Chronic diseases in relation to Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) for Railway Pensioners Railway Board Letter No 2006/H/DC/JCM dated 12-10-2006

Chronic diseases in relation to Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) for Railway Pensioners
Railway Board Letter No
2006/H/DC/JCM dated 12-10-2006
Circular Subject
Clarifications regarding chronic diseases in relation to Fixed Medical Allowance @ Rs.100/- granted to Railway Pensioners.

As per Board’s letter No. PC/V/98/I/7/1/1 dated 21-4-99 a fixed medical allowance @ Rs.100/- per month is granted to the Railway Pensioners/ family Pensioners who are residing beyond 2.5 kms from Railway Hospital /Health Unit / Dispensary.  This fixed medical allowance is given to meet the day to day medical expenses.  They are not entitled to receive outdoor treatment from Health Unit /Railway Hospital etc. except in cases of Chronic Diseases.

Arising out of demand in the DC/JCM September, 2006, the definition of Chronic disease and some illness which are to be treated as Chronic ones are hereby stated.

Any disease which persists for a period of approximately three months or more is defined as a chronic disease.  Some of the common illness, which are treated as chronic diseases are given below:

1. Arthritis and related conditions

2. Cardiovascular disease

3. Cancer of any part of body

4. Diabetes mellitus

5. Epilepsy disorders

6. Obesity / chronic weight loss

7. Tuberculosis


9. Oral Health Problem

10.      Chronic skin disorders

Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to Railway pensioners and family pensioners who are members of RELHS
Railway Board Letter No
PC-V/2006/A/Med/1 dated 15.09.09
Circular Subject
Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance @ Rs.100 p.m. to the Railway pensioners/family pensioners – Clarification reg.

          Subsequent to the issue of Board’s letter No. PC-V/98/I/7/1/1 dated 07.02.2008, references were received from pensioners / family pensioners and banks seeking clarification as to whether those pensioners/family pensioners who are members of RELHS and availing OPD facility are also eligible for the Fixed Medical Allowance. 

2.      The matter has been examined and in reference to the Board’s letter dated 07.02.2008 ibid,  it is clarified that since actual enrolment under the Health Scheme is not mandatory, those pensioners/family pensioners who, in terms of Board’s letter No. 97/H/28/1 dated 23.10.97, are eligible to become members of the Scheme but are not actually enrolled are also entitled for grant of Fixed Medical Allowance.  Pensioners/family pensioners who possess RELHS card & avail OPD facility are NOT entitled for Fixed Medical Allowance, whereas those who possess RELHS card but do not avail OPD facility  [except in cases of chronic diseases, as defined in Board’s letter No. 2006/H/DC/JCM dated 12.10.2006] are entitled for Fixed Medical Allowance.

3.      Further, FMA and arrears of FMA would continue to be paid, as earlier, to pensioners /family pensioners only after submission of the enclosed undertaking form to the Pension Disbursing Authority [PDA] thereby implying that fulfillment of the following two conditions is mandatory for becoming admissible for FMA:

 [i]  the pensioner/family pensioner is residing beyond 2.5 kms from the nearest health unit;
[ii]  the pensioner/family pensioner is not availing the facility of OPD [except in cases of chronic diseases as mentioned in para 2 above].         


[To be submitted in DUPLICATE by pensioners/family pensioners to his/her Pension Disbursing  Authority [PDA] one copy to be retained by PDA and other copy to be furnished to Pension Sanctioning Authority by PDA]

I_____________________________________,  a retired employee /family pensioner whose ___________________ [specify relation of Family pensioner with deceased Railway employee] was an employee of [Office address] ____________________ declare that I am residing at [residential address indicated in PPO] _______________, which is beyond 2.5 Kms from the nearest Railway hospital / health unit __________________  [Name of the Hospital /Health Unit as contained in Annexure III to Railway Board’s letter No. PC-V/98/I/7/1/1 dated 21.4.99].

2.    Accordingly, I hereby opt to claim fixed medical allowance of Rs.100/- per month.  Necessary endorsement may please be made in my PPO in this regard.  Simultaneously, I undertake that I will not avail of OPD facilities at Railway hospitals /health units from the day I claim Medical Allowance.  I also understand that grant of Medical Allowance is subject to the terms and conditions specified in Board’s letters No. PC-V/98/I/7/1/1 dated 21.4.99 and 1.3.2004.

3.    I also declare that I have not availed of any treatment as Out Door Patient for the period from _______________________ [indicate here the date of retirement or the date of availing OPD facility on the last occasion or 1.12.1997, whichever is later] to _______________ [indicate here the date on which this declaration is signed].  I may accordingly be paid  arrear of Medical Allowance @ Rs.100/- per month for the period mentioned above. 


                                                                        Name in full………………………..

                                                                                      PPO No…………………………….

                                                                                      Issued by ………………………….

                                                                                      SB A/c No………………………….

                                                                                      Post office /Bank…………………..






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