Suggestions for terms of reference for 7th C.P.C formulated in consultation with allies & stack holders

Suggestions  for terms of reference of 7th CPC with respect to Pensioners

1.   To examine with a view to having a proper pension structure for pensioners and family pensioners both past and future so that all pensioners irrespective of pre retirement status get equal percentage rise in pension through full parity as well as through normal consolidation.

2.   To examine the existing pension structure including death-cum-retirement, commutation of pension and other terminal or recurring benefits, upholding the principal of Parity in Pension between past and future pensioners as recommended by V CPC and make recommendations there to be effective from 01.01.2006.
3.   To consider the merger of Dearness Relief wef 1.1.2011 and grant of suitable Interim Relief with immediate effect.
4.   To consider the unimplemented recommendation of 5th & 6th CPC.
5.   To consider enhancement of% of pension & family pension
6.   To examine various health schemes in the light of apex court judgments on the subject & suggest improvements so that all pensioners including those of all India services like IAS, irrespective of pre retirement status get hassle free medical facilities at par .

7.   To examine FMA with reference to prevailing market conditions & to suggest enhancement w/o any distance restriction. 


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