Action Taken Report on the minutes of the 27th SCOVA meeting held on 13.10.2015

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare)

Action Taken Report on the SCOVA Meeting held on 13.10.2015 under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP)

Sl.  NoIssues raised in 27th SCOVA meetingGist of Decision Taken in the 27th SCOVAFollow up Action
l.Para 5(i) of Minutes:-

Revision of PPOs of pre-2006 pensioners
CPAO intimated that as on date 9697 PPOs are yet to be revised. CGA took a meeting on 07.10.2015 in this connection. CPAO has been mapping the pendency location wise.Status of Revision of PPOs of pre-2006 pensioners is as under:-
Mins/ DepttTotal No. of CasesRevised Authority issued by DepttsPPOs yet to be
Defence16.71 lakh16.71 lakhNil
To facilitate settlement of pending cases. meetings are being organized regularly by C PAOs with concerned Ministries/Departments/PAOS. In most of the cases details of pensioners are not available with Ministries/Departments/PAOS. Banks are paying pension to these pensioners under KYC norms. Banks CPPCs have been repeatedly requested to provide details of such pensioners to CPAO. The matter has also been taken up with Department of Financial Services.
One of the associations expressed their reservations about the “Nil” pendency shown in the ATR by Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare. However. the association expressed its inability to provide the details of pending PPOs as the association did not maintain data in this regard. Secretary(Pension) directed that representatives of CGDA. Department of Financial Services and Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare be asked to present in the meeting scheduled to be held on 27.10.2015 for
revision of pension.
Ministry of Defence
CGDA Informed that meetings were held with Air Force Pensioners Associations. The list of unrevised PPOs given by them had been looked into and the unrevised PPOs have been revised.
One of the Railway pensioners' association suggested that perception for non-revision of PPO is partly due to the fact that many of the revised PPO are being sent at the addresses where pensioners no longer reside. The association suggested that the revised PPO be sent to pension disbursing bank who can send it to the pensioners.Ministry of Railways
Ministry of Railways has reported ‘Nil‘ pendency.
Department of Telecom informed that the remaining PPOs pertain  to BSNL about which they do not have sufficient Information. Now. they are taking help from Banks to get that information to reach out to remaining pensioners.Department of Telecom
Department of Telecom has intimated that 228 cases are pending.
Department of Posts
Department of Posts has reported ‘Nil‘ pendency
Jt. Secretary (Pension) requested all the Ministries/Departments to issue revised authorities for all pending cases before the next SCOVA meeting so that this item could be closed finally.
(Action:- CPAO, Department of Posts, Department of Telecom, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Railways and Department of Financial Services)
2.Para 5(ii) of Minutes:- Health Insurance Scheme for  pensioners including those residing in non-CGHS area.Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that after consultation with the concerned Departments such as NITI Ayog. Department of Expenditure, Department of Financial Services and the Insurance Companies a scheme for Health Insurance for employees and pensioners been prepared. An EFC Memo in this regard would be circulated to the concerned Department shortly.

One of the Associations suggested that the Medical Insurance Scheme may be extended to CGHS beneficiaries also. so that they could get medical benefits under Insurance Scheme over and above the reimbursement under CGHS.

(Action: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare/DoPPW

 Draft EFC Memo was circulated by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on 08.02.2016. Comments of DoPPW were sent to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on 26.02.2016. Further comments have been sent by DoPPW vide OM dated 30.05.2016 on the observations made by Ministry of Health and Family employees and pensioners has Welfare on 02.05.2016.

Final EFC Note will be circulated by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare once the comments/approval of all the concerned Ministries/Departments is received.
3.Para 5(iii) of Minutes:- Special ’higher’ Family Pension for the widows of disabled pensioners who have invalided  out of service.It was clarified by the-Association that the matter pertained only to widows of disabled war veterans who have been invalided out of service and not to widows of the others disabled pensioners. It was decided that Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare will have a relook and take a decision at an appropriate level in consultation with CGDA at the earliest.

(Action: Department of Ex-
servicemen Welfare and CGDA)
Ministry of Defence

The proposal was examined by Ministry of Defence in consultation with Department of Expenditure. The latter did not agree to the same.
4.Para 5(iv) of Minutes:-

Extension of CGHS facilities to P&T Pensioners
One of the Pensioners' Association stated that with the dismissal of the SLPs by the Hon'ble Supreme Court on 22-8-2014. the issue has attained finality, and therefore withdrawal of OMS dated 1.8.96 and 05.06.98 must be expedited to pave the way for extension of CGHS facility to P&T Pensioners.

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that a proposal regarding extension of CGHS facility to all P&T pensioners at par with other Government pensioners has been forwarded for approval of Department of Expenditure. Department of Expenditure was advised to expedite their decision in this regard.

(Action: Ministry of Health Family Welfare and Department of Expenditure)
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Department of Expenditure

7th CPC has recommended that all Postal Pensioners should be covered under CGHS'. Department of Expenditure has advised Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to link the issue with processing of Report of 7th CPC and await the decision on the same.
5.Para 5(v) of Minutes:-

Anomaly in fixation of pension to DoT employees absorbed in BSNL, who retired between 01.10.2000 and 31.07.2001
It was informed that a proposal was sent by DOT to DoPPW on 24.04.2015 and a formulation was suggested by DoPPW on 26.06.2015.The case was thereafter referred by DOT to Department of Expenditure. Department of Expenditure sought some clarification/information on 17.09.2015 which are being obtained by DoT from concerned Departments/ Agencies. DOT was asked to finalise their proposal by 31.10.2015.

(Action: Department Telecom and DoPPW)

Based on some queries of Department of Expenditure. Department of Telecom sought further clarification. This was furnished to Department of Telecom on 11.12.2015. No further response has been received from DoT despite reminders dated 18.02.2016.29.04.2016 and 26.05.2016.

Department of Telecom

The clarifications received from DoPPW were sent to Department of Expenditure on 26.02.206. The matter is pending with Department of Expenditure 
6.Para 5(vi) of Minutes:-

Merger of 78.2% IDA with basic pension benefit to the absorbed BSNL Pensioners.
Department of Telecom informed that a draft Cabinet Note was circulated on 16.06.2015 and comments of DoPPW were conveyed to DOT on 06.07.2015.Comments/Views from other Ministries/Departments have also been received. However, some queries have been raised by Department of Expenditure and the information/inputs on same are being collected for furnishing
the same to Department of Expenditure. DOT were asked to send the reply to Department of Expenditure by 31.10.2015.

(Action: D/o Telecom & D/o Expenditure)
Department of Telecom

Inter-Ministerial comments have been received and collated. The Cabinet Note has been put up for approval of Hon‘ble Telecom Minister.
7.Para 5(vii) of Minutes:-
Extension of benefit of upgraded Grade Pay pre-2006 retirees of S-12 grade (issue of grant of grade pay of Rs.4600/- instead of Rs.4200/-)
Department of Expenditure informed that they are examining the matter and a response would be sent to DoPPW in a week’s time.

(Action: D/o Expenditure DoPPW)
Department of Expenditure/DoPPW

Department of Expenditure has not agreed to the proposal.
8.Para 5(viii) of Minutes

Extension of benefit of OM dated 28.01.2013 w.e.f 01.01.2006 instead of 24.09.2012 (Revision of disability pension/family pension under EOP Rules)
It was informed that orders of Hon‘ble Supreme Court’s have been complied with vide DoPPW OM No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 30.07.2015. It was informed that the proposal for revision of disability pension under EOP Rules has been referred to Ministry of Finance separately. as the formula for disability pension is different from that of normal pension.
(Action: D/o P&PW)

In this regard DoPPW has issued ()M No. 45/3/2008-P&PW(F) dated 29.04.2016 which gives the benefit w.e.f  01.01.2016 corresponding to OM dated 30.07.2015 issued in the case of ordinary pensioners. The file for further revision of disability pension corresponding to the OM dated 06.04.2016 (issued in the case of ordinary pensioners) has been referred to Department of Expenditure on 30.05.2016.
9.Para 5(x) of Minutes:-

Issues relating to CGHS:-

(A) Opening of CGHS Dispensary in Srinagar.
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that the request for opening of dispensary in Srinagar has been regretted as the CGHS resources fully committed as of now. Secretary(Pension) stated that he would take up the matter again with Secretary (Health).Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

In the review meeting held on 26.02.2016. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that P&T dispensary at Jammu has been merged with CGHS dispensary and the erstwhile P&T dispensary is lying inoperative. It was suggested to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to consider the shifting of
non-operational dispensary of Jammu to Srinagar. Ministry of Health and Welfare on 22.06.2016 informed that the proposal for opening of a Wellness Centre at Srinagar is under submission.
(B) Provision of additional at CGHS Wellness Centre Jammu and computerization of Jammu Centre.Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that there are 2 doctors posted at CGHS Wellness Centre. Jammu. one on deputation from J&K Health Department and other is a retiree from J&K Health Department. Regarding computerization of  Wellness Centre at Jammu. the payment has been made to BSNL for installing 4 Mbps lease line and approval has been conveyed to start CGHS application in Jammu using their existing Broad Band connectivity.
(Action: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)
2 doctors have already been posted at Jammu Wellness Centre and the computerization of Jammu Wellness Centre has been completed.
10Para 5(txi) of Minutes :-
Extension of CGHS facilities to retired BSNL employees-Issue of follow up orders by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and fixation of rates of contribution and ward entitlement by Department of Telecom.
The Department of Telecom Department of Telecom informed that the matter was being examined anda proposal in this regard is being submitted for approval of competent authority  to take up the case further with Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Department of Telecom was asked to finalise their proposal quickly and send it to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare by3l.10.2015.
(Action:- Department of Telecom and Ministry of Health&FW)
Department of Telecom funished the requisite information regarding criteria to be followed in drawing CDA/IDA pension for deciding contribution and ward entitlement to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on 18.11.2015.

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

in this regard, a meeting was held with Department of Telecom (DOT) and it was decided that DOT will mention the equivalent Basic Pay and Grade Pay as per Central Dearness Allowance (CDA)
Scale also corresponding to Industrial Dearness Allowance (IDA) Scale. in the PPO issued to pensioners getting pension from Central Civil Estimates. This will enable CGHS in deciding rate of
contributions and ward entitlement for issuance of CGHS cards to the eligible BSNL/MTNL pensioners
11.SI. No(27.2) :- 
Extension of the benefits of DoPPW OM No. 38/37/08- P&PW(A) dated 28.01.2013 read with OM date 30.07.2015 to pre-2006 pensioners with less than 33 years of service.
 It was informed that the matter was under examination in the wake of orders dated 26.08.2015 of Hon’ble Supreme Court in a Review Petition filed by the Government in the case of M.O.Inasu.

(Action: DoPPW)
The orders have been issued by DoPPW vide OM No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 06.04.2016.
12.SI.7Ho(2-7.3) :-

Opening/ Extension/ Repair of Dispensaries at following stations: (a) Chandigarh,
and Mohali
Considering-The number of CGHS card holders in Chandigarh, which is much more than the prescribed norms, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare agreed that they would re-examine the case for additional dispensary/staff at Chandigarh.Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

In the review meeting on 26.02.2016. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that they are examining the proposed of opening of CGHS dispensary at Chandigarh/Mohali/Panchkula. The response of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is awaited.
(b) AmbarnathThe renovation work for CGHS Wellness Centre in Ambarnath, Maharashtra. is in progress since
April, 2015.

(Action:- Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare)
(b) In case of Ambarnath. the renovation work of CGHS wellness center is in progress and is likely to be completed in 3 months.
13.SLNO (27.4):-
Issues relating to CGHS Dispensary at Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare representative intimated Issues relating to the following:Ministry of Health and Faimly Welfare
Regarding issues related to CGHS Dispensary Dehradun. following action has been taken:-
(a) Regular appointment of Grp C& D staff.(a) The process to appoint regular staff has now been initiated.(a) The process of appointment of regular staff has been initiated.
(b) Opening of Ayurvedic/ Homeopathic and Sidda Dispensary.(b) There are only 85 AYUSH dispensaries in CGHS. The feasibility of opening one at Dehra Dun would be examined.(b) The proposal was not agreed to due to resource constraints.
(c) Delegation of power of Additional Director, CGHS at Dehradun to sanction Medical Reimbursement Claims(MRCs)(c) There is no post of Regional Director under CGHS. even at Chandigarh. However. there is post of Additional Director, CGHS at Dehradun and has been filled up by a regular incumbent. The question of delegating powers for sanctioning Medical Reimbursement Claims to Addl. Director Dehradun would be examined.

(Action:- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)
(c) The powers of DDO has been delegated to Addl Director. Dehradun vide order dated
14. SLNo. (27.5):-

Supreme Court Judgement in CA No. 11527 of 2014 (Arising out of SLP No:- 11684 of 2012) regarding recovery of wrongful/excess payment from employees/pensioners.
DoPT informed that there are legal and financial aspects involved and the matter is being examined. DoPT was advised to expedite the decision in this respect

(Action: DoPT/DoPPW)

In this regard. the orders have been issued by DoPT vide its OM No.18/03/2015-Estt.(pay-l) dated 02.03.2016. 

Forwarding letter of Action Taken Report on the minutes of the 27th SCOVA meeting held on 13.10.2015

No. 42/05/2016-P&PW(G)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare

3rd Floor. Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market. New Delhi-110003
Date:- 22nd June 2016

All the Pensioners Association included in SCOVA
vide Resolution dated 25.08.2015
Subject:- Action Taken Report on the minutes of the 27th SCOVA meeting held on 13.10.2015 and Fresh Agenda Items to be discussed in 28th SCOVA meeting.

Please find enclosed herewith copies of ATR on the decision of the 27th SCOVA meeting held on 13.10.2015 and a list of Fresh Agenda Items to be discussed in the 28th SCOVA meeting to be held on 27.06.2016 under the Chairmanship of Hon'ble MOS(PP).
Encl: as above

(Charanjit Taneja)
Under Secretary to the Government of India


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