Increase in Ex-Gratia payments to the widows & dependents children of deceased CPF/SRPF beneficiaries
Sub: Enhancement of amount
of Ex-gratia payable to pre-1986 CPF retirees and dependent family members
of the deceased pre-1986 CPF employees — regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM
No.45/52/97- P&PW(E), dated 16thDecember, 1997 sanctioning monthly payment
of an amount of Rs.600/- as ex-gratia, to CPF beneficiaries who had retired
from service prior to 1.1.1986. This amount was payable w.e.f. 01.11.1997.
Similarly, monthly ex-gratia being paid to the widows and dependent children
of the deceased CPF beneficiaries who had retired from service prior
to 1.1.1986 and the widows and dependent children of the CPF beneficiaries who
died while in service prior to 1.1.1986 had been revised from Rs.150/- to
2. Reference is also invited to this Department’s O.M.
No.42/2/2004-P&PW (G), dated 15th March, 2004. In terms of this O.M.,
dearness relief equal to 50% of the above amounts of ex-gratia had been
converted into dearness ex-gratia w.e.f. 1st April, 2004. Consequently,
dearness relief, as announced from time to time is being paid, on the sum of
the amounts of ex-gratia and dearness ex-gratia.
3. This Department has since been receiving representations from the CPF
retirees who are in receipt of ex-gratia in terms of the above instructions, to
enhance the amount of ex-gratia. The matter has now been considered and the
President is pleased to enhance the existing amount of ex-gratia of Rs. 600/-
p.m. being paid to the surviving CPF retirees and the amount of ex-gratia of
Rs. 605/- p.m. being paid to dependent members of the families, i.e., widows
and dependent children of deceased beneficiaries at the following rates w.e.f.
4th June, 2013:
Group of Service to which CPF retirees belonged at the time of
Enhanced amount of basic monthly ex-gratia
Group ‘A Service
Rs. 3000/-
Group ‘B’ Service
Rs. 1000/-
Group ‘C’ Service
Rs. 750/-
Group ‘D’ Service
Rs. 650/-
Widows and dependent children of the deceased CPF
Rs. 645/-
4. Dearness ex-gratia equal to 50% of the enhanced amount of ex-gratia
and Dearness Relief, as notified from time to time, on the sums of enhanced
amounts of exgratia and dearness ex-gratia shall also be admissible to them.
5. The terms and conditions for grant of ex-gratia and
dearness relief will continue to be governed by this Department’s O.M.
No.4/1/87-P1C, dated 13’h June, 1988 and O.M. No.45/52/97-P&PW (E), dated
16th December, 1997 and subsequent Office Memorandums issued in this regard.
6. As laid down in the
Ministry of Finance O.M. dated 28.11.1969, the ex-gratia payment is not
admissible to (a) those who were dismissed/removed from service and (b) those
who resigned from service.
7. It shall be the responsibility of the Head of the Department of the
Ministry, Department, Office, etc. from which the CPF beneficiary had retired
or where he was working prior to his demise to revise the ex-gratia with effect
from 4′ June, 2013 and to issue revised Ex-gratia Payment Order (EPOs). Action
to revise ex-gratia in terms of these provisions shall be initiated by the
concerned Heads of Departments. In the case of the Defence Civilian Employees,
however, the procedure prescribed in this regard by the Ministry of Defence
shall be followed. It is emphasised that the Sanctioning Authority, in no case,
will ask the beneficiary to surrender his/her original Ex-gratia Payment Order
(EPO) for issuing revised authority.
8. The CPF beneficiaries may send applications to the Head of Office
and/or Disbursing Authority concerned for revision of ex-gratia amount
indicating the EPO details and the office from which he/she retired/last
served. The Disbursing Authority shall intimate the details of the
beneficiaries to the Central Pension Accounting Office and the
Pay & Accounts Offices concerned in the proforma enclosed as Annex-ure to
this O.M.
9. The periodical certificates such as life certificate,
non- employment certificate etc. prescribed for drawal
of pension will also be required to be submitted by the recipient of
the ex-gratia payment to the appropriate disbursing authorities for drawal of
10. These orders apply to all civilian Central Government
employees covered under Contributory Provident Fund scheme retired/died
before 1986, including civilians paid from Defence Service Estimates hut will
not apply to Railway Employees. Separate orders will be issued by the
Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) for revision of ex-gratia payable to the
dependent members of families ofeligible employees covered under the State
Railways Provident Fund (Contributory).
11. In their application to the persons belonging to Indian Audit and
Accounts Department these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller and
(Sujasha Choudhury)
Deputy Secretary