases lying with Personnel Department.
It is, therefore, necessary that the systems and processes in place may be reviewed so that suitable measures are taken to expedite this phase of work. PCPO and PFA may also be advised to monitor the progress of revision of pension cases at their level to ensure that pension revision exercise is completed at the earliest.
(D.K. Gayen)
Member Staff
Railway Board


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