Marking of PPO number in the bank passbook of Pensioners/Family Pensioners – CPAO OM Dated 23.11.2020

 CPAO/IT&Tech/Bank Performance/37 (Vol-III)A/2020-21/60

Dated: 23.11.2020


Subject:- Regarding marking of PPO number in the bank passbook of Pensioners/Family Pensioners.

Attention is invited to this office OM No. CPAO/Tech/Clarification /P&PW/2014-15/426-497 dated-17.09.2014, OM No. CPAO/IT&Tech /Bank Performance/37.Vol-III(A)/ 2019/18 dated 23.04.2019 and OM No. CPAO/IT&Tech/Bank Performance/37.Vol-III(A)/ 2019/144 dated- 13.11.2019 wherein all the Heads of CPPCs and Govt. Business Deptts. were requested to instruct all their bank branches dealing with pension payments to record the PPO number in the passbooks of the pensioners/family pensioners issued by them.

2. Despite clear instruction, this office has received representations from many pensioners’ and Pensioner’s Associations that the bank branches are not recording the PPO number in the passbook of the pensioners/family pensioners: which leads to problems for transfer of pension account from one bank to another bank or from one bank branch to another bank branch.

3. Therefore, Heads of all CPPCs and Govt. Business Departments are once again requested to instruct all their bank branches dealing with the pension payments to record the PPO number in all the passbooks of the pensioners/family pensioners issued by them.

This issues with the approval of Chief Controller (Pension).

(Md. Shahid Kamal Ansari)
(Dy. Controller of Accounts)



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