Simplification of Procedure for grant of Family Pension in some Railways/Workshops – RBA 72 of 2019


General Manager,All Zonal Railways/Production UnitsSub:-Simplification of Procedure for grant of Family Pension in some Railways/Workshops.The 31st SCOVA meeting is scheduled to be held on 06.09.2019 under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP). In the agenda of the meeting, an issue regarding non acceptance of the revised dependency criteria for sanction of family pension by some Railway divisions & Workshops has been raised. Another issue regarding non¬acceptance of self declaration of income by claimant in case of private employment has also been raised.2. In this regard, it is stated that in terms of the extant provisions contained in the Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993 and instructions issued thereunder, the dependency criteria for the purpose of family pension shall be the minimum pension along with dearness relief thereon. In pursuance of Government’s decision on the recommendation of the 7th CPC, minimum family pension with effect from 1.1.2016 is Rs. 9000/- per month. Therefore, dependency criteria for the purpose of family pension shall be Rs. 9000/- and dearness relief thereon.3. Further, Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)III/98/PN1/4 dated 9.9.1999 (RBE 229/99), vide which DOPPW’s 0.M dated 21.7.1999 has been forwarded, para (ii) stipulates that income certificate as stipulated is required to be insisted upon before authorizing Family Pension to eligible sons and daughters (including widowed/divorced daughters) and dependent parents. In case these beneficiaries are self-employed or in receipt of income from sources other than employment, Income Certificates furnished by the concerned beneficiaries themselves may be accepted’ for the purpose.4. The aforesaid rules may strictly be adhered to, so as to see that no inconvenience is faced by the family pensioners.This issues with the concurrence of F(E) Directorate, Ministry of Railways.(V. Prakash)Joint Director AccountsRailway Board


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