Consolidated instruction on Casual Labour -reg.

No.49014 /5/ 2019-Estt.(C)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi Dated: 13th February, 2020
 Subject: Consolidated instruction on Casual Labour -reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject mentioned above and to say that various instructions have been issued by the Government from time to time regarding casual labourers. All such instructions issued till date and still in vogue have been consolidated under easily comprehensible headings for the facility of reference and placed at Annexure to this O.M. All Ministries/ Departments are requested to bring the above guidelines to the notice of all concerned.
Sd/-(Umesh Kumar Bhatiya)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
All Ministries/ Departments of Government of India. (As per the Standard List)


 1. Appointment:

1.1.  Persons on daily wages (casual workers) should not be recruited for work of regular nature.
1.2.  Recruitment of daily wagers may be made only for work which is casual or seasonal or intermittent nature or for work which is not of full time nature, for which regular posts cannot be created.
1.3.  The work presently being done by regular staff should be reassessed by the administrative Departments concerned for output and productivity so that the work being done by the casual workers could be entrusted to the regular employees. The Departments may also review the norms of staff for regular work and take steps to get them revised.
[O.M. No.49014/ 2/ 86-Estt(C) dated 07.06.1988] [O.M. No.49014/ 1/2017-Estt(C) dated 04.09. 19]
1.4. It has been observed that in spite of strict guidelines on engagement of Casual Labourer vide the above referred O.M, various Ministries/ Departments continue to engage casual workers for attending work of regular nature against the Government’ s policies. It is, therefore, reiterated that all Ministries/ Departments may ensure strict compliance of the guidelines on engagement of Casual Labourers. Negligence in the matter of implementing these guidelines should be viewed seriously and brought to the notice of the appropriate authorities for taking prompt and suitable action against the defaulters.
[O.M. No.49019/ 1/95-Estt(C) dated 14.06.2016]


2.1 Where the nature of work entrusted to the casual workers and regular employees is the same, the casual workers may be paid at the rate of 1/30th of the pay at the minimum of the relevant pay scale plus dearness allowance for work of 8 hours a day.
2.2. In cases where the work done by a casual worker is different from the work done by a regular employee, the casual worker may be paid only the minimum wages notified by the Ministry of Labour and Employment or the State Government/ Union Territory Administration, whichever is higher, as per the Minimum Wages Act, 1948. However, if a Department is already paying daily wages at a higher rate, the practice could be continued with the approval of its Financial Adviser.
[O.M. No.49014/ 2/ 86-Estt(C) dated 07.06.1988] and  [O.M. No.49014/ 1/2017-Estt(C) dated 04.09.19]


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