Merger of 50% of DA and DR with basic pay' - Finance Ministry
Merger of 50% of DA and DR with basic pay' - Finance Ministry 'Merger of 50% of DA and DR with basic pay' - Finance Ministry explained as a reply to a unstarred question in the Parliament on 14th December, 2012. The below explanation was presented by the Minister of States for Finance Shri.Namo Narain Meena to the questions regarding merger of DA / DR with basic pay of Central Government employees and Pensioners in the Parliament on 14.12.2013... Whether various Associations/ Organisations of Central Government employees demanded merger of 50 per cent Dearness Allowance into the basic pay of Central Government employees and pensioners and the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission in this regard and action taken by the Government thereto? Yes, A number of representations have been received from Associations/Organizations of Central Government Employees/Pensioners and individuals demanding merger of 50% of Dearness AHowance/ Dearness Relief wit...