
Showing posts from February, 2016

BPS appeal to the Prime Minister Regarding Revision of Pension of Pre 2006 Pensioners - Reg: minimum pension for Pre 2006 Pensioners who retired from posts where pay scales have been merged /upgraded


Suresh Prabhu tweet 2 Secy Genl BPS

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Grant of family pension to a disabled Child/sibling-clarification reg

RBE No.22/2016 Government Of India (Bharat Sarkar) Ministry Of Railways (Rail Mantralaya) (Railway Board) No.F(E)III/2005/PN1/32 New Delhi, Dated 24.02.2016 The GMs/FA & CAOs All Indian Railways/Production Units. (As Per Mailing List) Subject: Grant of family pension to a disabled Child/sibling-clarification regarding. A copy of Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare (DOP&PW)’s O.M.No.1-18-2001-P&PW(E) (Vol.II) dated 27.01.2016 on the above subject is enclosed for information and compliance. These instructions shall apply mutatis mutandis on the Railways also. DOP&PW’s O.M.No.1/2/09-P&Pw(E) dated 30.12.2009, O.M.No.1/18/01-P&PW(E)(Vol.II) dated 30.09.2014 and 05.11.2015 have been adopted/Circulated vide Board’s letters of even number dated 15.01.2010, 27.10.2014 and 11.01.2016 respectively. Sd/- (sanjay Prashar) Deputy director finance (Estt.) III Railway Board. No.1/18/2001-P&PW(E)(Vol.II) Government Of India Ministry of Personnel,...



Good initiatives provided GMs n DRMs r sensitized.

All complaints pertaining to Rlys be tagged to GMs& DRMs

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Pending revision of pre-2OO6 pension cases.

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Railyway Budget Speech in English-16-17

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Railway Budget Speech in Hindi - 2016-17

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Rail Budget Highlights

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Implementation of 7th CPC: Comments of the Ministries/Departments on Recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission-Request to Expedite -List of Nodal officers attached

Implementation of 7th CPC: Comments of the Ministries/Departments on Recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission-Request to Expedite F No.30-1/2016-IC Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure Implementation Cell (7th CPC) Dated: 15th February 2016 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Comments of the Ministries/Departments on Recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission-Request to Expedite-regarding. All the Ministries/Departments, vide the D.O.No.1-4/2015-EIII.A dated 21.11.2015 from Joint Secretary (Pers), Department of Expenditure were requested to formulate their views/comments on the issues and the posts/services under them with reference to the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission and forward it to the Department of Expenditure within a period of three weeks. 2. The action involved on part of the administrative Ministries/Departments was also discussed, in detail, in the meeting with the Nodal Officers on 02.02.2016...

2.8 lakh of its pensioners above 80 years, Railways want to run a chec - See more at:

2.8 lakh of its pensioners above 80 years, Railways want to run a check The inspectors, all railway employees, have been asked to visit the houses of all pensioners in this age bracket, obtain their signatures and, if possible, that of their neighbours as witnesses to certify that the beneficiary is alive. Written by   Avishek G Dastidar   | New Delhi |   Updated: February 22, 2016 8:03 am According to government figures, the next in line in this pension segment is the defence ministry, which is far behind with 42,000 pensioners. Facing a cash squeeze and a bulging pension bill, the Railways have launched a first-of-its-kind exercise to physically verify whether all its retired employees, aged between 80 and 100 years, are still alive. Starting this month, hundreds of “Welfare Inspectors” have been fanning out to track down each of the 2.86 lakh former employees in this age group, who form 20 per cent of the Railways’ total pensioner populati...

Mera Hindustan

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NORTHERN RAILWAY IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR NORTHERN RAILWAY PENSIONERS All the Pensioners/Family Pensioners of Northern Railway may kindly following additional information for updating the pensioner’s data base being maintained by Pension Section at Baroda House: -  a) Name as in Pension Payment Order: —————————————– b) Pension Payment Order Number: —————————————– c) Current Address for communication: —————————————– d) Name of the pension Drawing Bank: —————————————– e) Saving Bank Account Number: —————————————– f)  Mobile Number: —————————————– g) Email id: —————————————– h) Aadhar Number: —————————————– i) Income Tax Permanent Account Number: —————————————– The above information may kindly be sent by post or email to Sr. AFA (pension), Office of FA&CAO, Northern Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi-110 001. Email id: . All the pensioners’/family pensioners are also requested to updated the information m...

Are we heading for destruction?

What a pity? Civil war like situation in Haryana , a section of media & power hungry politicians supporting  anti national slogan shouting,City on Yamuna banks crying fr water.

Up dating pensioners data

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Court Judgements

NEWS Flash: PENSIONERS WIN ANOTHER BATTLE Contempt Petition - Government agrees to implement within one month the judgement of the CAT for full Pension to Pre 2006 Pensioners after 10/ 20 years of Service  - click here to read judgement

Implementation of ‘One Rank One Pension’ to Defence pensioners.

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Stepping up of notional full pension w.e.f. 01.01.2006 instead of 24.09.2012 for the purpose of Dearness relief and additional pension for absorbee pensioners.

No.4/38/2008-P&PW (D) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare) 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan New Delhi-110 003. Dated the 17th February, 2016 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:-Restoration of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension in respect of Government servants who had drawn lumpsum payment on absorption in Central Public Sector Under takings/Central Autonomous Bodies — Stepping up of notional full pension w.e.f. 01.01.2006 for the purpose of Dearness relief and additional pension for old pensioners.   Orders for revision of 1/3 rd restored pension of absorbees, who had drawn lumpsum payment on absorption, were issued vide this Department O.M. of even number dated 15.92008 as amended/ modified vide OM No. 4/30/2010-P&PW(D) dated 11.07.2013. As per these memorandums, the full pension of the absorbees was notionally revised w.e.f. 01.01.2006 in accordance with the instructions...

Some bureaucrats do nt understand that they will also retire one day!

Image Some bureaucrats do nt understand that they will also retire one day! BPS-Sarup Maheshwari on Twitter “16/2/16 Secy ARPG agreed 2hold pensnrs assn mtg w.r.2, 7thCPC.Thanks 2 him. However, JS annoyed with my twits reminded me of conduct rules.” | By BPS-Sarup Maheshwari


NEWS Flash: PENSIONERS WIN ANOTHER BATTLE Contempt Petition - Government agrees to implement within one month the judgement of the CAT for full Pension to Pre 2006 Pensioners after 10/ 20 years of Service

Even God doesn't discriminate between man n woman says Appex court.But Prez 7th CPC an ex SC judge discriminated. Counted wife as .8 family unit fr calculation of needbase minimum salary.

BPS-Sarup Maheshwari  ‏ @ RREWA     11h 11 hours ago Gurgaon, India Even God doesn't discriminate between man n woman@Appex court.But Prez 7th CPC an ex SC judge discriminated. Counted wife as .8 fr min wage.

Three retired defence officers booked for ‘fraud’- misuse of pensioners money alleged

GURGAON: THE CASE WAS REGISTERED AGAINST A RETIRED MAJOR GENERAL, A GROUP CAPTAIN AND A WING COMMANDER  The Gurgaon police has registered a case of fraud against three retired defence officers, including a retired major general, for allegedly siphoning off ` 14 lakh from the Indian Ex- servicemen Movement (IESM) — a society of defence personnel and their families and is involved in the ‘one rank one pension’ agitation. The accused and the complainants are members of the IESM, the police said. The complainant Lt Gen Raj kadyan, a resident of Sector 17A and chairman of the society, alleged that the accused had taken a lot of cash from the society funds between January and July 2013. The case was re gistered against three retired defence personnel — a major general , a group captain and a wing commander — at the Palam Vihar police station on Monday. The police said the case was registered on the directions of a Gurgaon court . Lt Gen Raj Kadyan ( retd), chairman of the I...


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Pensioners' grievances

Check out @RREWA's Tweet:

Family Identity Cards to retiring/retired Railway Employees-Rly Bd. orders dated 29.1.2016



A meeting of all the Nodal Officers Of various Ministries/DepartmentS, who have been appointed to interact with the Implementation Cell in connection with the processing of the recommendations of the Central Pay Commission, was held on 02.02.2016. Joint Secretary (IC), Department of Expenditure, presided over the meeting 2. While explaining the background and the context in which the meeting of Nodal Officers was held, it was brought Out in the meeting that after the receipt of the report Of the 7th Central Pay Commission on 19.11.2015, Ministry of Finance initiated a proposal to setup an appropriate mechanism to process the recommendations Of the Commission. With the approval Of the Cabinet. an Empowered Committee Of Secretaries (E-COS) headed by the Cabinet Secretary has been set up on 27.1.2016 to screen the recommendations and to firm up the conclusions for approval Of the Cabinet. An Implementation Cell (IC), as a dedicated and focused wing in the Department Of Expenditure (D...