Grievance Redressal Adalat to resolve all the pending cases of dispute on fast track basis: PCDA(CC) Lucknow

Grievance Redressal Adalat: Formation of Grievance redressal forum in PCDA(CC) Lucknow

Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Central Command)
Office Phone No. 0522-2451547 Office Fax No. 0522-2451993
Through Website/Speed Post

No. AN/ I/1004/Grievance forum

Date: 22.01.2021


HQ CC, Lucknow
HQ (SC), Pune
HQ (SWC), Jaipur
HQ CE (CC), Lucknow
HAL Korwa/ Lucknow
DGAQA Kanpur/ Lucknow
All Record offices in case of PBORs
(Under audit jurisdiction of PCDA(CC) Lucknow)

Sub: Formation of Grievance redressal forum in PCDA(CC) Lucknow

In order to “resolve disputes to gain trust”, it has been decided by PCDA(CC) Luckonw to set up a “Public Grievance Forum” headed by Shri Pankaj Upadhyay, IDAS, Jt. CDA for all clients under the audit jurisdiction to this office i.e Army personnel, Defence Civilians, Industrial/non-industrial and third parties for whom our office/sub offices is imparting services. It prominently intends to resolve all the pending cases of dispute on fast track basis.

Some important features as well as instructions are detailed below; 

i. The applications are hereby invited from the individuals duly supported with all documents relevant to their grievance alongwith recommendation of the unit/ MES authorities/ Record office through E-mail: / by post/ by hand in complaint box kept at the enterance of the PCDA(CC) Lucknow.

ii. In case of individuals, directly under audit and payment jurisdiction of Area Account Office/ AOGE/ PAOs, may also forward their application.

iii. On receipt of the application through record section, e-mail or by hand, the above public grievance cell will forward the complaint/ grievance to the concern section/ sub-office for necessary action at their end. Any communication with the complainant in connection to the subject grievance will be made only by the Public Grievance Forum and the section concerned will not interact with the complainant concerned directly.

iv. Keeping in view of the urgency/nature of the grievance, selected complainant can also be called in person at the date and time to get their grievance resolved on the spot. The date and time may be advertised through the administrative authorities.

v. It is intended to hold the first “GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL ADALAT” on 1st March 2021 at conference hall of CDA RTC Lucknow. Selected complainant (intimated in due course) will be called in person at the date and time to get their grievance resolved on the spot.

vi. In addition to above, a quarterly meeting/ conference/adalat at selected venues under the AOR of the PCDA(CC) Lucknow may also be organised to resolve/ address the grievance of the complainants.

vii. The applications in the prescribed form enclosed as Annexure “A” may be forwarded either through record section of this office or E-mail: .in/ by hand in complaint box kept at the enterance of the PCDA(CC) Lucknow addressed to the Public Grievance Officer.

viii. In view of the above, above forum may be dessiminated to all the units & formations under payment and audit jurisdiction of Pr.CDA (CC) Lucknow. 

2. We intend to take it in a careful manner to avoid any confusion or double claim. It will be most appropriate if the individual grievances are initially cross checked at unit level for its correctness.

Encl: as above

(Rankaj Prakash Singh)

Copy to:

Redressal of Public Grievances – Standard Operating Procedure issued by Finmin

1.The Area Accounts Office Allahabad 



For information alongwith the flow chart for processing of public grievance as Annexure “B”. All DAD employees may forward their application directly to the  Public Grievance officer with comments  of  the  officer-in-charge  of  the section / sub-office concerned.

2.The Area Accounts Office Kanpur
3.All PAOs under PCDA(CC) Lucknow
4.All Sub-offices of the PCDA(CC) Lucknow
5.All Sections {Main Office) (Local)

Annexure “A”

Through E-mail/ Speed Post

The Public Grievance Officer Office of the PCDA(CC)
1 Cariappa Marg
( E-mail ID:

SI No.Details of the Complainant
1.Name of the Unit
2.Name of the Complainant
3.Present Rank of the Complainant
4.Departmental Service Number,  if any
5.E-mail ID of the Complainant
6.Contact Number  of the Complainant
7.Brief of the Grievance
8.List of the documents enclosed


[Signature of the complainant]

Source: Click Here to view/download the pdf


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