Rly Board22.8.2017 Revision of Pension of pre 2016 pensioners

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
Railway Board
RBA No. 117 /2017
No. 2016/AC-II /21/8/PT-III
New Delhi dated : 22. 08.2017
All Zonal Railways / PUs

Sub:- Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners as per 7th CPC.

Ref: 1.DoP&PW’s OM no. 4/23/2017-P&PW(D) dated 7.8.2017.
2. RBA NO. 108/2017 Dated 04.08.2017.

Please find enclosed a copy of DOP&PW’s OM ibid wherein it has again been stressed that the pension cases may be suo-moto processed based on the details available without insisting for submission of any additional information or documents from the pensioners.
Further, Finance Secretary has reviewed the progress made in revision of pension cases and has expressed concern about the progress. It is desired that clear timelines may be drawn to complete the exercise and the progress be monitored on a weekly basis.
It is therefore requested that the timelines drawn and weekly progress made may be communicated to Board by mail at 7cpcac2rb[at]gmail.com
DA:As above
(Vivek.P. Tripathi)
Director Finance/CCA
Railway Board


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