Improvement in Pension of JCO/OR retired/discharged/invalided out of service prior to 1.1.2006 with respect to CSC 2012 dated:25.11.2014

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
Dated; 25th November,2014
The Chief of the Army Staff,
The Chief of the Naval Staff,
The Chief of the Air Staff.

Subject:- Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the Committee of Secretaries 2012 on the issues related to Defence Service Personnel and Ex-Servicemen - Improvement in Pension of JCO/OR retired / discharged /invalided out of service prior to 1.1.2006.

While issuing this Ministry's letter No. No.1(13)/2012-D(Pen/Policy) dated 17.01.2013 [Click here] the rates of improved pension in respect of Honorary Commissioned Officers of DSC could not be included therein inadvertently.  The same are provided as indicated below:-

[i] The rates of pension as indicated in Table No.6 (Army), attached with MoD letter No.1(13)/2012-D(Pen/Policy) dated 17.01.2013 [Click here] in respect of pre-1.1.2006 retirees JCO/OR granted honorary Commissioned Officer rank, are equally applicable to Honorary Commissioned Officers of DSC. Accordingly, the new Table No.11 (A) (DSC) has been added for Honorary Commissioned Officers of DSC as Annexure

[ii] Revised rates of pension relating to NCs (E) as indicated in Table-l [Army], may be applied in Table No.19 (Air Force) for NCs(E) TlNDAL and HEAD TINDAL in place of existing rates.

(iii) in Columns 2,3, 4 and 5 of Table No.13 (Navy), for ranks Art-IV and Art III-l; for the period post 10.10.1997 read "group X" for "group 'A'".

2. The provisions ofthis letter shall take effect from 24.9.2012.

3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Division of this Ministry vide their ID No. 10(11)/2012/FlN/PEN dated 15.10.2014.

Hindi version will follow.

(Prem Parkash)
Under Secretary(Pension/Policy)

Revised Pension in respect of Pre 1.1.2006 retirees JCO/OR granted honorary Commissioned Officer (DSC)



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