Monthly Bulletin CGPF (AP)

D. PrabhakarRao                  M. SomasekharRao                           Sk. Mahboob
   President                              General Secretary                                 Treasurer
     9490313416                                9949052609                                   9441278709
DA/DR w.e.f., 1.7.2013: The Government of India have issued orders vide their OM F. No. 42/13/2012 – P&PW(G) dated 3.10.2013 sanctioning additional installment of DA/DR w.e.f., 1.7.2013.  With this, the DA/DR goes up to 90%.  All the Pension Disbursing Banks are expected to draw the arrears of DR before the end of this week. (A copy of the letter is enclosed for information)

Modified Parity Case: The contempt petition had come up before Principal Bench/CAT/New Delhi on 10.10.2013.  Government counsel had submitted that SLPs in three other cases were coming up before Supreme Court on 1.11.2013.  The case was adjourned to 27.11.2013. 

50% DA/DR merger and appointment of VII CPC:

The V CPC recommended 50% DA/DR merger with basic pay/pension when they reached 50% and pay further DA/DR on such consolidated basic pay/pension.  This recommendation of V CPC was implemented w.e.f, 1.4.2004.  However, this time, the Government refused to grant this benefit when DA/DR crossed 50% on the specious plea that the VI CPC recommended against the above.  DA/DR reached 50% as on 1.1.2011.

When the Government of India had to address the above issue, they came forward with the announcement of their decision to appoint VII CPC.  Apparently, they took the decision to skirt the issue of 50% DA/DR merger w.e.f., 1.1.2011.  While we welcome the above decision of the government, nevertheless, there can be no compromise on our demand for 50% DR merger w.e.f., 1.1.2011.  It may be noted, that the V CPC made the above recommendation with a view to ensuring mid-revision for central employees and pensioners when DA/DR reached 50% as wage and pension revision for them was done once in 10 years whereas several State Governments in the country revised the salaries and pensions of their employees and pensioners once in 5 years.  Also in several Public Sector Undertakings, wage revision is done once in 4 years through wage agreements.  The VI CPC had ignored the very spirit of V CPC recommendation in the above regard..  The VI CPC had also singularly failed to recommend an alternative benefit to 50% DA/DR merger. It is nothing but utter lack of their concern for the welfare of employees as well as pensioners. The Government, who owe a responsibility for the welfare and well being of their employees and pensioners, should announce 50% DA/DR  merger  or an equivalent benefit thereto at the earliest notwithstanding their decision to appoint VII CPC. Similarly, the Government will do well in enhancing the Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to pensioners to Rs.1200/- per month retrospectively w.e.f., 1.1.2011 considering the hardship being faced by them due to the steep increase in cost of consultation charges as well as medicines.  There is also steep increase in the cost of transportation which factor has also to be taken into consideration while raising FMA.  According to their own admission, Government have been incurring per capita expenditure of nearly Rs.2000/- on OPD treatment of pensioners under  CGHS & RELHS.  As such, why they drag their feet in enhancing FMA at least to Rs.1200/-?  We  therefore demand that the Government take a decision in the matter without linking it to the appointment of VII CPC.  This issue has been hanging fire for quite a long time now exposing the pensioners to undue hardship.  FMA remained constant as Rs.300/- per month right from 1.9.2008 onwards.

Further 10 years is too long a period for wage and pension revision especially in the context of fast growth of our economy under five year plans.  The earlier Pay Commissions also recommended setting up of a permanent mechanism for revision of salaries and pensions on annual basis.  As such, it is essential that we break the cycle of revision once in 10 years and fight for revision at least once in every 5 years.  This is the major task now before the central government employees and pensioners. The 58th AGM & Conference of BPS at Secunderabad on 17.11.2013 will explore ways and means to achieve this demand in coordination with all like-minded organizations.

We have other outstanding demands such as full parity,  raising the rates of pension and family pension, additional pension for service above 20 years, restoration of commuted pension after 12 years, house rent and transport allowances to pensioners, Children’s Educational Allowance and Hostel subsidy to their eligible children, festival advance, funeral grant, ex-gratia, smart card facility to RELHS members, full reimbursement of expenses incurred for treatment in private recognized hospitals, extension of CS(MA) rules to pensioners residing in non-CGHS areas, CSD canteen facility to defence civilian pensioners, FMA & RELHS membership to secondary family pensioners,  FMA to SRPF © beneficiaries and their families, extension of RELHS facility to minor children of dependent widowed and divorced daughters as in the case of CGHS beneficiaries, ex-gratia in lieu of  PLB to railway pensioners and family pensioners, liberalization of retirement complimentary and widow pass rules, reorganization of SCOVA  on JCM  pattern, monitoring mechanism for expeditious disposal of pensioners’ grievances, railway accommodation to run their offices to all Railway Pensioners’ Associations affiliated to BPS etc.

The BPS’ 58th AGM at Secunderabad on 17.11.2013 will not only consider all the above and other relevant issues but  also chalk out an action programme for their achievement.

Several sister Pensioners Federations and Pensioners’ Associations have been invited to the above AGM.  BPS will endeavor to forge a broad-based coordination with them for united action in the days to come so that we get full justice at the hands of VII CPC as well as from government of India.  We, therefore, appeal to all our members and Central Government Pensioners at large to extend their full support and cooperation in the above AGM & Conference and make it a grand success.

We have been receiving overwhelming response to our appeal for donations and we are very grateful to all the donors.  As we will be publishing in our souvenir the  color photos of those giving a donation of Rs.1000/- and above, we request all such donors to send their latest pass port size color photo positively before 20.10.2013, if not already sent.

Enhancement of amount of ex-gratia payable to dependent family members of the deceased pre-1986 SRPF© employees/retirees:
‘The President is pleased to enhance the ex-gratia amount being paid to the widows and dependent children of the deceased SRPF© employees/retirees from Rs 605 to Rs.645 per month w.e.f., 4.6.2013.  They shall also be entitled to dearness ex-gratia equal to 50% of the enhanced amount of ex-gratia and Dearness Relief as notified from time to time, on the sums of enhanced amounts of ex-gratia and dearness ex-gratia’.
(Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)III/2008/PN1/Ex.Gr./2, RBE No. 75/2013, dt. 31.7.2013)

Office: H.No. 12-11-1411, Boudhanagar, Secunderabad – 500 061,

Ph.  040-27078848, Cell  9949052609


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