W.P.No.28072 of 2019 IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS DATED :23.09.2019 CORAM THE HON'BLE MR.JUSTICE M.DHANDAPANI W.P.No.28072 of 2019 & W.M.P.No.27691 of 2019 M.E.Abdul Ghani ..Petitioner vs 1.The Union of India, Represented by Secretary to Government, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi. Para 7 &8 of the judgement : 7. In the instant case, the petitioner had retired on 30.06.2019 and is entitled for one notional increment on or before 01.07.2019 however, the petitioner's claim was rejected. In the very same issue, the Hon'ble Apex Court while dismissing R.P.(C).No.1731/2019 in S.L.P.(C).No.22008 of 2018, has held as follows: “Increment Issue: for those retired on 30 th June, due increment is 1 st July. Supreme Court of India dismissed Review Petition No.1731/2019 Judgement dated 8 th August 2019 filed by the Government, indicated based on the merit, review petition submitted by Government was dismissed. N...