Grievance Status

Grievance Status

Status as on 16 Jan 2017Registration Number:PMOPG/E/2017/0001001Name Of Complainant:S C Maheshwari Secy Genl BPSDate of Receipt:01 Jan 2017Received by:Prime Ministers OfficeForwarded to:West Bengal Postal CircleContact Address:Office of the Ch.PMG, West Bengal CircleYogayog BhawanKolkata-700012Contact Number:03322120500Grievance Description:Sir, Pensioners in the areas of Mal Bazar North Bengal did not get pension for Nov 16 as there is no cash in the sub post offices under AGM/ZOnal POST OFFICE of Siliguri. Pensioners at the verge of starvation .Kindly help.Current Status:CASE CLOSEDDate of Action:13 Jan 2017Details:The case has been inquired into by the O/o the SSPOs,Jalpaiguri Division and intimated that as per report of Mal HO, the entire pensions have been disbursed to concerned SOs in due time for effecting payment. But due to insufficient funding of cash from SBI/Mal, cash could not be supplied to SOs.Hence, the pension payment was not made in due time. Now the position is normal. The pension is being paid in due time. The matter has been communicated to the complainant on 09/01/2017. This is for kind information and the case may kindly be considered for closure.Attachment:    open


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