
Showing posts from 2019

Is the economy in really bad shape?

Explained | Is the economy in really bad shape? Vikas Dhoot DECEMBER 29, 2019 00:02 IST UPDATED:  DECEMBER 29, 2019 09:49 IST SHARE ARTICLE PRINT A   A   A MORE-IN The Hindu Explains Is this a result of a cyclical phenomenon or has it been driven by a structural malaise arising from deficiencies in the economic framework? The story so far:  On November 30 this year, India’s statistical machinery revealed that growth in the quarter from July to September had slipped to 4.5%. This was the lowest level recorded in six-and-a-half years, with the 6.1%  nominal GDP growth   (real growth plus inflation) coming in as the slowest in a decade. Compared to the previous quarter when growth clocked 5%, the 4.5% print was not a dramatic downswing, but capped off a slow and steady dip in growth over six quarters in a row — following a robust 8.1% growth recorded between January and March of 2018. Growth in the first half of this f...

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Decided on: 18th December, 2019 W.P.(C) 1523/2016


Review of provisions of FR56 (a)


Appointment for personnel audience




HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI judgement dated 18.12.2019 WP(C) 1523/2016

WP(C) No.1523/2016 Page 1 of 10  IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Reserved on: 5th December, 2019 Decided on: 18th December, 2019 W.P.(C) 1523/2016 ALL INDIA RAILWAY ACCOUNTS STAFF ASSOCIATION AND ORS. ..... Petitioners Through: Ms. Sumita Hazarika and Ms. Ipsja Behura, Advocates. versus UNION OF INDIA AND ORS. ..... Respondents Through: Mr. Jagjit Singh, Senior Standing Counsel for Railways with Mr. Preet Singh, Advocates. CORAM: JUSTICE S. MURALIDHAR JUSTICE TALWANT SINGH J U D G M E N T Dr. S. Muralidhar, J.: 1. The All India Railway Accounts Staff Association and 23 other individual employees of the Railways have filed this petition challenging an order dated 15th September, 2015 passed by the Central Administrative Tribunal („CAT‟), Principal Bench in O.A. No. 4419/2014 filed by them against the Union of India, the Railway Board, the Financial Commissioner (Railways), the Deputy Director (Pay Commission-V), the FA and CAO, South Eastern Railways, and the FA and CA...

Request for liberalization of travel entitlement of pre-2016 pensioners


Implementation of policy advocated by the Hon’ble Prime Minister


CAT Chandigarh order dated 5.11.2019 in OA 060/434/2019 A.S.Gill?Vs UOI


M/o Communication question Answer


Suggestions for budget 20-21

Friends, Finance Minister has invited suggestions for budget 20-21 through website  . I have recorded following suggestion from BPS side.(only 500 characters with spaces w/o spl characters are allowed) with attachment being attached herewith,You are also requested to record ur suggestion on similar lines with a detailed attachment:- Wid time pension value du 2 rise in cost of living n medical etc gets reduced.Du 2 inflation wid low intt.  deposits in Bank etc go on reducing yr by yr affecting net worth of pensioners, compelling 2  compromise living standard. As worked out by TECS consultant 2 CPC 5 Pension 2 b 67 percent of  last drawn but 50 percent of last drawn is paid. Spare pension frm  income tax. Intt on sr citizens deposits need b 2 percent above normal rate wid 100 percent...

Obtaining Life Certificate, Income Certificate from Pensioner/Family Pensioner - reg | StaffToday - CG Employee News, Rules, O.M

Obtaining Life Certificate, Income Certificate from Pensioner/Family Pensioner - reg | StaffToday - CG Employee News, Rules, O.M : Pension Account holding banks will be responsible for Obtaining Life Certificate, Income Certificate from Pensioner/Family Pensioner - CPAO OM dt 13.12.2019 Obtaining Life Certificate, Income Certificate from Pensioner/Family Pensioner – reg. भारत सरकार GOVERNMENT OF INDIA वित्‍त मंत्रालय MINISTRY OF FINANCE व्‍यय विभाग DEPARTMENT OF EXPENDITURE केन्‍द्रीय पेंशन लेख कार्यालय CENTRAL PENSION ACCOUNTING OFFICE त्रिकूट-II भीकाजी कामा प्‍लेस TRIKOOT-1, BHIKAJI CAMA PLACE, नई दिल्‍ली NEW DELHI-110066 CPAO/IT&Tech/Life Certificate/2 Vol-V/2019-20/  1 59 Dated 13.12.2019 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Attention is invited to Para 3 (xix) of OM No.1(7)/DCPS(NPS)/2009/TA/221 dated 02.07.2009 and   subsequent corrigendum No. 1(7)/DCPS(NPS)/2099/TA/295 dated 27.05.2013 issued by O/o the   Controller General of Accounts, Department of Expenditure, ...