Chief Guest shri Shiv Gopal Mishra, Genl Secy NCJCM (Staff Side); Special Guest of Honour Sh Sanjai Singh Chief Controller (pensions) M/o Finance DOE; Special Invitees: s/Sh D N Chapke, K C K Menon, Dr Abha Choudhary, Dr Alakananda Banerjee & D Balasubramaniyam; invitees sitting in front of me; octogenarians members of BPS;dignatories on the dias office bearers & MC members BPS, office bearers & delegates from Affiliates & Associates, Pensioner Brothers & Sisters, Ladies & Gentlemen. Namaste, Good morning. On behalf of Prez, Secy Genl and BPS Managing Committee, I welcome you all to 61st AGM of Bharat Pensioners Samaj being held to-day on 13th November, 2016 at Constitution Club, Mavlankar Hall, New Delhi. This AGM is a mega meet and has assumed great importance as it would be discussing the outcome of the recommendations concerning civil pensioners/family pensioner of Central Govt viz. Posts, Rlys, Defence (civilians), State Govt(s), pensioners/family pensi...