Comply with Section 4 of the Right to Information (RTI) Act and suo motu disclose all governance related information in public domain:DoPT
The department of personnel and training (DoPT) has written to all
central government ministries asking them to comply with Section 4 of the Right
to Information (RTI) Act and suo motu disclose all governance related
information in public domain.
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel. Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi-1
Dated: 29th June 2015
Office Memorandum
Subject: Implementation of Suo Motu Disclosure under Section 4 of
RTI Act, 2005
Attention is invited to detailed guidelines on implementation of
suo motu disclosure under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005 issued vide this
department's O.M. No.1/6/2011-IR dated 15.4.2013. Subsequently, a Committee of
experts consisting of Shri A.N.Tiwari, Chief Information Commissioner(Retd) and
Dr. M.M.Ansari, Information
Commissioner(Retd) (of Central Information Commission) was
constituted to recommend, interalia, measures to further strengthen
implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005. The Committee has, interalia,
made the following recommendations which have been duly accepted by the
competent authority:-
1) All the details of the public authority may be uploaded on its website. Access to
information should be made user-friendly for which appropriate information
technology infrastructure should be suitably designed. developed and
2) All the training modules for professional upgradation of employees
should incorporate matter relating to the virtues of transparency and open
government and RTI law.
3) In order to minimise the burden of servicing RTI applications.
the public authorities with high public dealings should put in place an
effective system to redress the grievances of affected persons. At the
sub-organisational levels, there should be cooperation and coordination between
the Central Public lnforrnation Officers and the officers responsible for addressing public grievances.
4) In order to reduce the number of RTI applications relating to
service matters, the information relating to recruitment, promotion and
transfers should be brought into public domain promptly.
5) The retention and maintenance of specific documents for
specified duration should be clearlyspelt by each public authority in respect of its documents.
2. All the public authorities are requested to follow the above
(Sandeep Jain)