Com. S.C.Maheshwari, Secretary General, Bharat Pensioners’ Samaj will inaugurate & address 37th AGM of AIFPA Chennai on 22.7.016 at Alamelu Manga Kalyana Mandapam, Radhakrishhnan Street, T Nagar,Chennai 600017

 Com. S.C.Maheshwari, Secretary General, Bharat Pensioners’ Samaj will inaugurate &  address 37th AGM of AIFPA Chennai on 22.7.016 at  Alamelu Manga Kalyana Mandapam, Radhakrishhnan  Street, T Nagar,Chennai 600017 for further information  contact: D.Balasubramanian phone 044  23715031 &24716985
Media Manager BPS


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