PCDA ALLAHBAD circular 173 dad 11.8.17 reg revision of pension of pre 2016 pensioners 

Circular No C-173
No. G1/C/052/Vol-IX/Tech
O/o the PCDA (P), Allahabad
Dated: 11/08/2017
(All Head of Department under Min. of Defence)
Sub :- Restoration of full pension of absorbee pensioners in view of the order dated 01.09.2016 of Hon’ble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No. 6084/2010 and civil appeal No. 6371/2010.
Ref :- GOI, Dptt.of P&PW O.M. No. 4/34/2002-P&PW(d).Vol.II, dated 23rd June,2017 & 21st July 2017(copies enclosed).
Reference is invited to para-8 of above cited DP&PW O.M. dated 23/06/2017 vide which, it has been decided to extend the benefit of order dated 02-08-2007 of the Hon’ble Madras High Court and the Order dated 01-09-2016 of the Hon’ble Supreme Court to all similarly placed absorbee pensioners. Accordingly, all such absorbee pensioners who had taken 100% lump-sum amount in lieu of pension on absorption in PSUs/Autonomous Bodies in accordance with the then existing Rule 37-A of the CCS(Pension)Rules 1972 and in whose case 1/3rd pension had been restored after 15 years, may be allowed restoration of full pension after expiry of commutation period of 15 years from the date of payment of 100% lump-sum amount
2. It is, therefore, decided that revision in such cases will be carried out by this office by issue of Corr. PPO on the basis of document forwarded by respective HOOs with the following particulars:-
i. Name of the absorbees.
ii. Name of H.O.O. from which retired
iii. Date of restoration of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension
iv. Original PPOs No. (Copy may please be attached)
v. Latest Corr. PPO No. (Copy may please be attached)
vi. Current PDA Details
a. PDA Name (i.e. Bank, DPDO, TO etc.)
b. PDA Station
c. Bank Name#
d. Branch Name#
e. Account No.#
f. BSR code of CPPC BR.#
g. IFSC Code#
Note:- If PDA is Bank, filling of columns with # mark is mandatory.
3. The absorbee pensioners whose full pension is restored in terms of the above instructions would also be entitled to revision of their pension in accordance with the instructions issued from time to time in implementation of the recommendations of the Pay Commissions, including the 7th Central Pay Commission in terms of DP&PW O.M. No. 38/37/2015-P&PW(A), dt. 12/05/2017. In is therefore, HOOs are advised to provide following mandatory information so that revision under 7th CPC may also be carried out:-
i. Last Pay drawn at the time of retirement.
ii. Pay Scale at the time of retirement.
Further, in r/o those Government Servants who retired or died before 01.01.1986 following information should also be mentioned.
iii. Notional Pay fixed as on 01-01-1986 (in case of Pre-86 retirees)
iv. Notional Pay Scale as on 01-01-1986(in case of Pre-86 retirees)
4. In view of the foregoing, you also are requested to issue suitable instructions (along with copy of this circular) to all the Head of Offices under your administrative control to ensure that application/claim on the subject matter henceforth are floated in accordance with instructions given in above Paras.
(Rajeev Ranjan Kumar)
Dy. CDA (P)
Source: pcdapension.nic.in


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