Extension of deadline for issuance of manual pass to Railway Employees till 30-06-2021: Implementation of various modules of HRMS |

Extension of deadline for issuance of manual pass to Railway Employees till 30-06-2021: Implementation of various modules of HRMS


No. PC-VII/2020/HRMS/16

New Delhi, dated: 19.05.2021

The General Managers
(All Indian Railways/PUs)
(As per standard mailing list)

Sub: Implementation of various modules of HRMS- reg.

In view of surge in COVID-19 cases, all the Field Units were allowed to operate various modules of HRMS as per manual practice also till 31.05.2021 while keeping HRMS as preferred option, vide Board’s letter dated 22.04.2021

2. Considering the present situation, it has now been decided by the Competent Authority that the present practice as advised vide Board’s letter dated 22.04.2021 may continue till 30.06.2021.

3. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

(Jaya Kumar G)
Deputy Director, Pay Commission-VII/HRMS
Railway Board

No. PC-VIT/2020/HRMS/16

New Delhi, dated:22.04.2021

Source: Click here to view/download the PDF


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