Eligibility Criteria for ECHS Membership: Important clarifications by ECHS

Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
IHQ of MOD (Army)
Maude Lines
Delhi Cantt - 110 010
09 Jan 2015

1. Refer Central Org ECHS letter No B/49701-PR/AG/ECHS dated 13 Nov 2014 (copy att).

2. ECHS membership is compulsory for all retirees post 01 Apr 2003. It is very important that units processing pension documents should be clear about eligibility criteria for becoming an ECHS member. It is clarified once again that it is mandatory to meet the following conditions to be eligible for ECHS membership
(a) Indl should have an EX-serviceman status.
(b) Indl should be in receipt of Pension / Family Pension /Disability Pension.
3. Certain cases have come to notice, where non eligible members have been granted ECHS membership, While proceeding on pre mature release (i.e. W/o pension). Necessary directions be issued to all concerned to ensure only eligible ESMs are extended ECHS benefits.

(Sanjeev Saroch)
Dir (Ops & Coord)
Encls : As above.

Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
IHQ of MoD (Army)
Maude Lines
Delhi Cantt - 110 010
13 Nov 2014
1. Refer to Central Org ECHS letter No B/49701-PR/AG/ECHS dated 07 Dec 20 l 2.

2. A No of clarifications are being solicited at Central Org ECHS regarding eligibility criteria for ECHS membership in respect of dependents of ESM. The subject matter has been examined at this HQ and It is clarified that ECHS facilities are being extended to dependents of ECHS members, as applicable in CGHS, in accordance with GoI, MOD letter No 18(17)/2011/US(WE) dated 31 Oct 2012(copy encl).

3. Pl visit ECHS website for any clarification/updation on the subject.

(Sanjeev Saroch)
Dir (Ops & Coord)
Enclosure, As above-

No 18(17)/2011/US(WE) 
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
(Department of EX Servicemen)
New Delhi the 31st Oct, 2012

The Chief of Army Staff
The Chief of Army Staff
The Chief of Air Staff
With reference to GoI, MOD letter Nos. 22(01)/01/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 30th Dec 2002 and 22(01)/01/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 1st April, 2003, l am directed to convey the sanction of the Government to amend Para 2 as follows:.-

The scheme would cater for medicare-of all Ex Servicemen in receipt of including disability pension and family pensioners, as also ‘dependents' to include wife/husband, legitimate children and wholly dependent parents. The son with permanent disability of any kind (physical or mental).of entitled category of ECHS would be eligible for life long facility ofmedical treatment; The scheme will comprise as follows (Rest no change).

The scheme would cater for medicare for all Ex-servicemen in pension including disability pension and family pensioner, as also dependents as applicable in CGHS.  The scheme will comprise as follows (Rest no change).

2. This issue with the concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Finance) U.O. No. 3974/2012.Fin/Pen. Dated 30th Oct 2012.

Yours faithfully
(HK Mallick)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Source: http://echs.gov.in/images/pdf/ops/ops109.pdf


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