7th CPC Pre-2016 Pension Revision: CGDA has published the list of pensioners reg non-availability of correct bank and other detailsOFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER GENERAL OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS

Dated: 27.11.2017
Important Circular
Subject: Implementation of Govt’s decision on the recommendations of The 7th Central Pay Commission- Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners / Family Pensioners, etc.
Reference: PCDA(P) Allahabad letter No. G1 / C /0199/ Vol.-I / Tech, dated 30.05.2017 and this office Important Circular of even no. dated 05.06.2017.
LPC-Cum-Data-Sheet for revision of pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners / Family Pensioners was forwarded to PCDA (P) Allahabad for issue of e-PPO. PCDA(P) Allahabad has returned a number of LPC-Cum-Data-Sheets with the following reasons
i. Incomplete / Incorrect bank A / c number.
ii. Date of Death of Pensioners not available
2. A list of the Pensioners / family pensioners are enclosed as Annexure "A”.
3. All the Pensioners / family pensioners are therefore requested to kindly provide following information / documents to this Office so that revised LPC-Cum-Data-Sheet may be forwarded to PCDA(P) Allahabad:
a. Complete Bank details viz Bank A / c No., Name of Bank, Branch Name, IFS Code, Death Certificate, if applicable.
4. The information may be sent through fax, Email or by post as per the details given below:
FAX No.: 011-25674777
Email: an4-pay.cgda[at]nic.in
Postal address: The CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.
5. For any enquiry/ clarification on the subject, pensioners / family pensoiners may contact Shri Mahesh Kumar, Sr. Accounts Officer (AN) on Phone No. 01 1- 25665560.

(Mustaq Ahmad)


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