Advisory regarding administration of COVID Vaccine to the ECHS beneficiaries at Polyclinics: Order dated 04-06-2021 |

Advisory regarding administration of COVID Vaccine to the ECHS beneficiaries at Polyclinics

Central Organisations, ECHS
Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) :
Adjutant General’s Branch
Thimayya Marg,
Near Gopinath Circle
Delhi Cantt-110010


04 Jun 2021

IHQ of MoD (Navy)/Dir ECHS (IN)
HQ Southern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Eastern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Western Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Central Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Northern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ South Western Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Andaman & Nicobar Command (A/ECHS)
AMA, ECHS, Embassy of India, Nepal
All Regional Centres


1. Sanction has been received from MoD/ Do ESW for ECHS PCs to be utilized as GCVCs (Govt COVID Vaccination Centres vide letter No. 18(20)/2021-D(WE/Res-1) dated 03 Jun 2021 (copy aft).

2. The planning and operational aspects for COVID-19 vaccination are in the domain of the State Govts. The District health auth of the State Govt are making arrangement for listing of the health facilities, for providing training, logistics, vaccination and the vaccine to the identified facilities where COVID-19 vaccination centers are being planned and started. 

3. Roles & Responsibilities at Stn HQ Level & Regional Centres

(a) To co-ordinate various arrangements.
(b) Logistics in resp of stores, med, furniture, refrigerator, manpower (placed at Appx ‘A’).
(c) Provision of vaccines from DIO to PC.
(d) Cold chain mapping.
(e) Site insp of policlinic.
(f) Geographical location attribute sharing.
(g) Training and deployment of manpower.
(h) Record keeping.
(j) Report and Returns.

4. Roles and Responsibilities of CVC Manager (OIC Polyclinic). Each GCVC will have a CVC Manager who will be the Oi/C Polyclinic. The CVC Manager will be registered by the DIO. He will be responsible for all operations at the GCVC, as per the Operational Guidelines and this Document. The key roles and responsibilities of the CVC Manager are as follows :-

(a) He will have access to the COWIN and will be able to view and download the list of beneficiaries allotted and vaccinated at her/his site.
(b) He will also be responsible for deployment of adequate number of trained vaccinators and verifiers for a date, based on the doses to be administered on that date.
(c) He will ensure adequate logistic arrangements like internet connectivity, enough computers/smart phones/tablets, printers etc.
(d) He will ensure adequate mechanisms for queuing, verification, vaccination. observation, AEFI reporting etc at the CVC.
(e). He will also receive and retum vaccine stocks and will ensure that all vaccinations are recorded in COWIN in real time and that beneficiaries are verified for eligibility and then vaccinated.
(f) He will also ensure for display of suitable signages for guiding the movement of the beneficiaries at the CVC.
(g) Will ensure that all the protocols as per the Operational Guidelines are followed in terms of AEFI management, waiting room, observation room. etc 

5. Guidance Note for COWIN 2.0 with the annexures is attached as Appx B.

6. This is for you info and necessary action pl.

(SK Gupta)
Jt Dir (Med)
for Dir Med

Source:  Click here to view/download


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