Clarification regarding eligibility of the family pensioners who are beneficiaries of BSNLMRS to migrate to CGHS |

Clarification regarding eligibility of the family pensioners who are beneficiaries of BSNLMRS to migrate to CGHS

Admin Cell, Bharat Sanchar Bhavan
Janpath, New Delhi-1 10001

No: BSNLCO-ADMN/12(12)/4/2021-ADMN

Dated: 26-03-2021

All Head of Circles,
All Head of BSNI. Units,

Sub: Clarification regarding eligibility of the family pensioners who are beneficiaries of BSNLMRS to migrate to CGHS and reimbursement of one time CGHS subscription fee paid by the BSNL employee to the CGHS authority.

In reference to the above captioned subject representations are being received from various employees Unions/ Associations, BSNL circles, retired employees regarding clarification on migration to CGHS by BSNL family pensioners (Dependents of the deceased retired BSNL employee) who are availing BSNLMRS facility and reimbursement of the life time subscription to CGHS as one-time payment.

2. Vide BSNLCO letter NO: BSNL/Admn.1/14-15/09 (Pt) dated 02.04.2014 (Copy enclosed), the decision of extension of CGHS facilities to retired BSNL employees who are in receipts of Central Civil Pension/Pro-rata Pension was conveyed.

3. Vide BSNLCO letter No: BSNL/Admn.I/14-15/09 (Pt) dated 29.07.2016 (Copy enclosed) , Approval of the Management Committee of BSNL was conveyed for reimbursement of one time CGHS subscription fee, paid by the BSNL employee to the CGHS authority. This was applicable to only those BSNL employees who surrender BSNLMRS facility and opt for CGHS facility.

Further, it was also decided by the MC that the retired BSNL employees and their dependents are not eligible to opt BSNLMRS facility in future, once they migrate to CGHS facility.

4. Vide BSNL CO letter No: BSNL/Admn.I/14-15/09 (Pt) dated:22.11.2018 (Copy enclosed) it has been clarified that the order dated 29.07.2016 regarding reimbursement of one time CGHS subscnpton fees are effective only from the prospective date.

5. Vide BSNL CO letter No: dated: 24.09.2004 & 15.01.2021 (Copy enclosed), Clarification on eligibility of Spouse and dependents of deceased BSNL employees were issued. 

6. In continuation and context of above subject, the matter is examined and following is clarified:-

The family pensioners (Dependents of the deceased retired BSNL employees) who get the CGHS facility by surrendering BSNLMRS card/facility are also allowed for one time reimbursement of CGHS subscription fee paid to CGHS authority for migrating to the CGHS facility.

This has the approval of the Competent Authority.

Encl.: As above

BSNL CO, New Delhi

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