DateRBE NoLetter No.Subject
16.12.2013132/2013E(W)2013/PS 5-1/7Grant of full sets of Post Retirement Complimentary Passes (PRCP) after 20 years of Railway Service.
22.04.201335/2013E(W)2009/PS 5-1/30Entitlement for travel in Duronto Express trains in non ACaccommodation i.e. SL & 2S classes.
01.03.201320/2013E(W)2000/PS 5-1/30Validity of Duty/Privilege/Post Retirement Complementary Passes (PRCP) in Duronto Express Trains.
02.04.201247/2012No.E(W)2000/PS 5-1/10Revised Pay limits for entitlement of Passes/PTOs- Reckoning of running allowance in case of running staff.
26.03.201241/2012No.E(W)2007/PS 5-1/9Extending the validity of full/half sets of Privilege Passes, Post Retirement Complimentary Passes, Widow Passes and Privilege Ticket Orders (PTOs
21.03.201237/2012No.E(W)2009/PS 5-1/30Validity of Duty Passes for travel in Duronto Express Trains.
13.10.2011145/2011 No. E(W)2008/PS 5-1/38Revised pay limits for entitlement of School Pass, SchoolCard Pass and Residential Card Pass.
No.E(W) 2008/PS 5-1/38
Revised travel entitlement for privilege passes - Clarification reg.
Revised travel entitlements of gazetted officers on duty passes, privilege passes and post retirement complimentary passes
Revised pay limits for entitlement of Passes/PTOs on the basis of Pay drawn in the Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008
 Allotment of berths out of the emergency quota to Railway Servants & their family members etc. suffering from cancer and travelling for treatment on Medical Passes.
 Issue of School Passes during vacations ? PNM/AIRF Item No.10/10
 Entitlement for travel alone in First AC coupe in respect of Gold Pass holders in trains other than Rajdhani Express..
Travel entitlements for serving and retired GMs & Officers of equivalent rank in I-AC/Executive
 Extending the validity of half set of Privilege Passes, Post Retirement Complimentary P’asses, Widow Passes and Privilege Ticket Orders (P’TOs).
 Grant of Privilege Passes/PTOs to dependent relatives - Raising the income ceiling.
Issue of Special Passes to retired Railway Officers em panelled as Inquiry Officers - Amendment of Schedule VII of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (Second Edition, 1993) 
08.05.200865/2008E(W)2006 PS 5-1/28Qualifying service for issue of Post Retirement Complementary Passes
27.03.200848/2008E(W)2007 PS 5-6/53Issue of Passes to contractors and the staff working with the contractors
12.11.2007145/2007E(W)97 PS5-1/71Grant of Priveilege Passes/PTOs to dependent relatives- Raising the income ceiling
19.09.2007---------2007 PS 5-1-15Issue of Duty Cheque Passes to Officers of Indian Railway on deputation to DFCCIL
15.06.200789/2007E(W) 96 PS 5-8/2Privision of companion in lieu of attendant to Sr. Citizen Ist Class/ Ist ’A’ Widow Pass holders above 65 years of age
18.04.200761/2007E(W) 2006 PS 5-1/28Qualifying service for issue of post Retirement Complementary Passes
14.02.200724/2007E(W)92/PS5-3/1Validity of Passes/PTOs for travel in Garib Rath Express Train
08.01.200705/2007E(W)95 PS-5-1/29Post Retirement Complementary Passes to widows appointed on compassionate ground
06.12.2006186/2006E(W)94 PS-5-1/13Travel facilities to the Vice Chairman and the Members of RCT while on duty
20.10.2006153/2006E(W)2001 PS-5-1/13Facility of passes to the staff after their transfer on deputation/ deemed deputation basis and after their absorption in TRCTC


In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution, the President hereby makes the following Rules, regulating the issue of passes and privilege Ticket Orders to Railway servants, for travel by trains namely:-

Pass Rules 

  1.            Short Title, Commencement and Application:
  2.     These Rules may be called the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986.
  3.     They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
  4.      Except where specifically provided to the contrary they shall apply to all railway servants under the administrative control of the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) but shall not apply to :-
                   i.          an apprentice engaged under the Apprentices Act ;
                  ii.          a person in the casual employment or employed on daily wages
                iii.          any person under the administrative control of the Ministry of Railways who by a general or special order is, excluded from the facilities of Pass or a Privilege Ticket Order under these rules.
  1.            Definitions : In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires:-
  2.            'adopted child' means a child for whom there is satisfactory proof of adoption irrespective of the fact whether such adoption is permissible or not under the personal law governing the railway servant concerned.
  3.            'attendant' means a person exclusively employed on salary in the personal service of a railway servant.
  4.            'dependent relative' in relation to a railway servant, whose father is not alive, means:-
                                i.             mother including a divorced mother;
                              ii.             unmarried or widowed sister;
                             iii.             brother/step-brother under twenty one years of age provided he resides with and is wholly dependent on the railway servant;
                            iv.             invalid brother of any age, and
                              v.             brother who has attained the age of twenty one years and is a bonafide student of a recognised educational institution:
                            vi.             legally divorced sister.*
                           vii.             Widow mother-in-law in case of widows appointed on compassionate grounds, whether her father is alive or not. **
  * Added vide Bd's lr No.E(W)98PS5-1/51 dtd. 13/10/1998 (ACS No. 11)
 ** Added vide Board's letter No.  E(W)2001 PS5-1/3 dated 24/09/2001  (ACS No. 37)
Provided that a person shall not be considered to be a dependent relative if his/her income from all sources including pension, dearness relief, etc. exceeds 15% of pay per month of the Railway servant or the amount arrived at by adding Rs. 1500+Dearness Pension/Dearness Family pension to the dearness relief admissible to the pensioners/family pensioners on pension of Rs. 1500 and rounded off to the nearest ten rupee figure, whichever is more.
Provided further that a Pass or Privilege Ticket Order may be issued in favour of dependent relatives mentioned at (iv) and (v) only on production of a certificate from a Railway medical officer or the head of the recognised institution, as the case may be.
{ The income ceiling for dependent relatives for the purpose of issue of passes/PTOs has been fixed at Rs.3038/- p.m ( Rs.1500- Pension/Family Pension plus Rs.750 DP + 35% DR thereon or 15% of the pay of the Railway servant whichever is more, w.e.from 1.1.2007 ( Authority: Board's letter No. E(W)97PS5-1/71   dated 15/5/2007 (RBE 178/2006) SCR S.C.No.80/2007}
Provided further that dependent relatives may be included in the Privilege Passes/PT0s given to the railway servants in cases where father is missing for a period of at least 7 years Passes/PT0s can also be given to the sisters in similar circumstances. However, an affidavit as to the period since when the person is missing, duly attested by a Magistrate is necessary.
  1.         'family' includes:-
                             i.                spouse of a railway servant whether earning or not;
                           ii.                son or sons who have not attained the age of 21 years and are wholly dependent on the railway servant;
                          iii.                son or sons of the age of 21 and above who are;
  1.            bonafide students of any recognised educational institution;
  2.            engaged in any research work and do not get any scholarship/stipend;
  3.            working as an articled clerk under the Chartered Accountant;
  4.            invalid, on appropriate certificate from Railway Doctor;
                                               iv.        unmarried daughters of any age whether earning or not;
                                                 v.        widowed daughters provided they are dependent on the railway servant;
                                               vi.        legally divorced daughter who is dependent on the railway servant;
  1.  the term "Guardian' need not necessarily be interpreted in its legal sense. It may mean an adult dependant relative or an adult member of the family; a paid nurse Governess or an attendant. When none of these are available a pass in favour of a Guardian, as admissible under these Rules, may be given to another person at General Manager's discretion.
  2.    'Pass' means an authority given by the Ministry of Railways or any railway administration to a person, authorising him to travel by rail gratuitously;
  3.  'privilege ticket order' (hereinafter referred to as P.T.O.) is an authority issued in favour of a railway servant which may be exchanged for a passenger rail ticket on payment of one third of the normal fare;
  4.  'railway servant' means a person who is a member of a service or who holds a post under the administrative control of Railway Board and includes a person who holds a post in the Railway Board. Persons lent from a service or post which is not under the administrative control of the Railway Board to a service or post which is under such administrative control do not come within the scope of this definition. This term excludes casual labour for whom special orders have been issued.
  5.    'recognised educational institution' for the purpose of these Rules means any school, college, university or institution recognised by the Government for imparting education or training in any discipline - general, technical, professional or military.
  6.    'pay' means the amount drawn monthly by a railway servant as
                                                   i.        basic pay;
                                                 ii.        in the case of Running Staff, basic pay plus 30% thereof or any other percentage of basic pay declared as pay from time to time;
                                                iii.        any other pay which may be specially classified as pay by the President.
{Non practicing allowance granted to Railway medical officers should not be added to pay for the purpose of determining pass benefits/ facility}( Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)2000 PS 5-1/10 dt. 23.1.2002 ( SCR S.C.No.29/02}
                                i.             "Set" means one Pass or P.T.0 for outward and return journeys ;
                              ii.             "Half-set" means a Pass or P.T.0 issued from one station to another.
  1.      'schedule' means the Schedule appended to these Rules.
  2.  'year' means a Calendar Year.
##Note : For the purpose of issue of Special Pass on medical grounds under Schedule-VII, the term "family" and "dependant relatives" shall be as defined in paras 601(5) and 601(6) respectively of IRMM,2000.
 ## Note added vide Board's letter No. letter No.  E(W)2000 PS5-1/33 dated 20/10/2000 (ACS No. 29)
  1.    Officer or authority competent to issue and sign a Pass or PTO. - A pass or PTO may be issued by such officer or authority and may be signed by such officer as the Central Government (Ministry, of Railways) may from time to time specify:
Provided that until such authorities or officers are specified, the Pass or PTO shall be signed and issued in accordance with the instructions/orders issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Railways and in force at the commencement of these Rules.
  1.    Kinds of Passes : 
  2.    A railway servant or the entitled members of his/her family and dependent relatives as defined in these Rules may be issued the following kind of passes, namely:
                                                   i.        duty pass;
                                                 ii.        privilege pass including passes while on deputation;
                                                iii.        school pass;
                                               iv.        post-retirement Complimentary pass;
                                                 v.        widow pass
                                               vi.        residential card pass; and
                                              vii.        special pass.
  1.    The Passes specified in clause (i) of sub-rule (1) may be issued in the form of metal pass, a card pass or a cheque pass.
  2.    Duty Pass :
  3.  A railway servant may be issued a duty pass for performing journey on duty; and
  4.  The category of railway servants, the circumstances and the conditions subject to which a duty pass may be issued under sub rule (1) shall be specified in Schedule 1.
  5.    Privilege Pass :
  6.  A railway servant may be issued on his/her request a privilege pass or a privilege ticket order in the prescribed format (Annexure A) from one station to another as requested by him/her. Privilege Passes / P.T.Os are admissible for self, family, dependent relatives and adopted child, as defined in these Rules; and
  7.  The category of railway servants, the circumstances and the conditions under which a pass under sub-rule(1) may be issued shall be as specified in Schedule II.
  8.    School Pass: 
  9.  A school pass may be issued to the son or daughter of a railway servant who is a bona-fide student of any recognised educational institution; and
  10.  The category of railway servants whose son or daughter may he issued a pass under sub-rule (1), the circumstances and the conditions subject to which such Spasses may be issued shall be as specified in Schedule III.
  11.    Post-retirement Pass:
  12.  a post-retirement complimentary pass may be issued to a railway servant after retirement or after he ceases to be a railway servant; and
  13.  The category of railway servants, the circumstances and the conditions subject to which a pass under sub-rule (1) may be issued shall be as specified in Schedule IV.
  14.    Passes to widows of Railway Employees:
  15.  Passes may be issued to the widows of railway employees, who were in Railway service on or after 12.3.1987 and expired on or after that date whether after their retirement or during service and had opted for the scheme or were automatically governed under the scheme; and
{widows of Railway employees who were in service before 12.3.87 as well as widows of railway servants who have opted out of the scheme of widow pass have also been made eligible for widow pass, on one time payment of Rs. 250 towards the cost of 2 sets of PTO vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)95PS5-1/29 dated 24.04.1998 & Board's letter No. E(W)98 PS5-1/55 dated 12.03.2001 (RBE 52/2001)}
{Widows can draw complimentary passes from Railway Offices located in or near their place of residence} Bd?s letter No.E(W)85/PS5-8/2 dt. 25.9.96, SCR S.C.No.85/97)
  1.  The circumstances and the conditions subject to which a pass under sub-rule (1) may be issued shall be as specified in Schedule V.
  2.   Residential Card Pass:
  3.  A residential card pass may be issued to a railway servant for performing rail journey from the place of residence to the place of his work; and 
  4.  The category of railway servants, the circumstances and the conditions subject to which a pass under sub-rule(1) may be issued shall be as specified in Schedule VI.
  5.   Special Pass :
  6.  A special pass may be issued to Railway servants, family members or dependent relatives as the case may be, on -
  7.    medical grounds;
  8.    sports account;
  9.    for attending children camp or scouts camp;
  10.    cultural functions; and
  11.    on any other occasion which the Ministry of Railways or a Railway Administration deems fit.
  12.  The circumstances and the conditions subject to which a pass under sub-rule(1) may be issued shall be as specified in Schedule VII.
  13.    Pass or P.T.0 for non-railway servants. - Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing rules, a pass or P.T.O. may be issued to a person who is not under the administrative control of the Ministry of Railways or the Railway Administration for such purpose and subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified in the instructions issued by the Central Government (Ministry of Railways) from time to time in this behalf.
  14.    Loss/ Misuse/ Fraudulent use of Passes & Privilege Ticket Orders. - Instructions given in Annexure 'B' may be followed for dealing with Loss/ Misuse/ Fraudulent use of Passes and P.T.0s.
  15.     Powers of General Managers to Condon irregularities. - G. Ms. are authorised to consider on merits and condone the irregularities in the cases enumerated in Annexure 'C'. These powers shall not be re-delegated to any lower authority.
  16.    Income tax/ Monetary value of Passes and Privilege Ticket Orders. - Monetary value of passes and privilege ticket orders is not subject to income tax.
  17.    Status of Pass Manuals etc.,. - The provisions contained in Pass Manuals issued by the respective Railway or any other provisions on Passes contained in any other Manual/Rules etc. shall be valid provided it is not in contravention with the provisions laid down in these Rules.
  18.    Powers to Modify etc.,. - Powers to include, modify, amend or delete or relax any of the provisions contained in these Rules shall vest with the Ministry of Railways.
  19.    Removal of Doubts. - If any doubt arises as to the interpretation of the provision of these rules, the same shall be referred to the Ministry of Railways for decision.



[See Rule 5]


Kind of Pass to which entitled
Conditions of entitlement

Group 'A' & Group 'B' Officers
Chairman and Members of Railway Board including Financial Commissioner for Railways and Officers who are equal in grade and status, Chief Commissioner for Railway Safety and General Managers of Railways, Production Units and other Establishments etc. and all other officers in the scale of Rs. 24,050-26,000 or above who directly report to the Railway Board.
[Corrected vide letter No. E(W)97 PS5-1/48 dated 8.11.1999 (RBE 286/1999) ACS No. 19]
'Gold Pass'
Gold Pass holder while travelling with members of his family is entitled to travel in any class over Indian Railways.
Note: While travelling with family the holder of a Gold Pass may have (a) not more than two berths in first A.C. class and two berths in A.C Sleeper/First Class or (b) not more than four berths in A.C. Sleeper/first Class. Permitted to carry a dog in case First A.C./first Class Coupe is allotted exclusively.
Senior Administrative Grade officers of the Railways and in Railway Board or Heads of the Department of the Railway Administrations.
'Silver Pass'
Entitles the holder to travel on Indian Railways alone in any class, or alongwith his family in any Class other than First A.C. Class, or alongwith his family in  First A.C. class on payment of one third difference of fare between First A.C. Class and A.C. Sleeper for his family or one berth in First AC for the pass holder & AC Sleeper for his family , subject to reserving a maximum number of four berths.
All Officers of the Ministry of Railways and Railway Administrations drawing a basic pay of Rs. 14300/- and above in administrative Grade other than those referred in (a) and (b) above.
{ b & c amended vide Railway Board's Letter No. E(W)2007 PS5-1/3 dated 4.5.2007(RBE 72/2007) ACS 54} ( SCR S.C.No.77/2007)
'Bronze Pass'
Entitles the holder to travel on Indian Railways alone in any Class or along with his family in any class other than First AC Class or alongwith his family in First AC Class on payment of 1/3rd difference of fare between First AC class and AC Sleeper class for his family or one berth in I-AC for the pass holder & AC Sleeper for his family subject to reserving maximum number of four berths. However, for travelling in First AC class, while on duty, the following authority should be issued by the Railway Administration.
No. ............... Dated .........
Not Transferable
Shri/Smt. .........................
Designation ......................
holder of Bronze Pass No. ____ is eligible to travel in First AC Class ( Self only) without payment of any additional charge, while travelling on duty.

For General Manager
................. Railway
This authority should be carried by the officer while travelling on duty. The issuing authority should maintain a register for this purpose wherein issue of each such authority slip should be entered.
Note: In the event of loss of the above authority a duplicate authority letter be issued without payment of any penalty. An endorsement that it is "duplicate" be made on the authority letter.
All Officers of the Ministry of Railways and Railway Administrations in J.A. Grade except those mentioned at (a) to (c) above.
'Bronze Pass'
Entitles the holder to travel on Indian Railways in any Class other than First AC class along with his family, subject to reserving a maximum number of four berths.
Officers of the Railway Administration other than those referred to in (a), (b) & (c) above.
'Bronze Pass'
Entitles the holder to travel over his Zonal Railway alone or along with his family in any class other than First AC Class, subject to utilisation of maximum number of four berths.
Officers of the Ministry of Railways other than those mentioned in (a) to (d) above whose duties necessitate frequent journey.
Card Pass for First Class 'A'
Entitles the holder to travel in a class other than First AC on Indian Railways alone or along with his family between the stations and for the period mentioned in such pass, subject to utilisation of maximum number of four berths
All other Officers of the Ministry of Railways and Railway Establishments
Cheque Pass for First Class 'A'
Entitles the holder to travel in a class other than First AC on Indian Railways alone or along with his family between the stations mentioned in such pass, subject to utilization of maximum number of four berths

Note :- Notwithstanding the above provisions, Card Passes with All India validity, may be issued to below JAG officers/staff with the personal approval of General Manager, on merit of each case. The power may be exercised very rarely and judiciously should not be delegated further.
[ Note inserted vide ACS No.  39  Issued vide letter No. E(W)2000PS5-1/21 dated 26.09.2002]
Group 'C' & Group 'D' Officers
a) 'Card Pass' for the same class to which the railway servant is entitled on privilege provided his duties require frequent journey.

(i) 'Cheque Pass' for the same class to which the railway servant is titled on privilege account
Entitles the railway servant to travel alone between the stations and for the period mentioned in the Card Pass.

  1.    Return Pass for Family : If a railway servant of Group 'A' or 'B' is required to cut short his tour and/or return to headquarters by air or by some other means of transport leaving behind his family, he may be allowed return journey pass of the same class as on privilege account for his family to enable them to return to the headquarters
  2.    The family of a probationer in Group 'A' may be included in the duty pass when accompanying him during the period of probation on his journey to and from different places of training.
  1. (a) A 'Member' of the Railway Board, which term includes the Chairman, Railway Board and the Financial Commissioner of Railways, for the purpose of these rules, shall be entitled when travelling on duty, to be provided with one standard gauge saloon for his exclusive use.
b)   When a Member is travelling in his saloon on a Gold Pass, his family (wife and children but no other dependents) may travel with him in his saloon free of charge.
c)   Any other person excepting bonafide servants travelling with a railway officer in his saloon/Inspection carriage must pay the usual fares to the railway by the purchase of first class tickets and in every bill for travelling allowance in respect of a journey performed in a saloon, the officer concerned should specify the number of such persons who travelled with him and certify that necessary tickets were purchased by them.
d)   The entire cost of haulage of the saloon shall be borne by the Govt. If a railway officer desires additional accommodation for his private staff or luggage, the haulage and other charges for such accommodation shall be met at his expense.
e)   Provision regarding Cycle/ Motor Cycle on duty : A Bicycle/ Motor Cycle may be permitted in a duty cheque/card/metal pass provided the pass issuing authority is satisfied that the inclusion of a Bicycle /Motor Cycle in a duty pass is justified in the interest of official work.
f)    Restrictions regarding travel on Nilgiri & Darjeeling Himalayan Railways : Duty passes are not admissible over the Nilgiri Railway during the months of April, May and June, except to Officers of Groups A and B of Railways. Bicycle/Motor Cycle is not permitted in the duty cheque/ card/metal passes over Darjeeling Himalayan Section of Northeast Frontier Railway.
g)   Group 'A' and 'B' officers are entitled to travel in rail car on Kalka-Simla Section while on duty.
h)   The following instructions in respect of Duty Card Passes should be followed: -
                                   i.        General duty card passes available for the use of staff as "One Clerk" or "One Inspector" etc. should not be issued.
                                 ii.        Wherever inescapable, duty card pass in the name of a particular person who is required to tour frequently may be issued by name with passport size photographs affixed on the card pass duly stamped.
                                iii.        Whenever reservation is made on duty card pass, the reservation office should make entry in the card pass. The holder of the pass should also indicate the details of the journeys in the annexure attached to the card pass failing which he would be treated as travelling without valid authority.
                               iv.        The controlling officer should check the entry in the annexure of the card pass at the time of counter-signing TA bill of the staff concerned and give a certificate in the TA bill that entries have been checked from the card pass.
                                 v.        Ticket checking staff should ensure that the railway employees travelling on Card pass have indicated the detail of the journey in the annexure attached to the card pass.
{ Duty card pass holders should necessarily fill up the Annexure regarding each and every journey undertaken on the duty card passes. Journeys undertaken without entry in the Annexure after 30.6.2002 will be treated as traveling without ticket and dealt with as per extant rules. (Auth: Bd's lr No. E(W)2002PS5-1/10   dtd 21/05/02 )}
  1.    Railway employees travelling on duty are exempt from payment of Supplementary Surcharge levied in certain fast/ex?press trains along with their family members accompanying the officer on duty.
  2.    An attendant in second class is allowed to travel free while accompanying the Railway servant travelling on Metal, First A and First Class Duty Passes.
Note : 
  1.    Duty Passes are not admissible during leave other than casual leave taken in continuation of period of duty.
  2.    Metal passes/Duty passes as the case may be, should be surrendered by the employee when proceeding on any kind of leave except CL or on transfer or when he/ she is dismissed or removed or discharged from service.
{ Officers need not surrender Metal Pass after availing of LAP for a short period after performing outstation duty away from Headquarters and use the Metal Pass during return journey from the station from where they proceeded on leave. Authority:  Board's letter No. E(W)99PS5-1/10 dated 9.9.2002 (RBE 156/2002) }
  1.    It Will be the responsibility of the Railway servant to surrender his Metal Pass or duty card pass or to pay the penalty therefor if lost, before demitting the office on superannuation or otherwise. The Railway servant must obtain the 'No Objection Certificate' from the Pass Section and submit it to the concerned authorities before his settlement dues are released.
Note 3 inserted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)99PS5-1/10 dated 31.5.2000 (RBE No. 104/2000) ACS No. 22.
  1.    For travel by cabs of EMU trains on duty, necessary endorsement on Duty Card Passes may be made.
Travel facilities for Indian Railway Personnel over Konkan Railway on duty issued vide Railway Board's Letter No. E(W)96 PS5-1/15 dated 9.4.1999(RBE 73/1999)


Rajadhani Express
Shatabdi Express
Gold Pass holders
First AC Coupe or four berths in 2-AC
Four seats in Executive Class / Chair Car
Silver Pass holders
One berth in First AC for self and one extra berth for the eligible family member on payment of 1/3rd difference of the fare between 1st AC and 2nd AC of Rajdhani Express Trains
One berth in First AC for self &one berth in 2nd AC for the eligible family member
Two berths in 2-AC
 four berths in 3-AC
Two seats in Executive Class or four seats in Chair Car
Metal & First ?A? pass holders (Pay Rs.14,300/- & above)
One berth in !st AC for self & one berth in 2nd AC for the eligible family member
  or 2 berths in 2nd AC
  or 4 berths in 3rd AC

Two seats in Executive Class or four seats in Chair car.
Metal and I A Pass holders with pay below Rs.14,300
 1 berth in 2 AC for self and one extra berth for the eligible family member on payment of 1/3rd difference of fare between 2 AC and 3 AC of Rajdhani Express trains  or 2 berths in 3 AC
Two seats in AC Chair Car
First Class Pass holders
One berth in 3- AC
One seat in AC Chair Car
Note : Gold Pass holders are entitled to coupe accommodation even when travelling alone and can also take their family members in the coupe in Rajdhani Express trains.
The Serving officers who were drawing pay of Rs. 4,500 and above in the IVth CPC scales of pay and were entitled to one berth in 1st AC/ 2 berths in 2nd AC / 4 berths in 3 - AC in Rajdhani Express during the period 1.1.1996 to 31.1.1999 will continue to get the same entitlement even if their pay in the revised scale of pay falls short of Rs. 14,300/-
Substituted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)93PS 5-1/1, dated 16.2.2004 (RBE 30/2004)

^^^ Authority: Bd?s letter No.E(W)2007 PS5-1/3(A) dated 4-5-2007 (RBE No.73/2007) SCR. Serial circular No.78/2007)

Kit Pass for transporting his personal effects on the following scale:
From the old station to the station where transferred or to any other station not exceeding the distance between old station and the station where transferred on the following scales:-
{* The validity of kit pass in respect of serving as well as retired employees/officers will be three months from the date of issue of kit pass}
( * Authority: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)2001/PS5-9/6 dated 14-12-2006 ( SCR S.C.No.217/2006)
  1.     Officers appointed to Railway service prior to 1.5.1976:
Group 'A' & 'B'
  1.      Two wagons by goods train, one motor wagon (4 wheeler ) and one cattle wagon/horse box;
One Motor Wagon and Parcel van (8 wheeler) by passenger train and one cattle wagon/horse box;
Kind of Passes
Group 'A' and 'B'
Cheque Pass for self, family and dependent relatives as defined in Rule 2(c) of these rules for the class of his entitlement on privilege account to the transferred station. For this purpose, father of the Railway servant if residing with and wholly dependent upon the Railway servant may also be included. Administrative Grade Officers drawing a basic pay of Rs.4500/- p.m. or above may, however, travel in First AC Class without payment of difference in fares between First AC Class and AC Sleeper for self only. Break of journey is also permissible provided a suitable endorsement on the pass is made;
Group 'C'
Cheque Pass for self, family and dependents as for Group 'A' and Group 'B' above, for the class of his entitlement on privilege account to the transferred station;
Group 'D'
Cheque pass for self, family and dependents as defined for Group 'C' employees for the class of his entitlement on privilege account to the transferred station.
One Motor Wagon( 4 wheeler) and one wagon by goods train and one cattle wagon/horse box to the transferred station and one wagon to any other station or from any other station to the transferred station not exceeding the distance between the old station and the transferred station.
  1.      a pass for carrying a dog.
Group 'C'
  1.      One Wagon by goods train and one motor wagon or horse box or cattle wagon.
  2.     A pass for carrying a dog.
Group 'D'
  1.    A Kit pass for carrying 10 quintals of luggage provided that where the competent authority is satisfied that the Railway servant is in possession of more luggage he may be allowed a kit pass for carrying a higher quantity of luggage upto a wagon by goods train.
  2.     A pass for carrying a dog may also be issued.
Note : The Group 'A', 'B' & 'C' employees appointed to Railway service prior to 01.05.1976 will, however, be entitled only to 80% of the admissible amount of Composite Transfer Grant and Group 'D' employees will be entitled only to 90% of the admissible amount of Composite Transfer Grant. If Pre 01.05.1976 entrants to Railway service exercise an option for transportation of their personal effects at the same scale and subjects to the same conditions as applicable to post 01.05.1976 entrants, by mode other than VPU, they will be entitled to full amount of Composite transfer Grant, as regulated under separate orders.
  1.    Employees appointed on or after 01.05.1976.
Railway servants drawing a pay of Rs. 16,400 and above.
Full 4-wheeler wagon plus one 4-wheeler wagon for motor car
6000 Kgs. by goods train plus one four wheeler wagon for motor car.
One container (40 Feet E. U.) or Two containers (20 Feet E. U.) (including cost of door-to-door movement of container) plus one four wheeler wagon for motor car.
One VPU by passenger carrying trains subject to cut of 20%  in in the admissible amount of composite transfer grant if the car is carried in the VPU and 25% if car is not carried.
Railway servants drawing Rs. 8000 and above but less then Rs. 16,400.
Full Four wheeler wagon plus one 4 wheeler wagon for Motor car.
6000 kgs by goods train plus one 4 wheeler wagon for Motor Car.
One single container ( 1 TEU) (including cost of door-to-door movement of container) plus one 4-wheeler wagon for Motor Car.
One VP/VPU by passenger carrying trains subject to cut of 20%  in in the admissible amount of composite transfer grant if the car is carried in the VPU and 25% if car is not carried.
Railway servants drawing Rs. 6500 and above but less then Rs. 8000.
3000 Kgs by goods train plus one 4 wheeler wagon for motor car or one Motor Cycle/Scooter by Goods Train
Railway servants drawing Rs. 4100 and above but less then Rs. 6500.
1500 Kgs of Luggage plus one Motor Cycle/Scooter/Moped/Bicycle by goods train.
Railway servants drawing pay below Rs. 4100/-
1000 Kgs of Luggage plus one Motor Cycle/Scooter/Moped/Bicycle by goods train.
  1.    *Such of those employees as are in receipt of a revised pay of Rs. 3350 p.m. and above, may also be permitted to transport 1500 kgs. of personnel effects.
  2.    Notes :
  3.  A pass for carrying a dog may also be issued in all cases from (a) to (e) above.
  4.  In regard to the employees appointed on or after 1.5.1976 belonging to all Groups, free transportation of household effects upto the specified limits, as laid down above, may be permitted by passenger/parcel trains provided there is adequate capacity for such movements and the earning potential of the Railways do not get effected.
Provisions of Kit Passes as amended vide Letter No. E(W)96 PS5-9/1 dated 20.06.2000 (RBE 80/2000) ACS No. 23.
General Rules. :- When a Railway servant of group A, B, C or D mentioned herein :-
  1.    is ordered to proceed on transfer at very short notice, a set of special transfer pass for his outward journey and inward journey and a separate transfer pass for self and family for outward journey shall be issued and this shall not be counted in the privilege pass account.
  2.    is transferred at short notice and it is not possible for him to shift his entire family, a pass may be issued to him and the members of his family who are in a position to accompany him at the first instance, and another pass may be issued for the remaining members of the family left behind and both these passes shall be counted as on transfer pass.
  3.    is transferred, he is entitled to carry his conveyance free at owners risk as per the following scales :-
if he is drawing pay of Rs. 1900 and above per month.
motor car or a drawing pay motor cycle/ scooter or one horse
if he is drawing pay less than Rs. 1900 per month.
A motor cycle or scooter or one bicycle
                   i.        One berth in First AC Class without payment of surcharge may be granted to the family of gazetted officer who is entitled to a Gold Pass and who is required to join duties on transfer immediately by air to the place of posting, either before or after the air journey by the officer.
                 ii.        In the case of motor car being carried, a chauffeur or cleaner may be included in the kit pass.
                iii.        A motor car or motor cycle allowed may be carried by passenger train or goods train at the option of the railway servant.
               iv.        Where railway servants do not possess household effects sufficient to justify allotment of wagons admissible under the rules, only free passes for such quantity of personal effects as are actually required to be transported should be issued
                 v.        Transfer passes may be granted to railway employees in connection with transfers ordered on the employees' own request or on mutual exchange in cases where in terms of Rule 1642-RII the authority sanctioning the transfer considers for special reasons to be recorded in writing, that the transfers are for the public convenience.
               vi.        Probationers on transfer from one station to another for training may be given kit pass for one wagon only and no car van may be allowed.
              vii.        Kit pass can be granted to be availed of not more than one month before or/and not more than six^^^ month after the date of transfer. Limit of six months may be extended by Board/General Manager/ Head of Department, in suitable cases of hardship.
             viii.        If a member of a railway servant's family follows him within six months or precedes him by not more than one month free passes may be granted in respect of such member. These time limits may be extended by Railway Board, General Manager or an officer exercising the powers of a General Manager or an officer to whom these powers have been delegated with the specific approval of the Railway Board or an officer enjoying the powers of Head of Department/General Manager, not under the control of General Manager.
               ix.        no pass for transfer of kit is admissible to Railway employees seconded to foreign railway/international organisation in foreign countries for transport of their household effects from the place of their position to their hometown before proceeding on secondment .
Provision of containers to eligible railway employees on Transfer/retirement.

Eligible serving /retired Railway employees may be allowed to transport their jousehold items by containers on their transfer/retirement and for the purpose the following procedure may be adopted.

(i)       Kit Pass may be accepted by CONCOR at ?W? rates applicable to CONCOR?s domestic traffic from originating and destination rail head, and cost thereof may be raised by CONCOR with the concerned Railways through book transfer.

(ii)      Cost of movement of household items for road portion at either end may be paid by the serving/retired railway employee himself/herself and reimbursement claimed as per his/her entitlement from his/her office.

( Auth: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)96 PS5-9/1 dated 20.7.2004 ( RBE No.156/2004) SCR S.C.No.129/04)  

Schedule II

[See Rule 6]


Class of Privilege Pass and Privilege Ticket Order admissible
Number of Privilege Pass and Privilege Ticket Order admissible
Privilege Pass
Privilege Ticket order

Group 'A' & Group 'B' (Gazetted)
I Class 'A'
 6 sets per year
6 sets per year. In case of those Railway employees who had opted/are  compulsorily governed under the scheme of widow passes  entitlement would be limited to four sets of Privilege Ticket Orders.
Non-Gazetted Group 'B' & Group 'C' employees

Appointed prior to 1.8.1969

Drawing pay of  Rs. 4900/- or above provided the employee are in scale the maximum of which is Rs. 6000/- or above.
I Class 
1 Set per year upto the end of 5th year of railway service.
3 Sets per year after 5 years of Railway Service
Number of Privilege Ticket Orders same as for Groups A & B

Employees other than those covered  in items (i) above
II/ Sleeper Class

Appointed on or after 1.8.1969 to [10.11.1987]*.

Drawing pay of Rs. 5375/- or above provided they are in a scale the maximum of which is Rs. 7000/- or above. 
I Class
1 Set per year upto the end of 5th year of railway service.
3 Sets per year after 5 years of Railway Service
Number of Privilege Ticket Orders same as for Groups A & B

Employees other than those covered  in items (i) above
II/ Sleeper Class

Appointed on or after [10.11.1987]* to 1.2.99

Drawing pay of Rs. 7250/- or above or those who are in scale the minimum of which is Rs. 6500/-.
I Class
1 Set per year upto the end of 5th year of railway service.
3 Sets per year after 5 years of Railway Service
Number of Privilege Ticket Orders same as for Groups A & B


Employees other than those covered  in items (i) above

II/ Sleeper Class

Employees appointed after 01.02.1999

Employees in scale the minimum of which is Rs. 6500/- or above.
I Class
1 Set per year upto the end of 5th year of railway service.
3 Sets per year after 5 years of Railway Service
Number of Privilege Ticket Orders same as for Groups A & B

Employees drawing pay of Rs. 7600/- or above
I Class

Employees in pay scales of Rs. 5000-8000/- and Rs. 5500-9000/- and drawing the pay of Rs. 7250/- or above but less then Rs. 7600/-
IInd Class 'A'

Employees other than those covered  in items (i), (ii) and (iii) above
II/ Sleeper Class
Group 'D'
II/ Sleeper Class
1 Set per year upto the end of 5th year of railway service.
3 Sets per year after 5 years of Railway Service
Number of Privilege Ticket Orders same as for Groups A & B
Note : The Railway employees who are entitled to Ist Class passes shall continue to draw Ist Class passes, irrespective of their eligibility in terms of these orders. (ACS No. 12)
Column 1 & 2 Above revised vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)97PS5-1/62 dated 1.2.1999 (RBE 17/1999) ACS No. 12 and vide letter No. E(W)97PS5-1/62 dated 31.01.2001 (RBE 21/2001)ACS No. 32.
* Date revised vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)97 PS5-1/30 dated 14.01.2000.
{ ## Staff recruited initially as Apprentices can count the period of Apprenticeship towards the total service of 5 years for eligibility for 3 sets of passes after their absorption against regular posts.}
## (Auth:Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)94 PS5-1/7 dated 27.9.1994 ( SCR S.C.No.98/94)
Condition of Entitlement
I. First Class ?A? Privilege Pass entitles the holder to:-
                   i.        travel in any class other than First AC Class;
                 ii.        deleted as per railway Board's Letter No. E(W)93 PS 5-1/1 dated 9.1.1995 (RBE 2/95)
                iii.        carry 140 Kilograms of luggage for each adult member the Pass and half that quantity for each child:  but only 70 Kgs. for each adults and half of this quantity for each child on Nilgiri Railways.
               iv.        to travel in AC sleeper class without payment of any extra fare.
                 v.        to travel in First AC Class on payment of 1/3 of difference between the First AC class fare and AC sleeper class fares, and
However, in the case of serving Chairman and Members of the Railway Board, they would be entitled to travel alongwith their spouse/or eligible family members on their privilege pass, in First AC of all trains including Rajdhani Expresses and in Executive Class in Shatabdi Expresses, without payment of any difference in fare. This facility will be available even if the Chairman/Members is not travelling with them. Spouses of retired Chairman/Members of the Railway Board travelling alone on their post retirement complimentary passes would also be entitled to the facility of travel in I-AC and Executive Class, without payment of any difference in Fare.
[Auth : Bd's letter No. E(W)94PS 5-1/5 dated 25.3.1996 & lr. No. E(W)2000 PS5-1/17 dated 7.09.2000 (RBE 158/2000)]
               vi.        carry one 'attendant' in Second Class
II. First Class Pass entitles the holder to :-
                   i.        carry one attendant in Second Class;
                 ii.        travel in any Class other than First AC;
                iii.        to travel in AC sleeper class without payment of any extra fare;
               iv.        to travel in First AC class on payment of full difference between First AC sleeper and AC sleeper class fare; and
                 v.        to carry 70 Kg. of luggage for each adult member in the pass and half that quantity for each child.
III. IInd Class 'A' pass entitles the holder to :-
                   i.        travel by AC 3 tier
                 ii.        IInd Class 'A' pass shall be be of yellow colour.
IInd Class 'A' pass introduced vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)97PS5-1/62 dated 1.2.1999 (RBE 17/1999) ACS No. 12.
Privilege Ticket Order holder irrespective of whether he belongs to Group A, B, C or D:-
                   i.        to travel in the same class as on  the privilege pass to which he is entitled as mentioned herein before or in a lower class by paying 1/3 of the fare of the entitled class or the lower class in which he is travelling ,as the case may be. First class PTO holder can however travel in AC sleeper class by paying 1/3 of the fare of AC sleeper class.
                 ii.        to carry one attendant in II nd Class in the case of First class 'A' and First Class Privilege Ticket Order by paying 1/3 of the fare of the IInd Class.
                iii.        break of journey and distance restrictions as application in the case of ordinary ticket. How ever, a holder of ticket ex changed for a PTO travelling by mail train can break journey enroute without distance restrictions.
               iv.        travel in a Class higher then the entitled class on payment of charges for travel in the entitled class against Privilege Ticket order together with difference between, full fare of the class shown in the privilege ticket order and that of the class in which he elects to travel; and
                 v.        free luggage allowance on the same condition applicable to a holder of an ordinary ticket for the same class in which he elects to travel;
  1.    Privilege Passes/PTOs to invalids
The term 'invalid' with reference to Rule 2(c)(iv) and 2(d)(iii)(d) shall mean:
                                   i.        An invalid is one who is suffering from disability of mind other than drug addiction as cause of mental disability or is physically crippled or handicapped and is unfit to earn even after attaining the age of 21 years.
                                 ii.        It has also to be satisfied that the handicap is of such a nature so as to prevent him from earning his livelihood and the same shall be evidenced by a Certificate from the Medical Officer not below the rank of Divisional Medical Officer, who as far as possible, should state the exact mental and physical conditions of the invalid.
                                iii.        A certificate from the Medical Officer on the above lines should be produced at least once after every three years indicating that the invalid continues to suffer from the disorder or disability. The employee shall advise the administration whenever the invalid starts earning.
                               iv.        If in the opinion of the Medical Officer, the physical handicap or disability of mind etc. is of such a nature that the person concerned is likely to become fit to earn his livelihood after a gap of time, he shall not be treated as 'invalid' for the purpose of these rules.
  1.    Requirement of School Certificate for issue of Privilege Passes/P.T.Os
Submission of school certificate where necessary should  be regulated as under: -
  1.  The school certificate should be submitted once a year at the beginning of the academic session. However, where the studies are discontinued, an intimation of the same should immediately be given to the Pass Issuing Authorities. A Certificate may, however, be insisted upon in case of doubt as regards continuance of studies.
  2.  In those cases, where a pass is issued in anticipation of production of the school certificate, the school certificate should be submitted within a period of one month from the date of the issue of the pass.
  3.   The above instructions would apply in respect of inclusion of wards i.e. student son(s)/dependent brother(s) over 21 years of age of Railway employees in Privilege Passes and P.T.O.s.
  4.           (i) Privilege passes/PTO are admissible to the Railway employee for self, family including adopted child and dependent relatives as defined in Rule 2 whether accompanied by the Railway servant or not. Details of family members/dependent relatives should be furnished to the Pass issuing authority at least once in 5 years and change in the same should also be intimated as and when the same takes place.
(ii) Not more than two dependents can be included in a Pass/ PTO subject to the condition that the total number of persons included in the Pass/PTO will not exceed 5 exclusive of Attendant wherever permissible. This limit will not apply if only family members are included in the Pass/PTO.
(iii) When the Railway servant himself or a member of his family or a dependant is blind in both eyes and has to travel alone on a privilege pass, one companion may be allowed to travel in the same class in which the blind person is travelling. This facility is granted on production of a certificate from Divisional Medical Officer of the Railway concerned.
(iv)  A half set of Privilege Pass shall be valid for three months and one set shall be valid for four months from the date of issue irrespective of whether the inward journey is for the same station or any other station.
(v)   Privilege Ticket Order shall be valid for three months from the date of issue.
(vi)  Break of journey enroute shall be permissible on Privilege Pass at any stations as desired by the Pass holder.
** [ In addition, the Station Master/ Ticket Collectors may be authorised to make an endorsement on the pass in case an unscheduled break journey is desired by the pass holder due to any unforeseen circumstances.]
** As per Railway Board's letter No. E(W)98 PS5-1/72 (Pt) dated 20.1.2000 (RBE 10/2000)
(vii)   Privilege pass shall be issued for journey from the starting station to the destination station as desired by the railway servant, via shortest route, provided that a longer route may be permitted on the Privilege Pass in the following circumstances :-
(a)     two alternative routes are available for a destination, for example - Bombay to Calcutta via Nagpur or via Allahabad and Bombay to Delhi by the Central Railway or by the Western Railway - such passes may be permitted by either route irrespective of the distance involved; or
(b)     If the distance to destination via a longer route preferred by the Railway servant does not exceed by fifteen percent of the distance via the direct route such passes may be issued even if a double journey over a small portion is involved (for example - ex-Chittaranjan to Kancharapara via Howrah or ex-Lucknow to a station on the Southern/South Central Railway via Bombay V.T.), provided the distance does not exceed the distance via the shortest route by more than 15% to take advantage of terminal facilities as in Bombay V.T. - Kalyan or Madras-Arkonam sections; or
(c)     If the longer route to destination is quicker than the direct route irrespective of distance involved.
(viii)  in case the Railway employee is not available to apply for a Privilege Pass or PTO being on TA duty or on temporary transfer to other place or on deputation or for any other reason, the family member or dependent relative defined in these rules may apply for and be issued privilege passes/ PTO at their request.
(ix)   Bicycles/Motor cycles/ Scooter may allowed to be carried within the free luggage allowance admissible on privilege passes irrespective of home or foreign lines.
(x)    Pass-holders may travel in a class higher than that for which a pass is held on payment of difference in advance between the fare of the class of pass held and that of the higher class in which the pass holder intends to travel, except in the case of First 'A' Privilege Pass holders, who can travel in First AC Class on payment of 1/3 of the difference of the fare between First AC and AC Sleeper Class. When a pass is changed to a higher class the free allowance of luggage will be the same as those for ticket holder in the higher class or as per the luggage allowance admissible on the privilege pass in the entitled class, whichever is more. The right to take an attendant free shall be regulated by the class of pass held by the Railway servant.
(xi)   Unmarried daughter even if earning is eligible for inclusion in the passes/PTOs issued to her father/mother who is/are both railway employees subject to the condition that if she is also a Railway servant, a corresponding debit shall be made in the pass account of the daughter as well to the extent of her own entitlement of passes as a Rly. employee and thereafter she may be included in the passes/PTOs issued to her father/mother in the same manner as an unmarried earning daughter who is not a railway employee.
(xii)   If both husband and wife are railway servants and are entitled to passes and privilege ticket orders in their own right, they are eligible for passes and privilege ticket orders separately for the full number of sets and the class of passes and PTOs prescribed under the rules. Either of them can include the other in their passes or PTOs. Children are also permitted on passes/ PTOs both on the father's and mother's account.
(xiii)  Privilege passes and privilege ticket orders, once issued, but not availed of, shall except in special circumstances to be recorded in writing by the Pass Issuing Authority be counted against the pass account of the railway servant concerned.
Post retirement complimentary pass/Privilege pass once issued, but not availed of may be cancelled at the request of the employee on production of proof to the satisfaction of the pass issuing authority without debiting the same in pass-holders account.} (Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)2001 PS5-8/6 dt. 1.10.2001, SCR S.C.No.237/2001)
(xiv)  When an employee has availed all passes due to him/her in a calendar year, one set of passes and/or one set of PTO may be issued to him/her for journeys commencing in the next year only and the pass/PTO may be debited to the next year's pass account. Such advance issue of pass/PTO should not exceed 60 days of the current year from the date of issue. These passes may be valid for 3/4 months, as the case may be, from the date of issue. PTO, however, may be valid for 3 months from the date of issue.} **
** Substituted vide Board's letter No. E(W)2000 PS5-1/35, dated 12.1.2001 (RBE 7/2001) ACS No. 31
(xv) (a) In the case of permanent railway servant, officiating in a higher post, while proceeding on leave passes of the same class and number to which he is entitled in the higher officiating appointment will be allowed provided he continues to draw pay relevant to the higher post during the leave period.
(b)                       In the case of a temporary railway servant when proceeding on leave, the class of pass to be issued is to be determined on the pay the railway servant would have drawn in the grade of his recruitment. In case of a temporary railway servant proceeding on leave while officiating in a grade higher then to which he was recruited, the class of pass is to be determined on the basis of the officiating pay, provided he continues to draw pay relevant to higher post during the leave period.
(xvi)  All pass-holders and those travelling on Tickets exchanged in lieu of PTOs are exempted from payment of reservation charge, sleeper surcharge while travelling in 2nd class sleeper coaches and super fast train charges on certain mail/express nominated trains. First A/First class pass holders or 1st Class tickets exchanged in lieu of PTOs or post?retirement complimentary First Class Pass holders can travel in AC sleeper coaches without payment of any AC surcharge. However, attendant to railway employee travelling in 2nd class sleeper coaches are to pay the sleeper charges, if any, but not reservation charges for seats/ berths.
(xvii) (a)    When neither of the parents, none of the adult family member and none of the adult dependent relative travels with the miner children of a Gazetted Railway servant a Nurse or other person at the General Managers discretion, may be included in the pass. Minor children may include sons / step sons / adopted sons or dependent brothers under 15 and daughters, step daughters, adopted daughters or dependent sisters under 18.
(b)    When travelling alone in connection with the escorting of an officers minor child, a First Class pass may be allowed to a guardian as defined in these Rules, excepting an attendant, who may as guardian under the rule be allowed a second class pass. Such a pass will be debited to the number of privilege passes admissible under the Rules.
(xviii) Passes are not admissible over the Nilgiri Railway during the months of April, May and June, except to Gazetted Officers of Railways.
(xix)  Separate Second Class cheque passes to the attendants of railway officers when not accompanying their employers may be issued at the discretion of the General Manager, if considered essential, in the following exigencies only and subject to the conditions given below:
(a)        In case of transfer of the officer from one station to another, such Pass should be availed of within a period of two months.
(b)        In case of Officers proceeding on long leave exceeding 2 months out of station Pass to be availed of within a period of 15 days before and after the leave.
(c)         A separate pass for attendant/attendants will be admissible only if an officer himself avails the pass for his own journey. In case an officer avails a P.T.O for his journey a separate pass for attendant will not be admissible.
(d)        A separate pass will be issued to the attendant between the same stations for which privilege or transfer pass was issued to the officer.
(e)        A separate pass for attendants should not be issued when the officer has already taken the attendant with him on his transfer/privilege pass.
(f)          Candidates including Probationary officers and temporary officers issued First Class ?A? and First Class passes for their rail journeys to join their first appointment on Railways should not be allowed attendants in II class.
(g)        Separate II Class PTOs may not be issued to the attendants of officers.
{A separate pass can be issued to the attendant on account of the fact that the train in which officers is travelling does not have II class accommodation, e.g. Rajdhani / Shatabdi Express Trains. }**
** As per Board's letter No. E(W)97 PS5-1/1, dated 7.2.1997.
(xx)  Picking up of families, dependent relatives and employees at the intermediate stations: Employees are allowed to pick up their families and dependent relatives and be picked up themselves by their families and/or dependent relatives at intermediate stations, provided a remark to this effect is made on the pass. For example, an employee, travelling from Delhi to Madras, who wishes to pick up his family and/or dependent relatives from Nagpur may be allowed to do so. The pass should be endorsed "with?..(mentioning the members of family and/or dependent relatives) from Nagpur". If he has to take his family and/or dependent relatives from Nagpur by breaking journey there, the pass should be endorsed accordingly in the space provided for the purpose. Similarly, when the employee himself has to be picked up en-route by the family and/or dependent relatives the pass issued to the latter should be endorsed "with..,.. (the name of employee) from .....(station from where the employee is to be picked up)".
(xxi)  Privilege Pass formats are given in Annexure A.
(a)        Pass forms shall be of the following colours :
First Class 'A' White
First Class Green
{Second Class 'A' Yellow}**
Second Class Pink
** Introduced vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)97 PS5-1/62, dated 1.2.1999 (RBE 17/1999) ACS No. 12.
(b)        Passes issued by Zonal Railways over Railways other than the home line shall be issued on standard pass forms and shall be stamped "issued by the ....... Railway over the......... Railway". Such passes shall be issued by the General Manager's Office and by such other subordinate offices as the General Manager may be authorise, who will sign over their own designations.
(c)         Passes issued by other offices such as Railway Board, Commissioner of Railway Safety, RDSO, Production units etc. shall be stamped "Issued by the....?????.Office over the??????.Railways."
(d)        Seal of Office of issue : Every Pass/PTO must be stamped with the seal of the office of issue without which it must not be accepted at the booking office.  
(xxii) (a)    Presentation of PTO: The order must be presented at the booking office at least 15 minutes before the booked departure time of the train by which the holder indents to travel.
(b)        Exchanging of PTOs: The order must be exchanged at the booking office/for passenger tickets and must be signed by the holder in the presence of the Booking Clerk. The Tickets will have the word "Privilege" written or stamped upon them.
(c)         Exchange of PTO combined with a privilege pass: In cases where a privilege pass is issued for a portion of a journey and a privilege ticket order for the remainder of the journey, the PTO may be exchanged at the starting station for an excess fare ticket. The excess fare ticket should be endorsed as under: -
"Available for commencement of journey from ...... (Station from which the excess fare ticket portion of the journey commences) within 14 days".
In such cases, luggage may be booked through to destination on one luggage ticket in accordance with the free allowance admissible on the pass and privilege ticket order for the respective distances.
(d)        Issue of fewer number of tickets: A fewer number of tickets than that shown on the order may be issued, provided the actual number received is certified by the holder on the face of the order.
(e)        Refunds : Refunds on unused privilege tickets will be allowed under the same terms and conditions as allowed in the Case of ordinary tickets.
(f)          PTOs for return journey can be encashed at the starting stations for outward journeys provided return journey reservation quota is available at the starting station.
(g)        PTO can be addressed to Station Master of more than one station in Metropolitan cities and can be exchanged for regular ticket at any of these stations mentioned in PTO.
(xxiii) Privilege pass holder can also carry the following articles free provided a uniform weight as indicated below, is adjusted against the free weightage allowance admissible and a endorsement to this effect is made on their passes:-
(a)        T. V. sets 25Kgs uniformly for all sets.
(b)        Bicycles 40 Kgs.
(c)         Two wheeler Scooters/ Mopeds, etc. 150Kgs
{ Since the conditions for issue of PRC passes is the same as that of Privilege Pass, the provision to carry the above items is extended to Post Retirement Complimentary Pass holders also}
( Authority: Board?s lr.No.E(W)98 PS5-8/23 dated 23.10.2008 (SCR S.C.No.290/98)
(xxiv)        Higher Class Passes to outstanding sportsmen: General Managers of the Zonal Railways/ Production Units and other officers exercising powers of General Managers may grant First Class Privilege Passes/PTOs (including on official account) to the Railway employees who are recipients Arjuna Award/President's Award "Padma Shri" etc. and/or have won gold medals in official international games i.e. World, Commonwealth or Asian Championship or Olympics, Commonwealth or Asian Games etc. in different sports disciplines irrespective of their pay till such time they become eligible to I Class Pass on their turn under the normal rules, provided they continue to remain in Railway service, as personal to them.
(xxv) Higher Class Passes to the physically handicapped employees:
  1.      Physically handicapped railway employees (Group 'C' and 'D' ) who are eligible for second class pass under pay limit, maybe granted Higher Class of Privilege pass but not higher than First Class, with an escort in the same class, in lieu of their total entitlement of Privilege Passes. The number of passes will be only one set in a year even if the employee is eligible to three sets of passes per year. Where the entitlement of the employee is less than 3 sets and not less than one set of Privilege passes, the facility of First Class pass along with an escort in the same class, may be allowed in 1 set of pass
        2. Non-Gazetted physically handicapped Railway employees who become entitled for First Class Pass, under pay limit may be allowed an option either to avail the privilege passes, as per their entitlement or avail two sets of Privilege pass with an escort in the same class, in each of the two sets of passes by surrendering the remaining one set. Where the entitlement of the employee is less than 3 sets of Privilege passes the facility of escort may be allowed in one set of pass.
  1. In the case of Gazetted physically handicapped Railway employees, an option may be given either to avail of privilege passes as per their entitlement or avail 3 sets with an escort in the same class in each of the three sets of privilege passes by Surrendering the remaining three sets of passes.
Provided the facility at 1, 2 & 3 above will be allowed only on the recommendation of the DMO and where the employee has no family or eligible member for inclusion in the pass.
Where as escort has been allowed no attendant will be given. The physical disabilities may be broadly classified as follows:
(a)        Railway employee not having one leg either below or above knee and using artificial limb;
(b)        Railway employee not having both the legs or above their knee and using artificial limb;
(c)         Railway employee not having one /two hands;
(d)        Railways employees who have lost function of both legs and have to walk with the support of both hands due polio attack.
NOTE:- Certificate on the authority of which this concession is given is valid for the entire service.
{Employees mentioned under item (a) to (d) above and those who are totally blind, as certified by the Railway Medical Authorities, are also granted higher class (First Class) Suburban Residential Card Passes/ Concessional Season ticket till such time they become eligible for free Residential Card Passes/ Concessional Season Tickets in First Class.} **
** As per Railway Board's letter No. E(W)88 PS5-17/6, dated 2.7.1996.
(xxvi)        Physically handicapped employees may carry tricycles/ wheel-chair in their privilege passes free within the free luggage allowance permissible on an essentiality certificate from a DMO or the Orthopedic surgeon of Railway Hospital.
(xxvii) Passes and PTOs may be issued in favour of more than one legally married wife of a Rly. servant provided that separate passes and/or PTOs are issued and counted against the Rly. Servant?s Pass account.
(xxviii)  Married daughter may be included in pass/PTOs when her husband is missing for a period of at least 7 years subject to the production of an affidavit signed by the railway servant concerned and attested by a Magistrate regarding the missing period.
(xxix)        Special Class Apprentices may be included in the passes/PTOs of their parents who are Rly. employees during the period of apprenticeship only.
(xxx) Dependent brother/sister of the employee may be included when his/her step-father is alive, provided it is certified that they are wholly dependent on the employee and step-father has severed his connections with the step children.
(xxxi)        In cases When an employee is unable to accompany his family or dependent relative, he will be eligible for a pass for himself either to precede or follow his family or dependent relative either on outward or return journey or on both subject to production of evidence to the personal satisfaction of the pass issuing authority regarding the employee's inability to accompany his family or dependent relative. In such cases, the two outward and the two return journey passes (i.e. one outward and one return for the family or dependent relative and one outward and one return for the employee) will constitute one set. A reasonable time-limit not exceeding one month should be imposed between the issue of these separate passes. This facility is not admissible to retired Railway employees.
(xxxii)   Those railway officers who are serving as Members of the Railway Board or above or have retired from these posts may be permitted to travel by Rajdhani Express on their privilege /post retirement complimentary passes subject to the following restrictions:
  1.  They can travel in AC Chair Car, AC II-Tier Sleeper or AC First Class the last being subject to payment of 1/3rd the difference in fare between AC First Class (Rajdhani Express) and AC Sleeper Class (Rajdhani Express);
  2.  On a single pass not more than 2 persons will be booked in AC First Class, 2 in AC II-Tier Sleeper and 4 in AC Chair Car, subject to the condition that the total number of persons travelling should not exceed 4;
  3.   No attendant will be allowed to accompany the Pass Holder in Rajdhani Expresses;
  4.  The facility of travel by Rajdhani Expresses will not be available during the months of May and June.
 (xxxiii) Privilege Passes/PTOs to be issued to the employees who are about to retire/ superannuate, may be issued for the normal period of availability admissible under the Rules even if it is beyond the date of superannuation of the employee. It would however be subject to the condition that the total number of passes issued to a railway employee in service as well as after retirement will not exceed the total number to which he/she was entitled while in service.
(xxxiv) The luggage can only be booked on a privilege pass if a person travels on the pass, otherwise the booking if done, will have to be paid at unaccompanied baggage rates. The luggage may, however, be booked in advance but the holder must perform the journey.
(xxxv) Privilege passes/PTOs are not permissible to sons/dependent brothers over 21 years of age who have appeared in or passed final examination even if the Railway employee certifies that the son /dependent brother is seeking further admission and would continue further studies.  
(xxxvi) (a) Privilege Passes/PTOs to family members and eligible dependent relatives of apprentices of all departments should not be issued. This does not apply to serving employees who are appointed as Apprentices without severing their connections with the previous job on Railway
(b)        In the case of Non-Gazetted Railway employees, apprenticeship period will be treated as qualifying service towards pass benefits.
{The training period of Prob. Assistant Station Masters should be taken into account for pass purposes, after their absorption against regular posts.}
( Authority: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)2000 PS5-1/36 dt. 28.6.2002 ( SCR S.C.No.131/2002)
(xxxvii) In the case of all existing Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express trains and by Rajdhani/ Shatabdi Express trains to be introduced in future, railway employees both serving and retired, are allowed to travel subject to the following restrictions:-

Entitlement on each pass
Rajdhani Express
Shatabdi Express
Retired and serving Board Members
Two berths in I-AC or two berths in 2-AC or 4 berths in 3-AC
Two seats in Executive Class or two seats in Chair Car
Serving and retired General Managers, Addl. Members DG/RHS and DG/RPF* of the grade Rs. 22,400 and above.
Two berths in I-AC (on payment of 1/3rd  difference of fare between I-AC & 2-AC of Rajdhani or two berths in 2-AC or Four berths in 3-AC
One seat in Executive Class
Two seats in Chair Car.
Serving officers with pay Rs.22,400 and above retired officers of equivalent status
One berth in I-AC ( on payment of 1/3rd of difference of fare between I-AC & 2 Acof Rajdhani Express) or Two berths in 2-AC or four berths in 3rd AC
One seat in Executive Class
Two seats in Chair Car.
Serving Officers with Pay of Rs. 14,300 and above and retired officers of equivalent status
Two berths in 2-AC or Four berths in 3-AC
Two seats in Chair Car.
Serving Officers with Pay below Rs. 14,300 and retired officers of equivalent status
One berth in 2-AC or two berths in 3-AC
Two seats in Chair Car.
Other Serving and retired First Class holders
One berth in 2-AC or two berths in 3-AC
Two seats in Chair Car.
* Entitled only on Privilege pass as no Post Retirement Complimentary Pass is admissible.
Note :
                   i.        In the case of serving Chairman and Members of the Railway Board travelling on their own privilege passes, the facility to travel in 1-AC of all the trains including Rajdhani Express and in Executive Class of Shatabdi Express, without payment of any difference in fares will be admissible not only to themselves and their spouses, but to all members of family who are entitled to travel on privilege passes, subject to maximum of two berths in I-AC or two seats in the Executive Class. This facility will be available even if the Chairman/Members is not travelling along with them. Spouses of retired Chairman/Members of the Railway Board travelling alone on their post retirement complimentary passes would also be entitles to the facility of travel in I-AC and Executive Class, without payment of any difference in fares.
                 ii.        For the purpose of item (ii) above, entitlement may be decided on the basis of designation of the post from which the officers retired.
                iii.        For the purpose of item (iii) above, the equivalent status of retired Railway employees will be as follows:
Officers who retired between 1.7.59 - 31.12.72 with basic pay of Rs. 3,000 and above/
Officers who retired between 1.1.73 - 31.12.85 with basic pay of Rs. 3,000 and above/
Officers who retired between 1.1.86 - 31.12.95 with basic pay of Rs. 7,300 and above.
               iv.        For the purpose of item (iv) above, the equivalent status will be as follows:
Officers who retired between 1.7.59 - 31.12.72 with basic pay of Rs. 1,880 and above/
Officers who retired between 1.1.73 - 31.12.85 with basic pay of Rs. 1,980 and above/
Officers who retired between 1.1.86 - 31.12.95 with basic pay of Rs. 4,500 and above.
                 v.        For the purpose of item (v) above, the equivalent status will be as follows:
Officers who retired between 1.7.59 - 31.12.72 with basic pay of Rs. 1,880 and above/
Officers who retired between 1.1.73 - 31.12.85 with basic pay of Rs. 1,980 and above/
Officers who retired between 1.1.86 - 31.12.95 with basic pay of Rs. 4,500 .
        vi.     The serving officers with pay Rs.4500/- and above in the IV CPC scale of pay and retired officers of equivalent status who were entitled to 2 berths in 2-AC or 4 berths in3-AC or 2 seats in Chair car on each Privilege and Post Retirement Complimentary Pass prior to revision of scales under V CPC , would continue to get the same entitlement even if their pay in the revised scale falls short of Rs.14,300/-
** Revised entitlement for travelling in Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express  trains issued vide letter No. E(W)93 PS 5-1/1 dt. 16.2.2004 ( RBE No.30/2004)

Conditions of Entitlement
Group A, B, C & D
(i) On re-employment of  Railway personnel in  Railway organizations
Same number of privilege passes and PTO?s as they were enjoying at the time their retirement irrespective of the fact whether their service on re-employment continuous with service rendered before retirement or not.
During the period of re-employment such personnel will not be entitled for post retirement complimentary pass.
Note: The class of Passes/PTOs in the case of Group 'C' employees will be determined on the basis of their pay fixed on re-employment.
(ii) On re-employment of non-railway government employees or quasi-government bodies in Railway Organisations.
Pass/PTO on the scale as admissible to railway servants under these rules.
(iii) In the case of retired railway servants re-engaged on other than re-employment terms like contract basis or daily rates or consultants etc. only Post-retirement complimentary passes, as admissible, will be issued.

Conditions of Entitlement
Group A, B, C & D
  1. Eligibility for privilege Pass and Privilege Ticket Orders and school Passes during the period on deputation to departments other than Central Secretariat/ Public Sector Undertakings on the same scales as admissible to the railway servant for a maximum period of 4 years.
  2. For railway servants who are on deputation to Central Secretariat i.e. Ministries/Departments of the Government of India, the period of admissibility on full-scale will be as per tenure allowed from time to time.
  3. For Railway servants who are on deputation to Public Sector Undertakings including RITES/IRCON the period of admissibility to full benefits will be as under:-
    1. for posts which are declared as top posts carrying the pay scale of Rs. 5900-7300 and above .... 2 years.
    2. other posts ?...... 3 years.
  4. Where the deputation of a railway servant is extended beyond the normal period specified above, the privilege Pass facilities will be continued on the same scales only if the employer is prepared to bear the cost of Passes issued. Where the employer is not prepared to bear the cost, the Railway servant shall be allowed passes at the lowest scale applicable to retired railway servants of his category even though he may not have completed the minimum qualifying service for this purpose provided that if the Railway servant is entitled to a higher scale of privilege pass if he had retired from railway service on the date on which he would complete the normal period of deputation, he shall be entitled to the same scale of Passes which he was drawing on that dale.
  5. In cases where railway servant is placed on deputation from one department to another without reverting to the parent department the benefit of Pass shall not be admissible beyond the maximum period of deputation as detailed above reckoned from the date of commencement of initial deputation.
  6. Railway servants who are seconded to Foreign Service outside India through RITES/IRCON, will also be eligible for privilege passes/PTOs on the scale referred to in (iii) ibid treating them as initially deputed to RITES/IRCON.
  7. Railway servants who are sponsored for foreign service on Govt. to Govt. basis, as also those whose applications have been forwarded through the Department of Personnel for various assignments will be eligible to passes at the lowest scale as applicable to retired railway servants of their class even though they may not have completed the minimum qualifying railway service for this purpose and where they have completed minimum qualifying railway service, they will be entitled to the scale of privilege passes as admissible to retired railway servants of their class, if their families are left behind. In other cases, the officers will be allowed only one set of passes/ PTOs per year on requests received.
  8. Permanent railway servants and temporary railway servants with more than 3 years continuous railway service, whose applications have been forwarded and who have been selected and appointed for post in other Central Government Departments/Offices, Public Sector Undertakings or autonomous bodies may be allowed the benefits of passes/PTOs for a period of two years from the date of relief from the Railways, during which they are permitted to retain their lien.
{Railway servants with more than 3 years Railway service who get appointed in High Courts and whose lien is maintained on the Railways for 2 years  are not entitled to Privilege pass/PTOs under the provisions of RS(Pass) Rules,1986} (Bd?s Lr.No. E(W)97/ PS5-1/Misc. dt. 30.7.2001, SCR S.C.No.182/2001)

  1. Railways servants who are deputed on short term assignments or posting against posts controlled by the Ministry of Railways, will be entitled to passes/PTOs as admissible to them while in railway service.
Note: Benefits of Suburban, Residential Card passes, Concessional Season Tickets etc. are not admissible to Railway employees on deputation to non-railway departments.

Conditions of Entitlement
Groups A, B, C & D
Employees of non-railway departments appointed on deputation to posts on Indian Railway.
  1. Eligible for passes/PTOs as admissible to Railway servants.
  2. Free passes for self and family and pass for transport of personal effects for joining the post on Railways and on relinquishing the same.
  3. Same class of pass/PTO as admissible to railway servants on privilege account.



[See Rule 7]

Conditions of entitlement
Entitlement Facilities
Group A, B, C, & D
  1. School Cheque Pass can be issued to each such student son/ daughter who is dependent on the railway servant on production of a certificate from the recognised institution where the student is studying and which is away from the headquarters of the Railway servant for undertaking journeys specifically listed in this schedule. The certificate should indicate that the son/daughter is a bonafide student of the recognised institu?tion where he/she is studying.
  2. In cases where both husband and wife are railway servants, the passes shall be allowed against the account of either of the two;
  3. In case of a boy under 18 years and a girl of any age, the parent or guardian may be included in the pass issued;
*** The parent or guardian may also be included in the School Pass issued to handicapped student sons of railway employees who are 18 years of age and above subject to production of a Medical Certificate from the DMO that such boys are unable to travel alone.}
  1. A parent including a step-parent or guardian in the same class may be included in a pass outward or inward and he/she may be issued a separate pass for going to bring the student or returning alone after leaving the student at school/ college etc. and the passes thus issued shall be treated as part of one half-set of school pass i.e. it will not count as a separate half-set. If the attendant be a guardian he/she will be issued only a II Class Pass;
  2. School passes are admissible for students including those who are engaged in research work and are not getting any stipend/scholarship, other than on merits/means basis. 
  3. Students over 21 years of age and doing a rotating internship for one year after passing MBBS are eligible for school passes and are also permitted in the privilege passes/PTOs of their parents even if they are in receipt of a stipend, provided the same forms a part of his/her medical course to be completed before becoming eligible for the award of M.B.B.S Degree.
Note: Student sons/ daughters of Railway employees over 21 years of age and studying in degree courses in Homeopathy/Siddha/Unani and Ayurveda of Indian medicine may be treated at par with those undergoing MBBS course and may be extended the same facility of school/privilege pass provided it is certified by each Institution that internship forms a regular part of the syllabus for award of degree in the respective sphere of Indian medicines.

{Wards of retired railway employees are not eligible for grant of any school pass, even till end of current academic year, in case the railway servant retires in mid-school session}
(Auth: Bd?s Lr. .No.E(W)96 PS5-1/30 dated 13-2-2006) SCR S.C.No.27/2006)
Entitles the holder to avail 3 sets or 6 half-sets in a year and to:-
i. * Be issued with the class of pass which the railway servant is entitled as on privilege. However, the children of railway employees studying in Oak Grove School, Jharipani, who are not ordinarily entitled to 1st Class Passes, may, as a special case, be issued 1stClass Passes from their homes to Dehradun at the beginning of School Session and back to their homes at the conclusion of the school session. The above provision equally applies for their up and down journey during authorised vacations. On these occasions 1st Class Passes may also be issued to the escorts (School teachers) for their up and down journeys.
Substituted vide ACS 42 --[Railway Board's letter No. E(W)96 PS5-1/30 dated 11.08.2003 (RBE 136/2003)]
  1. travel from school or college to the railway servant's headquarters to see either parent and back to school or college. This should be in case of recognised vacations of not less than three consecutive days duration (Sunday being included) or closure of institution due to unforeseen circumstances;
  2. travel from school or college to a place other than the railway servant's headquarters where either parent is residing and back to school or college ;
  3. to travel to recognised institution for admission and back to head quarters of the railway servant.
  4. to travel to recognised institution for joining and back to head quarter of the railway servant;
  5. to travel to examination Centre for
    1. Submitting forms of admission and to take up examination and back to headquarters.
    2. taking examination at place other than the place of school or college;
  6. travel to the station where Head master/Principal etc. is staying in case he is required to fill the form etc. as a private candidate in presence of Headmaster etc. and back to the headquarters.
  7. travel back to the headquarters of the railway servant when he/she is withdrawn from school/college at the close of the course or for admission at the headquarters of the railway servant;
  8. travel on educational tour forming part of the school syllabus.
  9. carry a bicycle in the pass in addition to free luggage permissible by making endorsement in the school cheque pass.
  10. travel upto port of embarkation and back if studying abroad. This would be on production of a certificate or other acceptable evidence that the student son/daughter has got admission in a college or University abroad and that he/she is required to join it by a particular date, or that the student son/daughter is returning after completing studies in a college or University abroad.
NOTE: (1) For the purpose of these Rules, School/College means School or College both academic and professional, recognised by the State Governments/ Central Governments/ Recognised Universities. It is includes :-
Government Military Educational Institutions Such as National Defence Academy, Khadakvasala and I. M. A. at Dehradun, Armed  Forces Administrative College, Coimbatore and any educational institute recognised by the the Ministry of Education such as Indian Institute of Management at Ahmedabad/ Banglore/ Calcutta/ Lucknow, National Institute of Training in Industrial Engg., Bombay, etc.
{School pass can also be given in cases where the students travel for counseling purposes, subject to the number of passes to be issued in a calendar year remaining the same i.e., three sets.}
(Auth: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)96/PS5-1/30 dt. 6.10.2004 ,SCR S.C No.187/2004)

(2) Institutions such as day/night Adult School intended for the spare time education of adult/wage earners are not included in the definition of of School/ College. Nor schools/ colleges imparting part-time/ whole time education in language etc. course including correspondence are included in the definition of school/college.
(3) Break of journey en-route is permissible on school pass if endorsement to this effect is made on the pass.
(4) In cases where a school pass is sought to/ from a place other then the Railway servant's headquarters or the permanent place of residence of the other parent, if it be different, the grant of such pass shall have the approval of the gazetted officer who shall take into account the material facts relating to the request and accord his approval, recording reasons thereof, after he is satisfied that the said change is justified and not made with a view to receive any unintended benefit.
(5)In cases where school pass is sought to/from a place other then the Railway servant's headquarters, where either parent is residing even if temporarily such as during summer vacations, etc. the Pass shall be issued with the approval of gazetted officer who shall satisfy himself about the bonafides of such request, with reference to the passes/PTO's already issued for the parent's journey to such a place.
(6) Issue of School passes will not be affected by the stoppage of privilege passes of an employee on any account including by way of punishment.
(7) Incidents of suspension will not affect the eligibility of Railway employees to such passes.
(8) In case where the husband and wife are both railway employees each child will be allowed School passes during a particular year only against the husband's account or against the wife's account to ensure that particular child does not get more than the maximum prescribed limit of school passes in a year. The husband and the wife are to submit a joint option in this respect with regard to the child, in duplicate (one copy to each of the respective pass officers) when the pass is asked for the first time during any year
Groups A, B, C & D
Will be issued for student son/ daughter of the railway servant to commute between the station of the residence of the railway servant and the station nearest to the school/ college on production of a certificate from the recognised institution where the student is studying subject to such restrictions like those pertaining to distance etc. that may be imposed by Railways depending on local circumstances for issue of such passes.


Entitlement/ Facilities
Group 'A' & Group 'B' (Gazetted) 

I Class 'A'
Non-Gazetted Group 'B' & Groups 'C' employees

Appointed prior to 1.8.1969

Drawing pay of  Rs. 4900/- or above provided the employee are in scale the maximum of which is Rs. 6000/- or above.

I Class

Employees other than those covered  in items (i) above

II/ Sleeper Class

Appointed on or after 1.8.1969 to 10.11.1987

Drawing pay of Rs. 5375/- or above provided they are in a scale the maximum of which is Rs. 7000/- or above. 

I Class

Employees other than those covered  in items (i) above

II/ Sleeper Class

Appointed on or after 10.11.1987 to 1.2.99

Drawing pay of Rs. 7250/- or above or those who are in scale the minimum of which is Rs. 6500/-.

I Class

Employees other than those covered  in items (i) above

II/ Sleeper Class

Employees appointed after 01.02.1999

Employees in scale the minimum of which is Rs. 6500/- or above.

I Class

Employees drawing pay of Rs. 7600/- or above

I Class

Employees in pay scales of Rs. 5000-8000/- and Rs. 5500-9000/- and drawing the pay of Rs. 7250/- or above but less then Rs. 7600/-

IInd Class 'A'

Employees other than those covered  in items (i), (ii) and (iii) above

II/ Sleeper Class
Group 'D'

II/ Sleeper Class

Authority: Bd?s Lr No. E(W)97 PS5-1/62-A dated 7.04.2000 (RBE No. 63/2000) ACS No. 21  ,No. E(W)97 PS5-1/62-A dated 8.7.2003 (RBE 119/2003) ACS No.41,  and No. E(W)96 PS5-1/30 dated 11.08.2003 (RBE 136/2003).ACS No.42
** Added vide Board's Letter No. E(W)96 PS5-1/30 dated 16.04.2004 (RBE 81/2004)ACS No. 45. 
School Passes issued to eligible son/daughter of Railway employees may be made valid for journey on Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express trains, subject to the normal ?Pass Quota? ( Authority: Railway Board's letter No. E(W)96 PS5-1/27 dated 12.08.2000 (RBE 97/2000).
Wards of retired railway employees are not eligible  for grant of any school pass, even till end of current academic year, in case the railway servant retires in mid- school session. ( Authority: Board?s letter No.E(W)PS 5-1/30 dated 13.2.2006,  SCR S.C.No.27/2006)
School Passes may be issued to students sons/daughters of Railway employees pursuing regular full time studies ( not correspondence/Part-time course) in IGNOU, Indraprastha University, Computer Courses recognised Department of Electronics or any other body subject to submission of declaration to the effect duly countersigned by the University /Organisation/Statutory body concerned. & vide Board's Letter No. E(W)96 PS 5-1/30 dated 13.11.2000 (RBE 196/2000).
I, _________________ (Name, designation & Office hereby declare that my student son/daughter ( Shri/Ms___________________) is a bonafide student undergoing the ___________________ ( details of the course of study) course in ______________ (Name and address of institution) which is an affiliated institution body etc.) The above mentioned course of study is not part-time or correspondence course, but requires regular full-time studies.

Certified that the ________________ (Name of institution) is affiliated to this University/recognised by this Department and the course of study mentioned above is not a part-time or correspondence course but requires full-time regular studies.
Seal of University/Department                        (Name & Designation) 

School Card passes are issued to student son/daughter of the railway servant on South Central Railway to commute between the station of the residence of the railway servant  and station nearest to the school/college upto a distance of 150Kms over Home/Foreign Railways.
( Authority: S.C. Railway?s Serial Circular No.19/2004 & 71/2007)



[See Rule 8(2)]


Number of passes admissible in one year
Group A & B

With Railway service of 20 years or more but less than 25 years.
2 Sets
With minimum Railway service of 25 years
3 Sets
 Group C

With Railway service of 20 or more but less than 25 years.
1 Set
With minimum Railway service of 25 years 
2 set
[Group D]*

With minimum Railway service of 20 years (ACS 35 vide E(W)95 PS5-8/1, dated 27.3.1996)
1 Set Every year 
Note: A benefit of additional 5 years service for post-retirement complimentary passes may be allowed to those medically decategorised /unfit Railway servants who retire either by refusing to accept the alternative post or the alternative post being not available.

Conditions for issue of post-retirement complimentary pass

                   i.        Post-retirement complimentary Passes are issued to Railway servants for self, wife/husband, children and [widowed dependent mother (E(W)95PS5-1/6 dated 16.2.1996 (RBE 13/1996)] only subject to the same conditions as applicable to railway servants in service.
{ ## Post retrial spouses are eligible for inclusion in the Post retirement complimentary passes of the retired Railway employees. The widows of such retired railway employees are also eligible for the grant of widow passes subject to other conditions laid down in Bd?s letter No.E(W)85 PS5-8/2 dt. 30.6.1987 being fulfilled}
(## Bd?s Lr.No. E(W)91/PS5-2/Misc dt. 18.12.1991 addressed to GM/P/SCR)
{^^ Legally divorced daughter and widowed daughter may be included in the Post Retirement Complimentary Pass as dependent relative of the retired Railway servants, provided they reside with the retired Railway employees and subject to fulfillment of the income criteria laid down for the purpose.}
(^^ Auth: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)2?2 PS5-1/8 dated 16.4.2003 ( RBE No.63/2003) SCR S.C.No.87/2003)
                 ii.        Subject to the conditions stipulated in (iii) below, a retired Railway servant will be eligible to the same class of Post-retirement Complimentary pass, as he was enjoying at the time of service.
                iii.        Retired Railway servant who was officiating in the higher grade at the time of quitting service shall be granted post-retirement complimentary passes of the number appropriate to the post held by him in the substantive capacity. However the full benefit of post-retirement complimentary passes corresponding to the higher post as to their number and class may be given to those Railway employees-
                                 a.        {who have been promoted to higher grade on regular basis and retires from the higher grade.}**
**substituted vide Board's letter No. E(W)95PS5-1/11 dated 31.5.1995 (RBE 51/1995)
                                 b.        where the promotion in the higher grade is on ad-hoc basis after working for a minimum of 3 years in the higher grade; or
                                 c.        Where service after regular promotion falls short of 2 years but the total regular service  added to adhoc service in the higher grade is 3 years or more the full benefit of post-retirement complimentary passes as to their number and class may be given.
               iv.        (a) Post retirement complimentary passes shall not be issued to those Railway servants who are dismissed from service.
(b)  Post retirement complimentary passes shall also not be issued to those Railway servants who are removed from service on or after 26.10.2005.
(c)   Post retirement complimentary passes shall not be issued those retired railway servants on whom thepenalty of cent percent cut in pension and gratuity has been imposed on or after 20.01.2005
(d)   Post retirement complimentary passes shall be issued to those railway servants who are dismissed or removed from service on or after 26.10.2005 but are granted compassionate allowance in terms of Rule 65 ofRailway Services (Pension) Rules,1993. Post retirement complimentary passes shall be issued to such dismissed/removed railway servants from the date of grant of compassionate allowance. 
    (Item iv amended vide ACS No.47 and further vide ACS No.49 issued under            Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)2002/PS5-8/5 dt. 26.10.2005) SCR S.C.No.180/2005
                 v.        In the year in which the Railway servant retires from service he is entitled to that number of single journey Post-retirement complimentary passes which represents the difference between the number of privilege passes he is normally entitled to in a calendar year while in service and the number actually availed by him, provided the total number of Post-retirement complimentary passes applied for after the date of retirement does not exceed the number of post-retirement complimentary passes for which he is entitled in a calendar year.
               vi.        In cases where both husband or wife are retired Railway servants, they may avail the complimentary passes on each other's account.
              vii.        When a retired Railway servant himself or a member of his family eligible for inclusion in post-retirement complimentary pass is blind in both eyes, and travels alone, one attendant may be allowed to travel in the same class in which the blind person is travelling duly including the attendant in the complimentary pass, on production of a certificate from Medical Officer of the Railway concerned to the effect that the person concerned is blind in both the eyes.
             viii.        A benefit of 5 years service on voluntary retirement is granted towards the qualifying service for the grant of post-retirement complimentary passes on the same conditions as are laid down in Board's letter No. E(P&A)I 77 RT-46 dated 9.11.77.
               ix.        Members of the Railway Board including Chairman and Financial Commissioner can travel by Rajdhani Expresses on certain conditions as given initem (xxxii) of Schedule II for serving Board Members.
                 x.        In the case of Railway employees governed by the Pension Rules, the breaks in service which are condoned for the purpose of pension and death-cum-retirement gratuity may be condoned for the purpose of post-retirement complimentary passes and service preceding the break counted for the purpose of post-retirement complimentary passes. Likewise breaks in service which are condoned for Special contribution to PF for non-pensionable employees may be taken as condoned for post-retirement passes.
               xi.        Period of service in non-Railway departments or establishments rendered prior to joining railway service will not count except in case of Ex-servicemen or Central Government employees recruited in the Railways where a weightage equivalent to half of their previous non-railway service rendered in Central Government will be taken into account for determining their eligibility for Post Retirement Complimentary Passes on the basis of the length of service in the Railways.
( Authority: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)2006 PS 5-1/28 dt. 18-4-2007,  ACS No.53)
              xii.        Passes to retired employees are not admissible over the Nilgiri Railway during the months of April, May and June.
             xiii.        Misuse of a post-retirement pass renders the retired Railway servant renders the retired Railway servant liable to be deprived of the privilege of getting such passes.
            xiv.        All First 'A'/First Class complimentary Pass Holders are entitled to take one attendant free with them in Second Class/Sleeper Class (clarified vide No. E(W)97PS5-1/4 dated 29.5.1997) subject to the conditions stipulated for privilege passes.
Senior Citizen I/ I 'A' pass holders can carry a companion in lieu of attendant subject to following conditions:
                                   i.        The facility of a Companion will be provided only on the post-retirement complimentary Ist  and I 'A' Passes in which there is already a provision to carry an Attendant as per the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986.
  1. The facility of a Companion will be allowed only to retired railway servants who are above the age of 65 years.
  2. The facility of a Companion in lieu of attendant will be permitted only when the pass holder and/or eligible members of family above the age of 65 years will be travelling along with the Companion in Sleeper class / II class.  The senior citizens are also allowed to take a companion along with them in higher class on payment of full difference of fare between sleeper class/ II class and the class in which the retired railway employee travels. . In other words, if any other eligible members of the family below the age of 65 years is included in the pass, then the facility of travel in Sleeper Class /II class with a Companion will not be permitted.
(Authority: Bd's lr. No. E(W) 96PS5-812 dt. 17.2.2004 ACS No.44)
Accordingly, senior citizen railway employees will have the option either to carry an  "Attendant" in Sleeper class/ Ii Class while they themselves are travelling in I class/ AC 2-tier or carry a "Companion" in Sleeper class/ II class in lieu of an Attendant if the pass holder themselves travel in Sleeper class/ II class. In case a Companion is provided, the pass issuing authorities shall take a specific request for the same and also mention the ages of the persons included in the pass, and the following endorsement shall be made on the pass:
"Companion in lieu of Attendant is permitted only when the pass holder and/or other family member of more than 65 years of age is/are travelling in Sleeper Class/II Class or in higher class on payment of difference of fare between SL/II class and the class in which the retired railway employee travels}
(Auth: Bd?s Lr.No. E(W)96PS5-8/2, dated 19.1.2001 (RBE 14/2001)ACS No. 30
The facility of companion in lieu of attendant may, however, be permitted when the pass holder and/or eligible members of family above the age of 65 years are travelling alongwith the mentally retarded and/or physically disabled son or daughter of the retired railway employee, who is eligible to be included in the Post Retirement Complimentary Pass as per rules.
(Auth: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)96/ PS5-8/2 dated 12.7.2004 ( RBE No. 148/04)ACS No.45
**  ACS No. 11 Provision for the companion inserted vide Board's letter No. E(W)96 PS5-8/2 dated 5.1.1999 (RBE No. 3/1999)
             xv.        A child adopted after retirement/ superannuation, as the case may be, may be included in the post-retirement complimentary passes provided there is a satisfactory proof of adoption irrespective of the fact whether adoption is permissible or not under the Personal Law governing retired railway servant.
            xvi.        Post-retirement complimentary passes, when requested by the Retired railway employee to be sent by post, should be despatched by Registered Post at the Railway's cost.
           xvii.        Period of apprenticeship that does not count towards pension will not be taken into consideration for the purpose of grant of post-retirement complimentary passes.
         xviii.        Pass Issuing Authority shall satisfy himself about the identity of the retired Railway employee before issuing the Post retirement complimentary pass.
            xix.        Railway administration shall issue an identity card bearing the photographs of superannuated/ retired railway employee and the family members eligible for inclusion in the post retirement passes. Such retired railway employees travelling on post retirement complimentary passes will have to carry the identity card to enable railway staff on duty to verify the identity of all those travelling on such passes.
             xx.        ** One set of post-retirement complimentary pass shall be disallowed for every month of unauthorised retention of railway quarters by the retired officers/staff.  For this purpose, a part of month exceeding 10 days in any calendar month shall be taken as full month. A show cause notice to this effect may be issued to the concerned retired employee before disallowing the complimentary passes. The concerned retired employee shall be allowed the Post-retirement Complimentary passes after the period during which forfeited passes could have been admissible is over.
(**  Inserted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)99 PS5-1/41 dated 3.11.1999, ACS 18)
Inclusion of escort in the post-retirement Complimentary Passes issued to physically handicapped Retired Railway employees (Railway Board's Letter No. E(W)93PS5-1/10 dated 16.12.1993 (RBE 182/1993);
                   i.        In the case of those Retired Railway employees, who are eligible for three sets of First A post-retirement Complimentary Passes, may be allowed an option either to avail of the passes as per their entitlement or avail two sets alongwith an escort in the same class, in each of the two sets of the passes by surrendering the remaining one set;
                 ii.        In the case of those Retired Railway employees, who are eligible for 2 sets of First A post-retirement Complimentary Passes, an option may be given either to avail of the passes as per their entitlement or avail one set alongwith an escort in the same class by surrendering the remaining one set; 
                iii.        In respect of those Retired Railway employees, who are eligible for 2 sets of First Class post-retirement Complimentary Passes, an option may be given either to avail of the passes as per their entitlement or avail one set alongwith an escort in the same class by surrendering the remaining one set;
               iv.        In respect of those Retired Railway employees, who are eligible for one set of First Class post-retirement Complimentary Pass, the facility of an escort in the same class may be allowed on the single set of pass;
                 v.        In respect of those Retired Railway employees, who are eligible for Second Class / Sleeper Class (clarified vide No. E(W)97PS5-1/4 dated 29.5.1997) post-retirement Complimentary Passes, one set of higher class of pass but not higher than 1st Class, with an escort in the same class, may be allowed in lieu of the total entitlement of post-retirement Complimentary Passes.
Provided further that the facility of an escort would be allowed only on the recommendation of a Senior D.M.O. and where the employee has no family member. The facility of an attendant which is allowed on First Class Pass will, however, not be allowed. The other conditions stipulated in Railway Board's letters No. E(W) 82PS5-1 dated 5.9.83 applicable to serving physically handicapped employees will equally apply in the case of Retired physically handicapped Railway employees as well.]

Other facilities

                   i.        A retired Railway servant may be issued, on his/her request, one set of complimentary pass 60 days in advance of the current calendar year from the date of issue, for journeys commencing in the next year duly debiting such issue of complimentary pass in the next year's account. The validity of the Pass will be for 3/4 months, as the case may be, from the date of issue. [ substituted vide  ACS 34 issued under Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)2000 PS5-1/35, dated 19.4.2001 ]
                 ii.        A retired Railway servant, if he so, desires, can obtain his post-retirement complimentary passes from an office of his choice authorised to issue such passes irrespective of the Railway or office from where he had retired. The Railway thus opted by the retired railway servant will be recorded in his service records and that railway will be supplied with all the essential details including specimen signature of the retired railway servant, date of birth of his children and permanent residential address. The railway thus opted will prepare and maintain pass index cards of the retired-railway servant.
                iii.        the retired railway servant can change the option and elect another railway, should it be necessary for him to do so on account of his having changed the place of residence.
               iv.        The Gazetted officers who are holding independent charge may be authorised to issue post retirement complimentary passes to retired railway employee permissible under the normal rules on receipt of requests after verifying their entitlement from the Office from which they had retired. It is not necessary that such transfer of pass account should be routed through the General Managers/Divisional Railway Managers.
                 v.        Sr. Subordinates in Grade Rs. 5000-8000 and above and who are in direct independent charge of the establishment may issue/sign post retirement complimentary passes to retired employees other then 1A pass holders.
(Authority: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)95PS5-1/17 dated 30.6.1999 (RBE 155/1999)] Scheme made permanent vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)95PS5-1/17 dated 30.01.2002 (RBE 12/2002).


{*  Continuous service rendered by casual labourers after acquiring temporary status is counted for the purpose of Post Retirement Complimentary Passes)

* Auth: Bd?s letter No.E(W)2004 PS5-1/15 dt. 26.5.2006 ( SCR S.C.No.85/2006)









See Rule 9 ]


  1.    Category.
  2.    Widows of those Railway servants who were in service on 12.3.87 and opted for the scheme of Widow Pass or widows of those Railway servants who joined service on or after 12.3.87 and are compulsorily governed under the scheme of Widow Pass are eligible for Widow Passes. In such cases of Railway employees who have opted for the scheme of Widow Pass or those who are compulsorily governed under this scheme, shall be eligible for 4 sets of PTOs in a calendar year while in service.
  3.    Widows of Railway Servants who were in service prior to 12.3.1987 will be eligible to be admitted  to the scheme of 'Widow Pass' scheme on a one-time payment of Rs. 250.
Note :- The payment may be accepted in cash by the Divisional Cashier or by way of a Demand Draft in favour of the F.A.&C.A.O. of the Railway from where the widow wishes to draw the pass."
[Authority Railway Board's letter No. E(W)95PS 5-1/29 dated 24/4/1998 (RBE 83/1998) ACS No.7 ]
  1.    The Railway Servants who get permanently absorbed in public sector undertakings, autonomous bodies prior to 12.3.1987 and were in receipt of post-retirement complimentary passes, their widow will also be admitted  to the scheme of 'Widow Pass' scheme on a one-time payment of Rs. 250.
[Authority Railway Board's letter No. E(W)95PS 5-1/29 dated 6/8/1999 (RBE 197/99) ACS No.16]
  1.    Widows of Railway servants who had opted out of the scheme of Widow Pass will also be eligible to be admitted to the scheme of Widow Pass on a one-time payment of Rs. 250. (Auth: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)98/)PS5-1/55 dt. 12.3.2001 , ACS No. 33)
  2.    No. of Passes Admissible in a year, - Half the number of Post retirement Complimentary Passes that the Railway servant was either receiving at the time of his demise after retirement or in case of death in service would be notionally eligible to receive by reckoning the date of death as the date of retirement provided that:
  3.    The widow(s) of a Group 'D' Railway employee entitled (or notionally entitled) to one set of Post-retirement Complimentary pass every alternate year, shall be entitled to one set of Complimentary Pass every alternate year.
  4.    The widow(s) of any Railway employee, who dies while in service, shall be entitled to a minimum of one set of Pass every alternate year. Thus, she will be eligible to one set of Pass in two years, even if the service of the employee before death falls short of the requisite service prescribed for entitlement for Post-retirement Complimentary Passes
  1.    Widows/their dependents who are eligible for such Passes should be issued Family Identity Card by the Railway Administration and the same should be carried by them during their journey.
  2.    In case there is more than one widow the passes for widows shall be given by rotation in a specified year
  3.    Other Facilities
                                           .   The class of Pass would be same as is admissible to the Railway employees on retirement or what would be admissible notionally if the date of death is reckoned as the date of retirement.
  1.                 other terms and conditions would be the same as are applicable to Privilege Passes except that:
  2.    Dependent relatives are not entitled to be included in such Passes. However, dependant widow mother of the deceased Railway employee may be included in the Widow Pass as family member of the widow} Replaced vide Board's Letter No. E(W)96 PS5-8/2 dated 24/7/2000 (RBE 142/2000) ACS No. 26;
{ Widow pass on request may be issued 60 days in advance of the current year from the date of issue of journeys commencing in the next year duly debiting such issue of pass to the next year?s account. The validity of the pass will be of 3-4 months as the case may be from the date of issue} Bd?s Lr.No. E(W)/2000/PS5-1/35 dated 23.7.2001}
  1.    Widow will not be entitled to this facility if she becomes otherwise entitled to the Pass facility due to her son's employment in Railways or on her own employment on the Railways or on her re-marriage ** {However the widow may exercise an option either to avail of pass facility as a dependant widow mother by getting her name included in the privilege pass drawn by her son/daughter or she may draw pass(es ) as per her entitlement under the 'widow pass' scheme. Option once exercised shall be final and irreversible. }
** Inserted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)95 PS5-1/29 dated 21/12/1999 (RBE 312/1999) ACS No. 20.
c.     Widows who are appointed on compassionate grounds may be given an option to be exercised at the time of appointment Whether they would like to avail of the pass facilities as a Railway servant or would like to continue the entitlement under the Widow Pass scheme Option once exercised shall be final.
At the time of retirement/ quitting Railway service, a similar option may be given to such Widows either to be governed by the Widow Pass Scheme or to be governed by the Post?retirement Complimentary Pass Scheme in her capacity as a retired Railway servant and in accordance With her status. Such option once exercised shall be final.
###Inserted vide ACS No. 40 issued under Railway Board's letter No. E(W)95PS5-1/29 dated 13.06.2003 (RBE 98/2003).
^^ Note: Widows of railway employees who are appointed as apprentice on compassionate grounds in Artisan Category may be allowed to avail of pass under the Widow Pass Scheme till such time they are given regular appointment on completion of training. Thereafter they will be required to give their option as brought out in para (c) above.
^^ Note inserted vide ACS No.52 issued under Bd?s lr.No.E(W)95/PS 5-1/29 dt. 8.1.2007 ( SCR S.C.No.10/2007)
{Passes issued to widows and on medical grounds shall be valid for travel in Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express trains as are applicable to railway employee of equivalent status . A special endorsement may be made by the pass issuing authority to the effect on the pass indicating the class and number of berths allowed in the pass.}   (Bd?s lr.No. E(W)95 PS5-1/33 dt. 6.1.2000 & 28.5.2001 )

d.     "Senior Citizen 1st/1st 'A' Widow Pass holders can carry a Companion in lieu of an Attendant subject to the following conditions -
                                                                   i.        The facility of a Companion will be provided only on the 1st Class /1st 'A' Widow Passes in which there is already a provision to carry an Attendant as per the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986.
                                                                 ii.        The facility of a Companion will be allowed only to Widow Pass holders who are above the age of 65 years.
                                                                iii.        The facility of a Companion in lieu of attendant will be permitted only when the pass holder and/or eligible members of family above the age of 65 years will be travelling along with the Companion in Sleeper / 2nd Class. In other words, if any other eligible members of the family below the age of 65 years is included in the pass, then the facility of travel in Sleeper /2nd Class with a Companion will not be permitted.
Accordingly, Senior Citizen 1st Class/ 1st Class 'A' Widow Pass holders will have the option either to carry an "Attendant" in Sleeper/2nd Class while they themselves are travelling in 1st Class/ AC 2-tier or carry a "Companion" in Sleeper/2nd Class in lieu of an "Attendant" if the pass holder themselves travel in Sleeper/ 2nd Class. In case a Companion is preferred to an attendant, the pass issuing authorities shall obtain a specific request for the same from the Widow Pass holder and mention the ages of the persons not less than 65 years to be included in the pass and the following endorsement shall be made on the pass:
" Companion in lieu of Attendant permitted when the Pass Holder travel in Sleeper Class/2nd Class."
{The above facility inserted vide Railway board's letter No. E(W)96 PS5-8/2 dated 24.7.2000 (RBE 142/2000) ACS No. 26}
"Companion in lieu of Attendant is permitted only when the pass holder and/or other family member of more than 65 years of age is/are travelling in Sleeper Class/II Class."
{Endorsement replaced vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)96PS5-8/2, dated 19.1.2001 (RBE No. 14/2001) ACS No. 30]

  1.    Condition for issue of Widow Passes
                                           .   This scheme will not apply to Railway servants who have retired or expired before 12.3.1987
** Cut off date removed vide Railway Board's letter No.  E(W)95PS 5-1/29 dated 24/4/1998 (RBE 83/1998) ACS No. 7.
                                   i.        This scheme will also not apply to Casual Labour unless they are absorbed against regular posts. Till the Casual Labour are so absorbed, they will continue to get 6 sets of PTOs in a year otherwise admissible to them instead of 4 sets of PTOs admissible to others who opt for the scheme of Widow Passes.
  1.                 The facility of passes to available to the widow of a male Railway employee shall be available to the widower of a female railway employee.
[Authority Railway Board's letter No. E(W)97PS 5-8/3 dated 31.3.1998 ]{Inserted vide ACS 6.}
        The wife of missing railway employee will become eligible for grant of widow pass from the date she becomes entitled for family pension.
(Authority: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)98/PS5-1/14 dated 21.5.98 ( SCR S.C.No.167/98)

Entitlement to travel in Rajdhani/Shatabdi on widow pass vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)95 PS5-1/33 dated 6.1.2000 (RBE 4/2000).
Children born on void marriage marriage are not eligible in the widow pass E(W)99PS5-1/29 dated 13.9.2002 (RBE 162/2002)


[ See Rule 10(2)]

Condition of entitlement
Groups A, B, C & D
Will be issued to those railway servants who reside away from the place of work to travel by rail between their place of residence and their place of work, over the sections where this facility was in vogue prior to 14.12.1953 or where the facility has been extended by specific orders of Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) issued from time to time

Group 'A' & Group 'B' (Gazetted) 

I Class 'A'
Non-Gazetted Group 'B' & Groups ' C' employees

Appointed prior to 1.8.1969

Drawing pay of  Rs. 4900/- or above provided the employee are in scale the maximum of which is Rs. 6000/- or above.

I Class

Employees other than those covered  in items (i) above

II/Sleeper Class

Appointed on or after 1.8.1969 to 10.11.1987

Drawing pay of Rs. 5375/- or above provided they are in a scale the maximum of which is Rs. 7000/- or above. 

I Class

Employees other than those covered  in items (i) above

II/Sleeper Class

Appointed on or after 10.11.1987 to 1.2.99

Drawing pay of Rs. 7250/- or above or those who are in scale the minimum of which is Rs. 6500/-.

I Class

Employees other than those covered  in items (i) above

II/Sleeper Class

Employees appointed after 01.02.1999

Employees in scale the minimum of which is Rs. 6500/- or above.

I Class

Employees drawing pay of Rs. 7600/- or above

I Class

Employees in pay scales of Rs. 5000-8000/- and Rs. 5500-9000/- and drawing the pay of Rs. 7250/- or above but less then Rs. 7600/-

IInd Class 'A'

Employees other than those covered  in items (i), (ii) and (iii) above

II/Sleeper Class
Group 'D'

II/Sleeper Class

Note : 
                   i.        For non-suburban sections the normal class of entitlement, as on privilege account is admissible.
                 ii.        No attendant is allowed in Residential card pass.
Substituted vide Railway Board's Letter No. E(W)97 PS5-1/62-A dated 7.04.2000 (RBE No. 63/2000) ACS No. 21
Column 3 Substituted vide Railway Board's Letter No. E(W)97 PS5-1/62-A dated 8.7.2003 (RBE 119/2003) ACS No. 41




[See Rule 11(2)]


Conditions of entitlement
Group A, B, C, & D [Serving and Retired]**ACS No. 15
1. On Medical Grounds :-
Issued for journey from station nearest to the residence of a Railway servant where railway medical facilities for treatment of the railway servant or his family members are not available to a station where railway dispensary or hospital, or sanatorium with the required facilities for treatment is located.
1. Pass will ordinarily be issued for the Class of entitlement of the railway servant on privilege account.
2-A    A higher class of pass may be issued at the discretion of the General Manager of the Railway Administration/Unit, or Secretary, Railway Board, for outward journey only to: -
                     i.        a railway servant or his family members suffering from Tuberculosis or cancer for travelling with one family member or dependent relative or a companion when no family member or dependent relative is included, on the recommendation of the Chief Medical Officer of the Railway concerned. No attendant will be included.
                    ii.        a railway servant or his family member or dependent relative when the railway servant himself has arranged a bed in a sanatorium provided the Divisional Medical Officer of the Railway certifies that the Railway Administration could not arrange a bed and that treatment in that sanatorium/ hospital is necessary.
                  iii.        a railway servant or his family member or dependant relative suffering from Tuberculosis or cancer for travel from one sanatorium to another for further treatment operation etc. provided that the concerned medical authorities certify that this is necessary and provided further that such recommendation of Sanatorium/ hospital authorities is accepted by the Chief Medical Officer of the Railway. A family member or dependent relative may also be included if necessary. 
{ A retired railway servant or his/her spouse who is a member of RELHS, travelling on Special Pass issued on medical grounds for treatment of Cancer, Major Renal problem or serious Heart ailments, may be allowed to take an Attendant ( who may be a member of his family or a dependent or any other person) in the same class, on the recommendations of the referring medical authorities.
( Auth: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)95 PS 5-1/33 dt. 6.2.97 ( RBE No.27/97) SCR SC No.44/97)
2.B    The grant of higher class passes and  attendant on medical grounds shall be  regulated as under :-
                     i.        If the Medical Officer considers that patient should be accompanied by an attendant during travel for his journey to an outside station for treatment the inclusion of the attendant in the Railway pass shall be regulated as under :-
                    ii.        One attendant may be allowed if the patient is bed ridden and is unable to sit up, on the   recommendation of the Medical Officer incharge of the hospital/health units/polyclinic.
                  iii.        If the patient is in big plaster, or physically handicapped or unconscious or paralysed or mentally retarded, where one attendant cannot lift the patient, two attendants in the same class may be provided on the express recommendation of the Medical Officer. (Auth: Bd?s Lr.No E(W)2003PS5-1/9 dt. 1.9.03 issued under ACS No. 43)
If the patient is in big plaster where one attendant cannot lift the patient, two attendants in the same class on the recommendation of the Medical Officer may be provided.
                  iv.        In case where the patient is in coma/shock/ stupor due to any cause such as head injury etc. regardless of whether he is suffering from T.B./cancer for which higher class pass is admissible, a higher class pass alongwith an attendant in the same class may be given on the recommendation of the Medical Officer.
Provided that the facility of an attendant shall be available only when no other family member is accompanying the patient. Such passes where an attendant has been allowed should, therefore be restricted to the patient and the attendants only.
Provided further that higher class passes shall be allowed only for outward journey while proceeding for treatment to an outside station. After the patient recovers, the return journey pass shall be issued for the class to which the patient is entitled.   Where an attendant was allowed to accompany the patient, in a higher class he shall be issued second class pass for the return journey.
3. (i) In case, higher class pass to the Railway employee for his return journey has also been considered necessary, specific recommendation of the CMO of the Railway in whose    Jurisdiction the hospital is located shall be necessary
    (ii) Pass for the return journey valid for the entitled class or a higher class, as the case may be, shall be issued on the recommendation of the CMO by the Railway in whose jurisdiction the hospital is located. To facilitate issue of return journey passes by that Railway a stamped endorsement authorising that Railways to issue pass may  be made on the outward journey pass.
4.      In cases where a railway servant falls seriously ill outside the Zonal Railway on which he is working and is referred to a hospital located on another station for specialised treatment by the Railway Medical Officer, he may be given a Special Pass available from that place to the location of the hospital/dispensary to which he has been referred and back to the same place. The concerned Medical Officer recommending the grant of the pass shall report the facts of the case to the controlling CMO of the employee indicating clearly reasons that necessitated treatment at an out side station in support of his recommendation for issue of Special Pass.
          The Medical Officer recommending the issue of pass on medical grounds shall submit a monthly statement to the concerned CMO indicating the circumstances of each case and the reasons for recommending such passes. CMO should ensure that the recommendations of the Medical Officers for issue of passes were in accordance with the guidelines of these orders.
Note: The above said power of General Manager of the Railway/Unit or Secretary, Railway Board shall not be relegated.
{One set of special pass in the class to which the Railway employee is eligible on Privilege Pass account may be  issued for self with one companion for journey from place of duty to venue of vasectomy camps sponsored by Railway Women?s Welfare Central Organisation} 
( Auth: Bd?s Lr. No.E(W)97/PS5-1/66 dt. 29.10.1997) SCR S.C.No.199/97)

(2) On sports account:?
  1. For participating in Coaching camps organised by the Railway Administration/ Railway Sport Control Board or recognised by the State Sports Association or sponsored by the Railway Sports Control Board.
  2. For participating in functions organised to honour players (which include Railway employees as well as dependent family members) having won laurels in National level tournaments.
  3. For participating in tournaments which have the recognition of the All India body for the respective sports/games/ and in those tournaments directly conducted by the State Level body for the respective sports /games and not for the tournaments which are not conducted by such bodies even though they may be recognised by the State bodies or their affiliated organisations.
For item (i), (ii) & (iii) in Column (2) :-
  1. Special pass will be issued to the Railway employee himself or his family members/ dependents who are actually participating in the sports 'events' for the class of entitlement of the, Railway servant on privilege account. A higher class pass not higher than first class may be issued to a team when they travel together and at least one member of the team is ordinarily entitled to travel by the higher class. However, pass higher than first class may be issued to those railway employees whose entitlement under privilege pass account higher than first class. A pass for a bicycle may also be issued for participating in cycling events.
  2. Railway servants, when detailed on duty, and travelling either alone or with a team as official or a coach may be issued a duty pass of their entitlement while on duty.
Item (i) and (ii) replaced vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)2003PS5-1/20 dated 12.4.2005 (RBE 63/2005) SCR S.C.No.75/2005.
  1. First Class Pass may be issued to railway servants ?
    1. from their place of work to New Delhi and back for receiving Arjuna Award/President?s Award e.g. "Padma Shri" etc.
    2. for participating in Inter Railway Meet or National Sports Meet or National tournaments as representative  of the Zonal Railway/Production Unit;
    3. When summoned by Railway Sport Control Board.
    4. When travelling as Umpire/refree been nominated by RSCB.
    5. To railway employees who are nominated by the RSCB to participate in a coaching camp for selection of an all-India team for representing the Railways at the Nationals and by the National Federation for selection of an all India team for representing the country at International meet or are nominated for direct participation in the National Championship representing the combined Railways.

{Railway employees who undertake mountaineering and trekking expeditions duly sponsored by Indian Mountaineering Federation and Youth Hostels Association of India may be granted special pass of the entitled class on privilege account for self only.}
[ Authority : Board's letter No. E(W)96 PS5-14/8 Dated 11.6.1997.]

(3) For appearing before RRB/ Selection Board while on leave or on duty.
As per entitlement on privilege account.
Note: A Railway servant summoned for interview in connection with the filling of a post on the railway on which he is employed may however be issued a duty pass. When called upon to appear before Selection Boards constituted to fill vacancies by Selection, the staff on leave are to be granted free passes. The period of journey and the stay at the place of selection will not be treated as duty.

(4) For attending Courts.
  1. A Railway servant who is summoned to give evidence in a criminal/civil suit, a trial before a Court Martial or proceedings to which Government is a party or a departmental enquiry held by a properly constituted authority, may be granted duty pass, provided the facts to which he has to give evidence have come to his knowledge in the discharge of his public duties.
  2. The travelling expenses including the cost of train fare granted by the Courts, if any, shall be credited to the Railway revenues.
  3. If a pass under this provision is issued to a retired railway servant, an undertaking should be obtained from the retired railway servant that travelling expenses including the cost of train fare granted by the Court, if any, shall be deposited to railway revenue, within 15 days of the receipt of such sum by the retired railway servant.
Breach of the undertaking will be sufficient ground for forfeiture of post-retirement passes.
** Substituted Vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)97 PS5-1/5 dated 19.6.1998 (RBE 142/1998) ACS No. 9

(5) For attending departmental disciplinary  enquiries and for inspection of documents.
Special Passes may be granted for undertaking journeys in this connection to the accused railway servant and the assisting railway servant. An Assisting Trade Union Official (non-railway servant) is not eligible for grant of such passes.

(5-A) For attending complainant's enquiry
A return journey pass may be granted to a complainant for attending the constituted enquiry.

(6) For personal hearing of the Appellate Authority.
A return journey pass may be granted to a Railway servant on whom the penalty of dismissal or removal from service has been imposed to enable him to attend the personal hearing given by the appellate authority before disposing of the appeal

(7) Office bearer and representative of recognised railway unions and of the Federation for whom grant of Pass is governed by the instructions issued by Railway Board from time to time.
Members of the Staff Councils, State Committees or Welfare Committees may be given II Class Passes to attend meetings of such committees unless they are entitled for higher class pass on privilege account

(8) Members of Staff Benefit Fund Committee etc.
Elected representatives when attending meeting of Staff Benefit Fund Committee may be issued a Pass as per their entitlement on privilege account.

(9) Special Class Railway Apprentices.
2 sets of Passes and 4 sets of PTOs for themselves, in a year for travel in First Class. Railway employees may also obtain Privilege Passes in favour of their sons who are Special Class Apprentices or include them in their Privilege Passes during the period of apprenticeship only.

(10) Other apprentices
Apprentices and Trainees against Group C except the Apprentices Act posts may be given the class of pass  * & PTOs (for self only) on the basis of minimum of pay of the post or grade to which they are to be appointed on completion of their apprenticeship, in accordance with the pay limits prescribed from time to time.
Service as apprentice after being absorbed against regular post will count towards five years service for making them eligible for 3 sets of  Passes.
Note:- Railway servants appointed as apprentices without severing connections with their previous jobs shall be eligible for passes on the basis of total service inclusive of previous service for determining the number of passes and the restriction in the inclusion of family members and dependent relatives will not apply in their  cases.
* inserted vide ACS No.51 issued under Bd?s letter No.E(W)2006 PS 5-1/27 dt. 22.11.2006)

(11) For Scout and Guide activities.
Granted to Railway servants / apprentices trainees or their family members, as the case may be, who :-
  1. enroll themselves as Rovers, Rangers, cubs, Bulbuls, Scouts or Guides for attending camps or Rallies or when engaged in scouting activities.
  2. are appointed as office bearers of Railway State Scouts and Guides Associations or of Bharat Scouts & Guides at the National level.
Note:- (1) When the railway servant and his bonafide family members travel together as a party of scouts/guides etc. to attend training camps or rallies or other scouting activities, the special Pass issued to them should be only in Second Class irrespective of the Class to which the individual Railway servant or family member of railway servant may be entitled. However, Scouts/Guides Commissioners when travelling on Scouts/Guides duties may be given a First Class Pass regardless of their entitlement in their individual capacity.
(2) Air conditioned class pass may be issued to the Administrative Grade Officers or their wives in deserving cases at the discretion of the General Manager.
(3) Kit passes for the transportation of camp material required for Training camps/Rallies/ Jamborette of the Scouts/Guides etc. organised by the Railway Scouts Associations may be issued from the place of their headquarters to the place of their training camps/rallies etc. and back.
(4) GMs, AGMs may issue First Class Special Complimentary passes, not exceeding three sets per year, to the retired Railway employees for attending training camps etc. as trainers on recommendations of the Railway State Chief Commissioners for Scouts and Guides from the stations nearest to the place of their residence to station nearest to the venue of the training camps and back subject to fulfilment of the following conditions :
  1. He/She had been an office bearer of the Railway Scout/Guides Organisation or had been an active worker for a period of at least 5 years assisting Railway Administration in organising training camps or imparting training in Scouts/Guides related activities.
  2. He/She should be at least a President Scout/ Guide or Himalayan Wood Badge Holder; and
  3. A certificate is given by the Railway State Chief Commissioner that the presence of the retired Railway official concerned is absolutely essential and no suitable person of his/ her qualifications or calibre is available for imparting training to Railway employees.

(12) for St. John's Ambulance Brigade.
Granted to members of the St. John Ambulance Association and Brigade at the discretion of the General Manager.

(13) to receive settlement dues.
One set of free pass may be issued to a retired railway servant or in the event of his demise, to the person or persons entitled to receive payment of his settlement dues when called for the purpose of receiving such payments for the class of pass to which he/she was entitled on privilege account before retirement/death.

(14) for motor vehicle
Free passes for transport of motor cars ?
  1. on first appointment or on first purchase wherefrom the car is purchased to the place of posting or on any other occasion (once in an employee's service); or
  2. Passes/Concessional orders may be made available in the name of firms who are consignors/consignees for transportation of motor car on first purchase. Railway servant shall give a declaration and produce a receipt within 3 months of issue to the effect that the pass/concessional order has been used and he has obtained possession of the car.
Note:- (1) Concessional order at the discretion of General Manager may, however, be issued at one-third of the Tariff rate as and when required subject to the condition that the concessional order is to be issued for the railway servant's bonafide use.
2) GMs may permit carrying of car by passenger  trains if these are to be transported over long distances involving transhipment points /Marshalling  yards.

 (15) On First appointment to Railway Service
Granted for self only to join service on first appointment as railway servant for travel in the Class to which he/she would become entitled on joining service. Such passes may also be granted to apprentices excluding Act Apprentices.
Note: Special passes of the class to which they would be entitled after joining appointment may  be issued when fresh appointees are sent for medical examination to the nearest Divisional/ Sub-Divisional Hospital where requisite facilities exist. Such passes shall cover return journey also.

(16) On retirement/decease - grant of settlement pass.
  1. Railway servant in the event of his retirement or widow in the event of his death may be issued passes for himself or family members/dependent relatives and for the transportation of personal effects as admissible on transfer to the place where he/his family intends to settle after retirement/death of the Railway employee.
  2. Applications for settlement passes should be submitted within one year from the, date of retirement (or death) of railway servant. Delay in deserving cases may be condoned by the General Managers/AGMs, or CPOs/DRMs in case of Group 'C' and 'D' employees, but settlement passes should not be issued beyond a period of two years after retirement.
In case of death of Railway employee in service, who had been an allottee of Railway accommodation and where his family is allowed retention of quarter upto 24 months, application for settlement passes, should be submitted before the expiry of the period for which retention of quarter has been authorized.
** Amended vide Board's letter no. E(W)2001PS5-9/6, dated 29.07.2002 (RBE 122/2002) ACS No. 38
  1. Cases requiring settlement passes to be issued beyond a period of two years may be referred to the Ministry of Railways.
  2. Settlement passes may be issued upto six months before the actual date of retirement of the railway servant.
  3. A privilege ticket order in accordance with these rules may be issued to a railway servant who is retiring and to his wife, family and not more than two dependent relatives, and in the event of his death, to his widow, family and not more than two dependent relatives, from the Railway Station nearest to his place of retirement to home town provided that such application is made within six months of retirement/decese of the railway servant.
  4. Motor cars may be allowed to be transported by passenger trains at the personal discretion of the GM where they are to be carried over long distances involving transhipment points /Marshalling yards etc.
  5. Settlement Pass/Kit pass is allowed on the same conditions as are applicable to the issue of post-retirement passes i.e. in all cases of quitting service except dismissal.
{## Settlement /Kit passes may be issued to Railway employees in all cases of quitting railway service except in the cases of dismissal, irrespective of their entitlement for Post Retirement Complimentary passes)
 ## Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)99 PS5-8/18 dated 28.8.2003 ( SCR S.C.No.179/2003)

(17) For enquiries by Commissioners for Railway Safety.
Railway servants when called to attend and give evidence at enquiries held by Commissioners of Railway Safety may be issued special passes in the class to which they are entitled on privilege

(18) To staff of quasi Railway Institutions.
  1. Granted to railway servants who are members of the managing committees of the Railway Employees' Co-operative Credit Societies, Banks etc. to attend meetings of the Managing Committees, including those of the Board of Directors and sub-committees but not for attending general, annual, ordinary or extra-ordinary meetings of the shareholders.
  2. One set of pass of appropriate class may be issued per society per year to an employee who is working either as a Manager or as Accountant of a Co-operative Society for undergoing training from his place of working to the training Centre and back.
  3. May be issued to the Directors of the Rly. Co-operative Credit Societies/ Banks when they go either to inspect the Branch Office or meet the Divisional Officers in connection with the recovery of loans and other dues.
  4. A pass may be issued when General Manager/Financial Adviser & Chief Accounts Officer considers it necessary for an employee of Co-operative Society to go to an Accounts Office to reconcile discrepancies.
  5. The full-time regular staff of Co-operative credit and Consumer Societies/Banks may be permitted Complimentary Passes and concessional Ticket orders (on terms similar to PTOs of Railway employees) at the following scales: -

1st and 2nd Year of service
3rd to 20th year of service
1 Set of Passes per annum
21st year and over
2 Set of Passes per annum
Concessional Ticket Orders
Categories whose Duties correspond  to Group C and Group D railway servants
Two sets from the second year of Service
  vi.        Concessional Seasonal Tickets as applicable to Railway employees for Journeys in sections where  Railway employees are entitled to the benefit  of RCPs/CSTs may be issued
  1. As regards Secretaries and Managers, the number of passes and privilege ticket orders may be the same as for Group C railway servants,  the class being left to the discretion of General Manager to be determined on pay-cum- status basis.
  1. {These orders equally apply to the staff of Railway Institutes, Libraries, Homoeopathic/ Ayurvedic dispensaries and other such welfare units engaged by the Staff Benefit Fund Committees on whole time regular basis.}**
** Replaced vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)97 PS5-1/45 dated 28.10.1999 (RBE 278/99) ACS No. 17
  1. Post-retirement Complimentary Passes and PTOs for staff of Co-operative Credit and Consumer Societies/Banks should not be granted.
  2. Retired railway servants, re-employed the Railway Employees' Co-operative Stores, Credit Societies Staff Benefit Funds Committees, etc. may either elect to get passes on post-retirement account or in term of  the above provision.
  3. The staff of the Railway  Employees' Co-operative Insurance Societies, integrated with the Life Insurance Corporation of India, are not eligible for the above concession.
  4. First Class Passes/PTOs issued to the staff of Co-operative Societies, Banks etc. should be without an attendant in II Class and such passes are to be termed complimentary

(19) Railway servants under suspension.
  1. Passes/PTOs may be granted to Railway servants under suspension in exceptional circumstances and not as a matter of course when the Railway Servant is permitted to leave the station by an authority not lower than that which suspended him.
  2. The Passes/PTOs to railway servants under suspension are given on the following scales:
A & B
3 sets provided that if in the pass account of the Officer for the year more than half the number due to him has been availed of, no further pass shall be given. If the officer is subsequently retained in service after release from suspension, the passes issued to him during the period of suspension falling within the current calendar year shall be debited to his pass account.
Not more than 2 sets per year. Other stipulations similar to those for passes shall also apply
C & D
Not more than one set of Pass, provided that if in the pass account of railway servant for the year only one set of pass remain to his credit, no pass can be issued. If the railway servant is retained in service after release from suspension the passes issued to him during the period of suspension falling within the current calendar year shall be debited to his pass account.
Not more than 2 sets per year. Other stipulations similar to those for passes shall also apply.
  1. The General Manager in case of Group A & B and the Head of Department, Divisional Railway Manager or Deputy Heads of Department in case of others shall have the discretion to issue passes/PTOs to railway servants under suspension.
  2. The incidence of suspension shall not affect the eligibility for school passes.
  3. Dependant relatives/family members may be included in the passes issued during the suspension.
  4. When a railway servant under suspension is not permitted to leave the station. Special passes within the limit prescribed in (ii) above may be issued favour of dependent relatives and family members on the request of railway servant under suspension.
( item vi inserted vide ACS No.50 issued under Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)2006 PS5-1/9 dt. 13.6.2006)

(20) Attending conferences, congresses or meetings.
Railway servants attending meetings or conferences or congresses held in India at their own request may be granted special passes for the journeys to and from the place of meeting provided Government interest is served by such participation

(21) Family passes to Territorial Army Personnel proceeding to camps.
The grant of passes to the families of railway employees who join Territorial Army Reserves, Lok Sahayak Sena and National Cadet Corps etc. will be governed by the provisions in the Manual for enrolment of railwaymen in the Territories Army Reserve etc.

(22) Candidates summoned for test/ interview by Railway Recruitment Boards and Railway Administrations.
  1. Free passes may be issued to the candidates summoned for test/interview by the railway Recruitment Boards and the Railway Administrations in the following case only, irrespective of whether the recruitment is made on regional or All-India basis. No passes should be issued for any categories other than those mentioned below, (except with the prior approval of the Railway  Board);-
    1. Scheduled Caste/ST candidates.
    2. Handicapped  Ex-Military personnel.
    3. Candidates for category of posts  for which the educational qualification is a Degree or a Diploma in Engineering.
      1. Candidates for whom the minimum educational qualification is a Degree or a Diploma in Medicine. 
      2. Nurses (including Matrons) Pharmacists (Dispensers), x-ray technicians and radiographers.
    5. Cost Accountants.
    6. Stenographers.
    7. Staff requiring Fire Fighting service qualifications.
    8. Candidates for their second journey, irrespective of category of posts and community, whenever interview is cancelled due to unavoidable reasons, such as illness of Chairman/ Member of the R.R.B.
  2. The class of pass to be issued to a candidate should be determined on the basis of the initial pay of the post for which he is being considered subject to the condition that in no case a candidate should be issued a pass higher than First class.
  3. {SL/ II Class Pass from the place of residence to the nearest station where the interview test is held, and back, to the candidates called for interview/test for the first time, for compassionate appointments, in death cases only}**
** Inserted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)99 PS-8/9 dated 18.10.1999 (RBE 275/1999) ACS No. 16.

(23) Journeys in connection with children's camps.
General Managers may issue special passes at their discretion. Such passes may be issued upto stations on other Railways also.

(24) Attending cultural activities etc.
  1. No special passes should be issued to Railway employees and their family members for participation in cultural activities. However, railway employees and their family members and dependent relatives (as defined in the Pass rules) participating  in Inter-Railway cultural competition and in celebrations held during the Railway Week, may be issued special passes of the class normally admissible to the Railway employees concerned under the extant Pass Rules.
  2. Special passes may be issued to the supporting  artists  and  outsiders who  are   essentially required by the main artists (railwaymen) for participation in the celebrations held during the Railway Week. The class of pass of the entire party may be the highest class to which any one member of the parties is ordinarily entitled but not higher than First Class.
  3. {Not more than 5 First Class and 15 second class passes in a calendar year may be issued in favour of artists who are invited by the authorised organisations e.g. Railway Women's organisations etc. to give performance for charitable purposes, the net proceeds of which are credited to their funds and utilised for Railwaymen's Welfare and/ or contributed to the Rly. Minister's Welfare and  Relief Fund. Such passes should not also be issued for more than two occasions in a year for a Zonal Railway/ Production Unit and should be for single journey either inward or outward. Any requirement of Special passes in excess of 5 First Class and 15 Second Class in a calendar year will have to be met by the concerned organisation.}**
** revised vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)2000 PS5-6/65 dated 31/7/2000 (RBE 146/2000) ACS No. 27

(25) Passes to members of Railway User's Consultative Committees, National Railway User's Consultative Council.
  1. Non-Official member of the Railway User?s Consultative Committees, Sub-Committees thereof Suburban Railway User' Consultative Committees and the National Railway Users' Consultative Council when attending meetings of the Committees/Council will be given First Class return journey complimentary passes (without attendant) between the station nearest to their place of residence and the place of meeting. However members of these ZRUCC and NRUCC may be allowed an attendant in II Class on Ist Class complimentary pass.
  2. Non-official members of the National Railway Users' Consultative Council and the Zonal Railway Users' Consultative Committees, for whom conducted tours are arranged twice a year by the administration will be given First Class cheque passes to cover their tour with the privilege of one attendant in IInd Class for members of these RUCC only.
Should a sufficient number of non-official members be not forthcoming to make up a conducted tour or should any member be unable to join a conducted tour arranged for him, the members may be given facilities for travel individually to an itinerary of their choice. The passes in this case are to be given on the basis of one round trip per conducted tour.
Note: Members of the National Railway Users' Consultative Council and other Consultative Committees if they so desire, may be allowed to travel, on their I Class complimentary passes in AC sleeper coaches in connection with the work of the council/ committee.

(26) Passes for families of reservists.
In the event of the mobilization of reservists in railway employment, their families shall be granted passes of the appropriate class to their homes, if on the home line as on transfer under the rules of their railway and if on a railway other than the home line, under home line passes headed "Mobilization", a baggage allowance of 40 Kilograms to be given for each person subject to a maximum of 120 kilograms for each family.

(27) Retired Railway servants for perusal of documents for preparation of his Defence in disciplinary case instituted against him.
A pass of the class to which the retired Railway  servant was entitled prior to retirement for self only, from home Town / Place of residence to the place where documents are kept, whichever distance is shorter.
** Revised vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)97 PS5-1/5 dated 9.5.1997.

(28) Medically decategorised staff when called for adjudging their suitability for alternative appointment.
Special passes of the same class to which they are otherwise eligible under the rules.

(29) To retired Railway servant for assistance to defend a Railway servant involved in disciplinary proceedings, to attend any meeting of a commission of enquiry or of a Board, Conference, Committee, or departmental enquiry convened under proper authority or is required to perform any public duty in an honorary capacity.
Passes of the same class to which entitled on privilege account while in service may be granted.
** Revised vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)97 PS5-1/5 dated 9.5.1997

(30) To Casual Labour on recruitment/ discharge.
General Managers can issue passes for self only in case where Casual Labour is not available at the site of work and have to be recruited from far off places. GMs can further delegate these powers in consultation with their FA&CAOs. Such passes should be granted as an exception only and not as a rule

(31) Complimentary passes to next of kin of the victims as well as to the surviving victims involved in Railway accidents.
Complimentary passes of the same class in which the victim was travelling or higher if recommended by Doctor or depending on status of the relatives may be issued. Not more than two relatives may be given such passes, which should be without any break of journey.

(32) RPF Dogs with Handler/Inspectors.
May be issued I class passes alongwith handlers/ inspectors when sent for participation in Railway Week celebrations. Champion Dog Shows etc.

(33) Issue of Bazar Passes.
GMs or Heads of Departments may issue Bazar passes to their employees posted at remote stations where ordinary necessities of life cannot be obtained or cannot be obtained at cheaper/reasonable rates. This facility may however, be granted only in those sections/stations where the same is already prevalent. Grant of the facility at newer sections/stations, requires Board's prior approval. The number of such passes should be kept to the minimum and the request for such passes should be properly scrutinised before granting the same. A review should also be made after every three years whether the facility has to be continued or can be withdrawn, depending on the development of markets/ bazars nearby.

(34) Grant of I AC Complimentary Pass to the visiting Lecturer of a appropriate status.
Training Institutes may issue 1stAC Complimentary Pass to the visiting Lecturer  of the rank of Jt.  Secretary to the Government of India and above.  In respect of other visiting Lecturer/eminent personalities  invited by the Centralised Railway  Training Institutes Complimentary Passes may be  issued with the approval of Advisor concerned.

(35) Whole time employees of the Zonal Recognised Unions and Federations.
Ist and 2nd year of service
3rd to 20th year of service
1 set per annum
21st year or above
2 sets per annum
Note: -
  1. Passes would be given as complimentary (not as privilege) and the Railway Administration will have the right to withdraw at its discretion.
  2. Extended only to those staff enjoying Railway medical facilities provided they are not retired Railway employees and ipso facto not availing the facility of post-retirement complimentary passes.
  3. Class of Pass will be determined with reference to the pay drawn as on1.1.91 according to eligibility of regular railway employees who entered Railway service on or after 1.1.91.
  4. On retirement from Union/Federation service no post-retirement complimentary passes would be admissible.

(36) Railway Magistrates
Entitled to First Class Duty Card/Cheque Passes over specified jurisdictions. Condition relating to issue of such passes are governed by Administrative orders issued from time to time

(37) Government Railway Police.
Entitled to First/Second Class Duty Card/Cheque Passes over specified jurisdictions. Conditions relating to issue of such passes are governed by  administrative orders issued from time to time.

**(38) Participants in Workers Education Programmes Conducted by AIRF/ NFIR in the Zonal Headquarters Station/ Divl. Headquarters Station / Centralised Training Institutes.

** Inserted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)98 PS5-1/54 dated 31.8.98 ACS No. 10.

Special Passes may be issued to Serving Railway employees attending Workers Education Programmes as participants or as Lecturers/Instructors. Non-Railwaymen participating as Lecturers/Instructors may be issued Complimentary Passes not Higher then I Class

**(38) Rail travel facilities to MR/MOS(R)/DMR

    ** Inserted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)97 PS5-7/7 dated 4.5.99 (RBE 93/99)]

Gold Pass may be issued to serving MR/MOS(R)/DMR for undertaking journeys on official duty. For journeys otherwise than on duty six set of 1-AC Complimentary Cheque Passes per year may be issued to serving MR/MOS(R)/DMR for self and eligible members of family as defined in Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986. Other conditions of travel will be the same as applicable to serving Board Members.

**(39) Non-Railwaymen

   ** Inserted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)99 PS5-1/52 dated 16.6.2000 (RBE 112/2000) ACS No. 25

GM may issue passes of appropriate class in connection with train working like trial runs etc.

(40)** Claimant before Railway Claims Tribunal
Passes may be issued to the victims/ Claimants of Railway Accidents falling under Sections 124 & 124-A of the Railways Act,1989.
Sleeper Class Cheque Passes from the place of residence to the place of hearing and back shall be issued when attendance of the claimant is ordered by Railway Claims Tribunal in the respect of cases falling under Sections 124 & 124-A of the Railways Act,1989.
** Inserted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)97 PS5-1/56 dated 8.6.2000 (RBE 110/2000) ACS No. 24

(41) Retired Railway Officers of Selection Grade and above who are empanelled as Railway Inquiry Officers in D&AR cases to undertake journey either for conduct of inquiry or for training or any other official purpose in this connection
A Pass of the class for self only, to which a serving Railway officer of equivalent rank is entitled while on duty and an attendant in second/Sleeper Class from the place of residence to Zonal Railway Headquarters and in some cases to the place near the residence of retired COs where inquiry is conducted owing to ill-health of the CO and in case of training to the place where training programmes are conducted on authorisation of SDGM/CVOs.
** Inserted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)2000 PS5-1/24 dated 7.8.2000 (RBE 148/2000) ACS No. 28


^^(41)Doctors/para medical staff invited in connection with blood donation/eye testing camps being organized on the Railways
General Managers may, at their  personal level, authorize issue of special complimentary cheque passes commensurate with the status of invitees in optimum need based situations, from residence/ place of working to the place where the camps are being held and back.

^^    ( Inserted vide ACS No.46 issued under Bd?s Lr.No. E(W)2004/PS5-1/21 dt. 10.1.2005 ( RBE No.4/2005) SCR S.C.No.8/2005)





Form No??. 
Standard Railway Pass Form 

With _____Kilogram luggage free for each adult and half that quantity for each child.

"The pass must be returned by the pass holder to the issuing office within a month of the date of expiry of the pass, with remarks used/cancelled.
Name of Break journey availed of


1. (a) Date of Arrival___
Designation ________________________________________________
    (b) Date of Departure __
Pass ______________________________________________________

From ____________________________ To ______________________
2. (a) Date of Arrival___
Via __________________________ and return via ________________
    (b) Date of Departure __
Over ________________ Railway.

Available upto
Outward journey _________
3. (a) Date of Arrival___

Return journey __________
    (b) Date of Departure __
Signature/thumb impression of the holder. If the employee himself is not travelling The leading member of the family should sign or if illiterate put his/her thumb impression.
Outward journey

Return journey
4. (a) Date of Arrival___
To be signed at the

    (b) Date of Departure __
*Outward journey commenced on ___________________ 19

* Ret urn journey commenced on ___________________  19
5. (a) Date of Arrival___
By any passenger train/mail train

    (b) Date of Departure __
Why granted _____________

Signature & designation of the Issuing Officer with seal

*The date must be inserted in INK BEFORE commencement of journey in either direction . Ticket Collectors and T.T.Es. must see that this is complied with. They should also recover a fine of Rs.25/- on I-A/I class and Rs.10/- on II Class passes for not entering the date of commencement of journey on passes and endorsing the fact of recovery of fine on passes.  



ANNEXURE 'B? (See Rule13 )

Use/Misuse/Fraudulent of use of Passes and Privilege Ticket Orders :
  1.    Passes and PTOs are not transferable and should be used only by the person in whose favour they have been issued. Special care should be taken to ensure that passes and PTO?s are not lost while in the custody of the pass holder. In the case of loss the pass or privilege ticket order may pass into unauthorised hands leading to fraudulent use for which the pass or PTO holder may have to share responsibility and be also liable for action under the rules. In case of loss of pass or PTO  a report should be made immediately to the police by the pass or PTO holder sending a copy of the same to the Pass/Privilege Ticket Order issuing authority.
  2.    Deterrent punishment should be awarded to railway servants detected misusing passes  and privilege ticket orders; this may take the form of dismissal or removal from service or reduction to a lower post depending upon the seriousness of the offence.
  3.    In case of a retired railway servant, misuse of post-retirement complimentary pass renders the retired railway servant liable to be declared ineligible for getting such passes.
  4.    A fine of Rs. 10/- for second class and Rs.25/- for First Class passes may be imposed on the Railway employees for not filling the date of commencement of the journey on the passes both privilege and duty granted them. This amount has to be recovered from the employee by the ticket checking staff and the proper receipt issued. This fact may also be endorsed on the passes. Passes may also be returned within one month of the expiry of the pass or its utilization whichever is earlier. In regard to those cases where a fine has been imposed by the T.T.Es for non-filling the date of commencement of journey on the passes, the following action may be taken
First case
'To be dealt with on merits'. This should be taken serious view of and suitable deterrent action taken against the defaulting staff.
  1.    In case of the loss of passes the following penalties may be levied.
Railway Staff: - 
Loss of duty Card Passes available for a  period without stipulation of the number of the journey.

Bronze passes
( Rates revised vide Bd?s Lr.No.2005 /G /127/4/Mint/Pt.II dt. 1.5.2006 ( SCR S.C.No.69/2006)

I-A &I Class
Rs. 35/-

II Class

Trolley Pass

Loss of duty cheque passes with limited validity and specified destination.

I-A &I Class

II Class 

Loss of privilege passes.

I-A &I Class
Rs. 10/-

II Class
Rs. 5/-

Residential card pass/school card pass, provision (Bazar) card pass.

I-A &I Class
Rs. 35/-

II Class
Rs. 12.50
Non-Railway Staff :-
(i) Loss of card passes available for a period with-out stipulation of the number of journeys

Complimentary passes issued to non-Railway organisations/ individuals.
I Class 

II Class
Rs 75/-

(ii) Loss of cheque passes available for a specified destination and limited validity.

I Class
Full fare subject to a maximum of Rs.50/- and a minimum of Rs.10/-

II Class
Full fare subject to a maximum of Rs.30/- and a minimum of Rs.5/-.

Card Passes issued to GRP/P&T/Railway Magistrates.
I Class
Rs. 35/-

II Class
Rs. 12.50

Retired Railway Employees.
Loss of post-retirement complimentary pass

I-A &I Class
Rs. 25/-

II Class
Rs. 10/-
  1.    Note:- 
  2.            Office bearer of recognised Unions/Federations who are either serving Rly. Employee or ex-Rly. employees will be treated at par with serving Rly. employees and covered under item (I) above
  3.            Whenever it is proposed to award a penalty of stoppage of passes and Privilege Ticket Orders under RS(D&A) rules, as distinguished from action taken under the above rule for irregularities in connection with the use of passes and PTOs the procedures laid down in "D&A Rules should be followed.?  
3 times the cost to be recovered from serving officers who are on unauthorised absence from duty and have not returned the metal pass despite request vide Board's Letter No.  E(W)99 PS5-1/10 dated 2.7.1999 (RBE 158/1999).

ANNEXURE 'C' (See Rule 14)

 Except in cases of transfer and settlement passes issued to Railway servants, General Managers may condone the irregularities in the cases enumerated below. These powers should not be re-delegated to any lower authority.
  1.    Issue of higher class of Passes and Privilege Ticket Orders under misinterpretation of the extant rules.
  2.    Excess issue of Passes and Privilege Ticket Orders during a year.
  3.    Issue of more than one set of Passes before completion of five years service.
  4.    Inclusion of more than five members in a Pass/Privilege Ticket Orders when a dependent relative is included.
  5.    Inclusion of more than two dependent relatives in a Pass/Privilege Ticket Order.
  6.    Inclusion of sons and dependent brothers aged 21 years or over in a Pass/Privilege Ticket Order without the production of the necessary school or college certificate.
  7.    Issue of Passes for "Guardians" on school account when the son is aged 18** years or above. 
** Substituted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)96 PS5-1/30 dated 17.8.2001 (RBE 168/2001) ACS No. 36
  1.    Inclusion of dependent relatives in Post-retirement Passes to retired Railway servants.
  2.    Inclusion of children in Post-retirement Passes to retired Class IV Railway servants.
  3.   Issue of Passes by a longer route.
  4.   Incorrect issue of a Pass by pass issuing authority for a period exceeding three months in the case of a single journey or 4 months in the case of return journey and its use by a Railway servant or his family after the period of availability.
  5.   Correct issue of a Pass by the pass issuing authority for a period not exceeding three months in the case of single journey and four months in the case of return journey and its use by a Railway servant or his family after the period of availability.
"Note: The irregularity mentioned in item (12) above may be condoned by debiting an extra pass to the Railway servant's account.


All Passes/PTOs valid for travel in 1st Class A/AC-2/AC-3/Chair Car issued to Railway servants /Retired Railway servants /Individuals under RS(Pass) Rules,1986,2nd Edition,1993, are permitted to travel in Garib Rath Express without the facility of attendant.

The facility of rail travel given to MPs, Ex-MPs under the Salary Allowances & Pension  of Members of Parliament Act, 1954 for which debits are raised on the Lok Sabha/ Rajya Sabha Secretariat and Complimentary Card Passes issued to Freedom Fighter, Gallantry Awardees, Arjuna Awardees and other categories of Awardees which are valid for travel in AC-3 tier, will be be valid for travel in Garib Rath Exptress trains.

(Authority: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)92/PS 5-3/1 dt. 14-2-2007 ( RBE No.24/2007)(SCR S.C.No.36/07)

2.     Privilege passes/PTOs to railway employees and Post retirement complimentary passes to retired railway employees may be issued covering Jammu Tawi-Udhampur Section also.

( Auth: Bd?s Lr.No. E(W)2006PS5-1/22 dt. 20.9.2006 ( RBE No.136/06) SCR S.C.No.164/06)

3.     A certificate indicating the entitlement for Post Retirement Complimentary Passes should be given to the retired employee/widow of the deceased employee by the office where they last worked to eliminate hardships to the pensioners/family pensioners.

( Authority: Bd?s Lr.No E(W)95/PS5-1/29 dated 8.5.02 & 15-9-2006 ( SCR S.C Nos. 95/02 & 156/2006)

4.     The 1st Class pass holder office bearers of both the Federations and their affiliated Unions on Zonal Railways may be allowed the facility of travelling by Rajdhani /Shatabdi Express trains.

( Authority: Bd?s Lr.No E(LR)III/2001/UTF-1  dated 23-5-2006( SCR S.C No. 95/2006)

5. Delegation of Powers to Sr.Subordinates in Grade Rs.5000-8000 and above to issue/sign Post Retirement Complimentary passes/.

Sr.Subordinates in Grade Rs.5000-8000 and above holding direct and independent charge of the establishment and who have been identified and recommended by the DRMs for issuing /signing post-retirement complimentary passes, can also issue/sign widow passes.
( Auth: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)95 PS5-1/17 dt. 8.4.2004 ( RBE No.80/2004) ( SCR S.C.No. 69/2004)

Sr.Subordinates in Grade Rs.5000-8000 and above holding direct and independent charge of the establishment and who are identified and recommended by the DRMs for issuing /signing post-retirement complimentary passes are delegated the power to issue/sign 1st A passes to retired railway officers.

( Auth: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)95 PS5-1/17 dt. 7.6.2005 ( RBE No.96/05) ( SCR S.C.No. 103/2005)

6. Issue of Special passes for the family members going for treatment at Health Units from way side stations.

Family members of the employees working at wayside stations/RELHS beneficiaries, suffering from ailments, in need for medical treatment from the nominated Health Units may be issued special passes on medical grounds . Such special passes on medical grounds may be issued by the Sr.Subordinates who are vested with the powers to issue/sign passes on Privilege/Post-retirement complimentary account to employees/pensioners.
( Authority: S.C.Rly?s letter No.P(R)473/VII dated 6.11.2006)

7.     Children born out of void marriages are not eligible for any kind of Railway passes.
(Auth: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)95 PS5-1/29 dt. 10.3.2005 ( RBE No.39/05) ( SCR S.C.No. 44/2005)

8.     Complimentary Check passes to Licenced Porters

One set Complimentary Check pass in Second/Sleeper Class will be admissible to the licenced porter and to the spouse in a calendar year from the station of duty to any station on Indian Railways and back. Break journey will be allowed as per rules to second/sleeper class ticket holders . The pass shall be valid for a period of two months from the date of issue.

( Authority: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)96 PS5-6/58 dt. 7.7.97 ( RBE No.97/97)(SCR S.C.No.137/97), E(W)2004 PS5-6/74 dt. 1.9.04 ( SCR S.C.No.176/04)

9.     First Class pass to re-employed Ex-servicemen on the Railways will be based on their date of entry into Railway service and their pay on the Railways.
( Authority: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)2003/ PS5-1/4 dated 21.9.2004 ( SCR S.C.No.181/2004)
10.    Medal winners in Olympic games may be granted 1st AC complimentary cheque pass , along with one companion, in the same class, on receipt of application from the sportsperson ( single to and from journey) valid for travel in Rajdhani & Shatabdi  between any two stations on Indian Railways, once during a financial year, every year.
( Auth: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)2004 PS5-6/59 dated 20.8.2004, SCR S.C.No.166/2004)

11.   Family Identity Cards are to be issued by the pass issuing authority who maintains the pass account for the issue of post retirement complimentary passes, irrespective of the original place of retirement of the Railway servant.
(Auth: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)2003/ PS5-8/1 dt. 1.1.2004 ( RBE No.1/04 ) SCR S.C.No.9/2004)

12.    No surcharge of any kind shall be levied on the railway servants against all kinds of travel facilities viz., Passes, PTOs, CST(suburban pass) RCP etc. extended to Railway employees over Secunderabad-Hyderabad-Lingampally Section of the Multi Modal Transport System
(Auth: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)92 PS5-3/1 dt. 28.8.2003  SCR S.C.No.181/2003)

13.    Duty card passes to GRP personnel may be issued over actual jurisdiction of the official concerned on the recommendations of the Chief Security Officer of the Railway.
(Auth: Board?s Lr.No. E(W)96 PS5-13/1 dated 30.5.2003 SCR S.C.No.121/2003)

14.    The Sectional Card passes issued to the ESMs should be suitably endorsed permitting him to travel in athe brake van/Guard?s Van.
( Authority: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)98 PS5-17/1 dt. 26.6.98)

15. Issue of Complimentary passes to Doctors appointed on Contract basis:              The Doctors appointed on ?Contract? basis  may be granted        one set of First Class Complimentary pass for self and family members for each year of ?Contract? appointment,. However, the pass can be issued only after completion of three months from the date of ?Contract? appointment.
( Authority: Bd?s Lr.No.91/E(CR)II/9/2 dt. 22.3.1991 ( SCR S.C.No.65/91)

16. Issue of year ending passes :- To avoid heavy rush on the Pass Sections for issue of year ending passes in December and to prevent wasteful expenditure, the year ending passes, whether on Privilege or Post-Retirement account, may be issued during the next three or four months of the following year, i.e., upto  31st March or 30th April, depending on whether the pass is a single journey pass or a return journey pass, but the validity of the passes will not be beyond 31stMarch or 30th April, as the case may be, and they will be debited to the account of the previous year. The above procedure may also be adopted in the case of year-ending PTOs, subject to the condition that the validity of PTOs will not be beyond 31st March of the following year.

(Auth: Bd?s Lr.No. E(W)92 PS5-1/8 dated 9.12.1993 ( RBE No.l178/93 (SC No.124/93)

17.    Inclusion of children born after retirement in Post-retirement complimentary passes:   Children born after retirement of railway employees are eligible to be included in the Post Retirement complimentary passes. The retired staff applying for such passes may have to submit satisfactory documentary proof of having begotten child/children after retirement, like Birth Certificate, Bonafide Study certificate ,etc.

( Authority :Bd?s Lr.No. E(Trg.)63/PS5-8 dt. 26.9.1963 & CR/SC?s Lr.No.P(R)473/I dated 24.8.1995)

18.    Issue of Railway Complimentary Card Passes to Arjuna Award Winners, Olympic Medalists , Gold Medalists of Asian & Commonwealth Games and *Dronacharya Award winners:

It is decided to issue First Class/AC-II tier Railway Complimentary Card passes to Arjuna Award Winners, Olympic Medalists and Gold Medalists of Asian and Commonwealth Games . The pass will be available all over the Indian Railways from any station to any station, and by any train except the Rajdhani andShatabdi Express trains and the Metro Railway, Kolkata. The pass will be available for self only, for travel in First Class/AC-II  sleeper. The pass would be issued with the validity for a period of one year at a time renewable annually with a new set of photographs which will ensure that the sports persons traveling are recognisab le from the photographs affixed on the Complimentary Card passes. These Card passes will be in Sky blue in colour.

The card passes will be issued by the Ministry of Railways on receipt of formal application from the sports persons concerned, alongwith two copies of passport size photographs to the effect that the applicant is a Arjuna Awardee/Olympic Medalist/Gold medallist of Asian Games or Commenwealth Games, duly verified by the Ministry of HRD ( Dept. of Sports and Youth Affairs).
(Auth: Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)95 PS5-6 /61 dated 23.2.1996 ( RBE No.17/96) (SCR S.C.No.65/96)
* ( Auth: Bd?s lr.No.E(W)97/PS5-6/34 dt. 10.9.1997 ( SCR S.C.No.178/97)

19.    Issue of First/II AC sleeper Complimentary Card passes to recipients of Gallantry Award and Widows of Winners of Gallantry Awards.

Ministry of Railways decided to issue 1st Class/ AC 2 tier Complimentary  card passes to recipients of Gallantry Awards like Param Vir Chakra, Ashoka Ckakra, Mahavir Chakra, Kirti Chakra, Vir Chakra & Shaurya Ckakra and to the widows of posthumous Gallantry Award winners, alongwith a companion. The pass will be available  for travel from any railway station to any Railway Station on the Indian Railways except on  Metro Railway, Kolkata. Complimentary card passes issued to PARAM VIR CHAKRA, MAHAVIR CHAKRA AND VIR CHAKRA awardees may be made valid for travel in AC-2 tier/AC-3 tier or Rajdhani and Chair car of Shatabdi/Jan Shatabdi Express trains alongwith a companion in the same class . Passes issued to other remaining three category of awardees namely Ashoka Chakra , Kirti Chakra and Shaurya Chakra will not be valid for travel in Rajdhani & Shatabdi/ Janshatabdi trains. The pass will be issued valid for one year from the date of issue.

**{ Complimentary card passes may also be issued  as above to the  reciepents of President?s Police Medal for Gallantry and Police Medal for Gallantry issued by Ministry of Home Affairs. @@ It should be ensured that passes are issued only to the recipients belonging to Police Service and not to Fire Service}

The passes will be issued by the Office of the Divisional Railway Manager and Headquarters Office of the Railways on receipt of an application, on plain paper, from the recipient of the Gallantry Award or the widow of posthumous winner of Gallantry Award, giving the following details.

Name of the recipient of Gallantry Award
(in block letters)

Residential Address

% Gazette Notification where the name of the Awardee is published.

        In the case of widows of posthumous winners of Gallantry Award, attested copy of pension payment order should also be enclosed alongwith photo identity card, issued by Local Office of Ministry of Defence.

        Two copies of recent passport size photographs of the recipient of the such awards or the widow of posthumous awardees as the case may be attested by a Gazetted officer should be enclosed with the application.

~~  On the death of Gallantry award winners, Ist Class/2nd AC Complimentary card pass facility should beextended to the surviving widows of all Gallantry awardees at par with the facility already available to widows of posthumous Gallantry awardees of Defence/Police Forces.

        In addition to the documents required to be submitted by the widows i.e., attested copy of PPO alongwith photo identity card, issued by local office of Min. of Defence attested copy of death certificate and certificate from a gazetted officer indicating that the widow has not remarried may be submitted to the office of Zonal Railway Hqrs. or the Office of Divisional Railway Manager from where pass will be issued.

^^    These passes may be revalidated/renewed on yearly basis, till further orders.

( Auth: Bd?s Lr.No. E(W)96 PS5-6/22 dt. 23.2.1996 ,4.7.96 & E(W)2002/PS 5-6/99 dt. 25.2.2003 ( RBE No.37/2003) )( SCR S.C.No.69,98/96 & 56/2003)

** Auth   : Bd?s letter No.E(W)96 PS5-6/22 dt. 29.10.1996) ( SCR S.C.No.142/96)

@@ Auth: Bd?s Lr.No. E(W)96 PS5-6/22 dt. 4.2.1997 ( SCR S.C.No.43/97)

^^ Auth : Bd?s Lr.No. E(W)97 PS5-1/15 dt. 1.7.1997 ( SCR S.C.No.136/97)

%% Auth: Bd?s Lr.No. E(W)96 PS5-6/22 dt. 7.10.1997 ( SCR S.C.No.188/97)

~~ Auth:  Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)2004 PS5-6/55 dt. 6.10.2004 ( RBE No.217/04)

20.    Inclusion of dependent family members in the Official records for issue of Pass/PTO.

        Whenever any dependent family member is included in the declaration form for issue of Passes/PTOs, employees are required to submit the birth certificate.
( Auth: S.C.Rly?s Lr.No. P(R)/473/V 16.9.2002)

21.    Mention of age of employee/family member/dependents in Pass/PTO

        The age of the employee/family member/dependents, who intend to travel in the pass, should be recorded invariably to prevent fraudulent use of passes.
        (Auth: Bd?s Lr.No. E(W)2001/PS5-1/24 dt. 18.5.2004 ( SCR S.C.No.88/2004)

22.    Entitlement of pass facilities under Assured Career Progression Scheme (ACPS)

        Railway servant who has been given financial upgradation shall continue to hold the old designation and the financial upgradation does not confer any status of the higher scale. Hence the benefit of passes corresponding to the higher scale of pay granted under ACP scheme will be available to the employees. However, the benefits related to higher status inherent in the higher pay scale is not available to the employee.

        In other words, status of Group ?C? & ?D? employees shall remain the same irrespective of financial upgradation and hence Group ?D? employees shall continue to get second class pass irrespective of financial upgradation given in Group ?C? scale. Similarly, Group ?C? employee do not become gazetted Railway employees on the basis of financial upgradation given in Group ?B?/Group ?A? scale under the ACP Scheme, and hence shall continue to get 3 sets of privilege passes per year and corresponding scale of post retirement passes. However, a Group ?C? employee, on financial upgradation may become eligible for 1st Class pass on the basis of his revised basic pay after financial upgradation.
(Auth:  Bd?s letter No. PC-V/9/1/1/1 dt. 1.11.2002) RBE No. 200/2002)

23.    Pass facilities to canteen employees.

Railway Query
An employee who has completed 20 years of service on 1.4.90 and has opted for relaxed provision can be given.
(i)          2 set of pass and 2 PTOs till retirement, or
(ii)         They shall be treated appointed on 1.4.90 and on completion of 5 years of service be given pass as per normal entitlement
If(ii) above is relevant then will the entitlement of their pass PTO will be as per their earlier entitlement.

Yes, upto 5 years, and thereafter 3 sets of passes, 6 sets of PTOs per year, as the case may be.

If the above employees till their retirement are entitled to 2 sets of passes and PTOs then what will be their entitlement to Post Retirement Complimentary Pass and widow pass.
Minimum one set of Post Retirement Complimentary Pass, and half set of Widow Pass.
If ?2? above is relevant then on surrendering of 2 sets of pass PTO what will be the entitlement for widow pass.
If column ?2? is relevant then will his widow be entitled to pass after deposition of Rs.250/-.
Those who have not surrendered 2 sets of PTOs have to pay the notional cost of Rs.250/- for Widow Pass.  Entitlement under Widow Pass will be half of entitlement of Post Retirement Complimentary Pass.

Employees who have been treated as appointed as on 1.4.90, what will be the cut off date for treating the class of their pass entitlement.  Will class of entitlement of such employees be treated as if appointments on 1.4.90.  Whereas, if they are treated as appointed as on 1.4.90, provision exists for taking into account their service prior to 1.4.90 if their service falls below 20 years.
For deciding class and number of passes, the date in which canteen employees become railway servants will be the crucial date.  Only for grant of Post Retirement Complimentary Pass, service which fall short of 20 years, shall be taken from their previous service.  However, those who were getting 1stclass pass before 1.4.90 will continue to get the same.
For fixing their class of entitlement their service period rendered prior to 1.4.90 be taken into account as applicable to employees in item (I)

(Auth: Board?s letter No. E(W)2000 Ps 5-8/3 dated 9.6.04 addressed to N.E.Railway and copied to others (SCR S.C.No.105/2004)


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