Caring for Our Elders Institutional Responses UNFPA INDIA AGEING REPORT 2023 Chapter 4 describes BPS as CBO i.e;Comunity Based Organization

Caring for Our Elders Institutional Responses UNFPA INDIA AGEING REPORT 2023 Chapter 4 describes BPS as CBO i.e;Comunity Based Organization Earlier in2002 UNFPA described BPS in their publication Situation &Voices UNFPA publication 2002 SITUATION AND VOICES / THE OLDER POOR AND EXCLUDED IN SOUTH AFRICA AND INDIA - Extract of page 108 Bharat Pensioner’s Samaj headquartered at New Delhi is an All India feder [1] ation of pensioners’ associations. It functions as a nodal point for pension [1] ers supported by central and state governments and quasi-governmental organizations. It highlights the difficulties faced by pensioners and other senior citizens at various forums and strives to resolve the grievances of its members by negotiating with appropriate authorities. It holds periodic seminars and conferences to focus on the problems of pensioners and other elderly citizens.The Samaj helps the needy ...