Applicability of 7th CPC benefits to CSIR (PSU) Pensioners


Anusandhan Bhawan, 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001
TIT./No.: 5-1(428)/2017-PD

  Dated: 11.05.2017

Joint Secretary (Admn.)

 To : The Directors / Heads of all National Labs./Instts. of CSIR Hqrs./Complex/Centres/Units

Fdzill/ Sub : Implementation of 7 th Central Pay Commission recommendation to Pensioners / Family Pensioners of CSIR — req.


I am directed to state that Secretary, DSIR & Director General, CSIR has approved the endorsement / adoption of the following Office Memoranda issued by Govt. of India in CSIR relating to implementation of 7 th CPC recommendations in respect of Pensioners / Family Pensions for information, guidance and compliance:

SI.No        Office Memorandum                                          Subject  

1.       Department of Pension &                                   Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendation of  
              Pensioners' Welfare                                            the Seventh Central Pay Commission - Revision of provisions regulating     pension               OM No.38/37/2016-P&PW (A)(i) 
               dated 4 th August, 2016.                                  / gratuity / commutation of pension / family pension / disability pension / ex-gratia                                                                                                 lump-sum compensation etc.
2.           Department of Pension &
                Pensioners    ' Welfare                                      Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendation                                                                                                       of    7th CPC  pre-2016     pensioners / family pensioners etc                                                                                    
                OM No.38/37/2016-P&PW(A)(ii)
                dated 4 th August, 2016.

3.       Department of Pension &                               Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners / family Pensioners'Welfare 
OM                                                                                              pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01.07.2016 on 
No.42/15/2016-P&PW(G)                                                          implementation of decision taken on recommendation of 7                                                                                                               th Central    dated 16 th Nov, 2016. Pay Commission.

4.         Department of Pension &                                                              Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners                                                                                                              / family  pensioners - Revised rate effective 

Pensioners' Welfare OM                                                                         from 01.01.2017 No.42/15/2016-P&PW(G)

dated 07 th Apri1,2017.

Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                                           (Manuel Thomas)

                         Sr. Deputy Secretary
                                                                                                           Policy Division


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