BPS- As Principal stake holder of Civil Pensioners at 7th CPC round-table on 17.2.15

As a rare distinction 'Bharat Pensioners Samaj' & its one affiliate CGPA Noida only were shortlisted to represent Civil Pensioners on  7th CPC round -table. the other three organizations who participated were of Defence Pensioners. Secy General BPS pleaded : No cutoff dates, min.pension to be 65% family Pension 45% of last drawn,include DA in pension emoluments,bring down ratio bet.minimum-maximum paid, equal % rise in pension to all, take ahead Vth CPC parity formula,Smart card to all pensioners for cashless Medical care,periodical upward revision of CGHS rates to match market rates,relaxation of restriction for grant of family pension to divorced & widowed daughters,restore, 100%  commuted value to PSU absorbees, Ex-servicemen status to Defence civilian, BSNL pensioners be treated at par with C.G.Pensioners fr pension fixation,rectify anomalies created by GP & implementation of 6th CPC. etc.etc'.


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