Another success for BPS

         Bharat Pensioners  Samaj (BPS)  In  co – ordination with AISCCON( All India Sr. Citizens Confederation ) has been struggling for inclusion of Pensioners representatives in all Committees /Forums & councils wherein Issues /Policies relating to Sr. Citizens & Pensioners are discussed formulated & decided.

         The Honourable Prime Minister of India has on Feb.1. 2012 has accorded his approval to the constitution of National Sr Citizens council for Sr Citizens which will include five representatives of Pensioners’ Association

         The Council would advise the Central and State Governments on issues related to welfare of senior citizens and enhancement of their quality of life with special reference to policies, programmes and legislative measures. 

         It will also advise on promotion of physical and financial security, health and independent and productive living, and awareness generation and community mobilization.

        The Council would be chaired by the Minister of Social Justice & Empowerment.

        Other members of the Council include the Minister of State, Social Justice & Empowerment, the oldest Members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, representatives of five state governments (one each from the North, South, East, West & North Eastern Regions) and one Union Territory by rotation, five representatives each from Senior Citizens' Associations, Pensioners' Association, NGOs working for Senior Citizens and Experts, and five senior citizens who have distinguished themselves in various fields.



It is really a great news for the CG Pensioners & Senior Citizens in India. I have been advocating for the same for the last 2 years and finally the same has been found with a positive results, thanks BPS for its sincere efforts. I would like to mention here that while nominating the members from the Pensioners forums to the above body, much care and attention to be paid for selecting most capable and efficient people.

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