Suggestions for budget 20-21

Finance Minister has invited suggestions for budget 20-21 through website . I have recorded following suggestion from BPS side.(only 500 characters with spaces w/o spl characters are allowed) with attachment being attached herewith,You are also requested to record ur suggestion on similar lines with a detailed attachment:-

Wid time pension value du 2 rise in cost of living n medical etc gets reduced.Du 2 inflation wid low intt.  deposits in Bank etc go on reducing yr by yr affecting net worth of pensioners, compelling 2 compromise living standard. As worked out by TECS consultant 2 CPC 5 Pension 2 b 67 percent of  last drawn but 50 percent of last drawn is paid. Spare pension frm  income tax. Intt on sr citizens deposits need b 2 percent above normal rate wid 100 percent insurance on deposits.


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